Global experience of regional policy instruments to reduce socio-economic disparities

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The article systematises the global experience of implementing regional policy instruments aimed at reducing disparities in the levels of socio-economic development. The experience of the EAEU member states, the EU, the WTO, etc. has been studied. It has been revealed that financial instruments are mainly used to: accelerate economic growth of lagging regions within the countries; improve the tax system (reduction of tax rates for citizens with lower nominal incomes by increasing the rates of the wealthiest citizens); attract investment; realize production potential; improve social and housing conditions of the population; provide employment, etc. The effectiveness of such measures in many member states of integration alliances is quite high. It has been noted that non-financial instruments to stimulate economic growth and reduce existing disparities in the levels of socio-economic development are also significant and relevant.FUNDING:The article was prepared within the framework of the state task of the MEI RAS: the research topic «Modeling of the processes of ensuring sustainable and balanced socio-economic and spatial development of Russia and neighboring countries in order to form a Large Eurasian partnership»; the research topic «Institutional transformation of economic security in solving socio-economic problems of sustainable development of the national economy of Russia».

About the authors

Daler Irmatovich Usmanov

Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (MEI RAS); Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of Management

Author for correspondence.

Alesya Nikolaevna Anishchenko

Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (MEI RAS)



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Copyright (c) 2023 Usmanov D.I., Anishchenko A.N.

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