Professor-geologist Dmitry Golubyatnikov: contribution to increasing the efficiency of Apsheronskaya oil industry

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Dmitry V. Golubyatnikov (1866-1933), a distinguished petroleum geologist of the Geological Committee, Professor of the Moscow mining Academy, chief geologist of the Central management of the oil industry of VSNKh of the USSR. In 1903 the Geological Committee began work in the oil-rich areas. D. V. Golubyatnikov was sent to the Absheron Peninsula. He was a consistent proponent of applying the scientific approach in petroleum Geology. From this approach emerged many practical recommendations and forward-looking assessment of the prospects of oil production. Golubyatnikov acquainted with the geological literature and cartographic materials of the Apsheron Peninsula and was struck by the lack of a developed stratigraphic section of the Peninsula and the lack of paleontological data on the stratigraphic units. Inspection of oil-rich areas, which was published a detailed geological map showed that the information available in published sources, largely at odds with reality and is not amenable to summary, showed obvious discrepancy with the age of different stratigraphic horizons. The rationale of the comparative reliability of individual sections of the Peninsula demanded the geological foundations in the form of a composite stratigraphic section and geologic maps. With the aim of making the incision of the Peninsula of pigeon turned to the prospecting of outcrops. A big success for him was the cut of the Apsheron layer, opened by a tunnel carried out for the descent of the water of Ramana dairy lake. The tunnel length 2715 m opened the whole series of rocks of the Apsheron layer. The fauna found here have allowed Golubjatnikova to identify three horizon layer according to types of shellfish. This scheme still lies at the core of the breakdown of the Apsheron layer. Golubyatnikova stratigraphic discoveries were many, and they allow to understand the complex Geology of the prospective area. Snipers have aimed not only to create a detailed geological map of the entire territory of the Absheron Peninsula, but also to make special, special formation card. About them then many people have already said, but in fact nobody imagined that it is. Only after the work Golubyatnikova has been found ways to image the structure's interior, with maps of underground terrain (structural) normal and detailed cross sections and profiles with an indication of separate layers. Such graphic images have been extremely useful for the oil industry practitioners to understand the context of the oilfields and aquifers. Highlighted by Golubjatnikova reference horizons of the section really helped deciphering whimsical web layers. Work on the study of Geology of the Azerbaijan oil fields by D. V. Golubyatnikov began almost a virgin.In the process of this work, he laid the foundation of the branch of oil geology, which received the name of the oil field. Golubyatnikov was a pioneer in the creation of concrete ideas about the structure of the subsoil of oil fields, in the graphical representation of their images, the identification of oil and gas strata, the identification of the relationship between the individual members of the stratigraphic section, their structural forms and distribution of oil, geothermal and hydrochemical studies of oil fields. The core of his approach was the compilation of detailed reservoir maps of oil reservoirs, and then atlases, which became an innovation in world petroleum geology. Carefully studying hundreds of wells in the Absheron oil fields, especially oil-bearing strata, the chemical composition of oil, its physical properties and deviations, he actually created a science of oil geology. The richest oil province of Azerbaijan was replete with the whimsical structure of oil reservoirs and often some of them were missed during searches. This required special techniques and technologies that proposed Golubyatnikov. Bold and reasonable forecasts of Golubyatnikov - Baby-Heybat, Surahani, Kobistan dramatically increased the oil capabilities of Azerbaijan.

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Dmitry V. Golubyatnikov (1866-1933), a distinguished petroleum geologist of the Geological Committee, Professor of the Moscow mining Academy, chief geologist of the Central management of the oil industry of VSNKh of the USSR. In 1903 the Geological Committee began work in the oil-rich areas. D. V. Golubyatnikov was sent to the Absheron Peninsula. He was a consistent proponent of applying the scientific approach in petroleum Geology. From this approach emerged many practical recommendations and forward-looking assessment of the prospects of oil production. Golubyatnikov acquainted with the geological literature and cartographic materials of the Apsheron Peninsula and was struck by the lack of a developed stratigraphic section of the Peninsula and the lack of paleontological data on the stratigraphic units. Inspection of oil-rich areas, which was published a detailed geological map showed that the information available in published sources, largely at odds with reality and is not amenable to summary, showed obvious discrepancy with the age of different stratigraphic horizons. The rationale of the comparative reliability of individual sections of the Peninsula demanded the geological foundations in the form of a composite stratigraphic section and geologic maps. With the aim of making the incision of the Peninsula of pigeon turned to the prospecting of outcrops. A big success for him was the cut of the Apsheron layer, opened by a tunnel carried out for the descent of the water of Ramana dairy lake. The tunnel length 2715 m opened the whole series of rocks of the Apsheron layer. The fauna found here have allowed Golubjatnikova to identify three horizon layer according to types of shellfish. This scheme still lies at the core of the breakdown of the Apsheron layer. Golubyatnikova stratigraphic discoveries were many, and they allow to understand the complex Geology of the prospective area. Snipers have aimed not only to create a detailed geological map of the entire territory of the Absheron Peninsula, but also to make special, special formation card. About them then many people have already said, but in fact nobody imagined that it is. Only after the work Golubyatnikova has been found ways to image the structure's interior, with maps of underground terrain (structural) normal and detailed cross sections and profiles with an indication of separate layers. Such graphic images have been extremely useful for the oil industry practitioners to understand the context of the oilfields and aquifers. Highlighted by Golubjatnikova reference horizons of the section really helped deciphering whimsical web layers. Work on the study of Geology of the Azerbaijan oil fields by D. V. Golubyatnikov began almost a virgin.In the process of this work, he laid the foundation of the branch of oil geology, which received the name of the oil field. Golubyatnikov was a pioneer in the creation of concrete ideas about the structure of the subsoil of oil fields, in the graphical representation of their images, the identification of oil and gas strata, the identification of the relationship between the individual members of the stratigraphic section, their structural forms and distribution of oil, geothermal and hydrochemical studies of oil fields. The core of his approach was the compilation of detailed reservoir maps of oil reservoirs, and then atlases, which became an innovation in world petroleum geology. Carefully studying hundreds of wells in the Absheron oil fields, especially oil-bearing strata, the chemical composition of oil, its physical properties and deviations, he actually created a science of oil geology. The richest oil province of Azerbaijan was replete with the whimsical structure of oil reservoirs and often some of them were missed during searches. This required special techniques and technologies that proposed Golubyatnikov. Bold and reasonable forecasts of Golubyatnikov - Baby-Heybat, Surahani, Kobistan dramatically increased the oil capabilities of Azerbaijan.

About the authors

Valentin I. Onoprienko

Institute for research of scientific and technical potential and history of science of the national Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, chief researcher, Institute for research of scientific and technical potential and history of science Kiev, Ukraine


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