卷 3, 编号 3 (2021)

Russian history

Death of a pagan prince in ancient Rus and its reflection in the “druzhina culture” (IX -XI centuries)

Fogel A.


The paper is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the reflection of the deaths of the first pagan representatives of the princely dynasty of Rurikovich in the minds of the druzhina (prince’s squad). The main attention is paid to the features of the position of the druzhina in the traditional society of Ancient Rus and its interaction with the princes. The author identifies the main aspects of the druzhina culture, reveals the symbolic and mythological meaning of life and especially the death of the prince in the perception of the druzhina. The paper covers the main options and complexes of actions of the druzhina in relation to the dead prince. The problem is considered on the basis of modern achievements of Russian humanities.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):5-13
pages 5-13 views

New Zakamskaya line: evolution of name and status

Dubman E.


The article is devoted to the transformation of the name of the New Zakamskaya (Trans-Kama) line from the moment of its construction in the 1730s in the forest-steppe Trans-Volga region to the present day. Using the example of the design and construction of this defensive line, the author examines the features of its formation as an integral system of fortifications. The article contains the characteristics of the length of the line and the peculiarities of the formation of its status as a monument of historical and cultural heritage.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):14-24
pages 14-24 views

The Russian Orthodox church in the liberation struggle of the South Slavs in 1875-1878 (based on materials from the Volga region)

Anshakov Y., Shepeleva A., Tolkachev M.


The article is devoted to a complex of problems associated with the participation of the Russian Orthodox church in organizing of assistance to the liberation struggle of the South Slavs during the Balkan crisis of 1875-1878. The authors analyze various aspects of the assistance of the Russian Orthodox church to the South Slavs.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):25-33
pages 25-33 views

The Volga way in the scholarly discourse of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries

Leontyeva O.


The formation of the image of the Volga in Russian culture in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries was associated with the search for a scenario of national identity: such values, images, and “places of memory” that could unite the nation and create a sense of a living connection between times and spaces. Along with literature and art, the historical and geographical sciences contributed to the solution of this problem: scholarly works were designed for a wide range of readers and were characterized by imagery of presentation; historians and geographers were interested in the importance of different territories for humans. The image of the Volga region as a colonized space that was once “alien” but gradually becomes “ours” dominated the scholarly discourse. The works of historians and geographers played an important role in the formation of the “Volga text” in Russian culture, which remains relevant to the present day.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):34-42
pages 34-42 views

Bodies of the forest industry and forestry in 1918-1921 (on the materials of the Penza province)

Voyeikov E.


The author systematizes information from archival and published sources on the formation of organizational structures of the forest industry and forestry on the example of the Penza province. He traces evolution of the formation of provincial forest committees (gubleskoms) and logging committees for railways (zheleskoms) at the regional level, as well as the expansion of the range of firewood producers due to the admission of military units and industrial enterprises to logging. The author reveals the role of temporary emergency commissions and the commissioners in destabilizing the production process in 1920-1921.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):43-58
pages 43-58 views

Establishment of soviet statistical bodies in Crimea (1920 – 1921)

Вorshchik N.


The article is devoted to the initial stage of the formation of the Soviet statistical bodies. The author points out that due of the exceptional importance of statistical data for public administration, the Soviet government, despite the outbreak of the Civil War, developed the first normative acts on the creation of a statistical service back in 1918. In Crimea, the functioning of Soviet statistical bodies began only at the end of 1920 due to revolutionary events on the peninsula. The author has identified archival documents revealing the entire range of work carried out on the organization of Crimean provincial and county statistical offices. He concludes that the professional staff of Crimean statisticians, their well-coordinated actions made it possible to take part in the first All-Russian census of 1920-1921 and get quite reliable results.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):59-64
pages 59-64 views

Labor daily life of the soviet elite in Leningrad in the era of late stalinism

Amosova A.


The article presents the research of the working norms and practices of the Soviet elite in the 1945-1950. The main attention is paid to the political biographies of the chairmen of Leningrad local government (Soviets). The research is based on methods of the oral history and the history of emotions; its source base includes documents from the archives of St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Crimea. The studied generation of Leningrad leading cadres came to government positions in the late 1930s, after the repressions of the “Great Terror”. The members of the Soviet elite passed the testing of their professional skills during World War II and the Blockade of Leningrad, and directed the forced postwar reconstruction of the national economy. In the late 1940s, they became victims of the so-called “Leningrad affair”.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):65-83
pages 65-83 views

World history

Clergy and rule on the anglo-scottish borders under the first Tudor monarch

Alexander A.


The use of clergy in public administration was a tradition of medieval England, including in the counties bordering Scotland. The first Tudor also engaged representatives of the clergy for diplomatic missions, participation in local government and even in the military-administrative sphere. Richard Fox, Bishop of Durham, was perhaps the most striking example of such participation of prelates in government. But Fox’s special role in the affairs of the Anglo-Scottish borderland was connected not so much with his spiritual rank as with his proximity to the monarch. Here we can trace the desire of Henry VII to control the provincial administration with the help of loyal individuals who were not associated with the elites of the region.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):84-89
pages 84-89 views

All the king’s man»: militia in the history of England during the Stuart age

Gordienko D.


The article presents the results of a study devoted to the history of the British armed forces in the “long” 17th century. The militia was the backbone of England’s national military system. The author examines the aspects of the development of the institutions of the modern state during the reign of the Stuart dynasty, traces the process of the development of the militia and the formation of the regular army. He reveals the role of the militia in the political events of the Century of Revolutions: the reign of Charles I, the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, the Restoration age, the Glorious Revolution, and also gives a retrospective review of the events of the 18th century.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):90-97
pages 90-97 views

Afghanistan in the sphere of trade interests of the Russian empire in the first half of the XIX century

Shkunov V.


The article is devoted to the problems of trade and economic rivalry between the Russian Empire and Great Britain in the first half of the XIX century, when the two powers were looking for adequate methods and forms of protecting their interests in Central Asia and Afghanistan. The author pays special attention to the problems of economic development and foreign trade of Afghanistan in the period under review. He examines the main objects of export and import, trade volumes, channels for the sale of goods, ethnic and confessional characteristics of merchants who participated in trade with Kabul. The role of the diplomatic service of Russia and Great Britain, travelers, scouts, merchants in collecting the necessary information about the situation in the Middle East is noted. The author focuses on the role and importance of the Central Asian khanates and merchants in promoting Russian goods to Afghanistan. The regional peculiarities of the organization of foreign trade are noted (by the example of Baloch).

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):98-103
pages 98-103 views

Tiananmen 1989: democracy, citizenship and protest in the representation of the US media

Buranok S.


The author examines the materials of the US media in 1989, devoted to finding answers to the question about the type of protests in China. Analysis of the US press reveals a complex and controversial information situation. 1989 saw a gradual increase in the interest of journalists, editors, and politicians to the problem of existence of citizen society and democracy in China. US journalists had come to understanding the new contours of the geopolitical picture; they realized that there are at least two global approaches to the question of restructuring Chinese society and that these approaches directly affect the understanding of the new role of the United States in the world..

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):104-107
pages 104-107 views

Methodology, historiography, source studies

Subjects of household and personal items as a source for studying the urban everyday life of the late imperial era

Yakhno O.


The author discusses the need to expand the source base for studying the history of everyday life. It is noted that a solid pool of historiographic works has already been accumulated in this area of research. Recent publications focusing on the reconstruction of everyday life in national capitals and provincial centers contain extensive generalizations and conclusions. At the same time, almost all studies are based on various legal acts, current records, statistical materials, publications in periodicals of a relevant period, and written sources of private origin. Subjects of material culture, the «world of things» that surrounds people in their everyday life, receive much less attention as a potential source of research. The article demonstrates in what way the analysis of numerous household items, various accessories for hobbies and pastime, as well as personal care items, may contribute to a better understanding of both the material side of everyday life and the diversity of individual and group preferences, behavioral and communication styles, and value orientations of the people. The author draws a conclusion that this approach is particularly important for studying the changes in everyday life observed in critical periods in the Russian history characteristic of the early 20th century.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):108-117
pages 108-117 views

Archaeology and ethnography

To the question about two cultural-chronological groups of flint inventory of the Krasny Gorodok site

Andreev K., Borodulin K.


The Krasny Gorodok site, explored in the late 1980s, has long attracted the attention of specialists in the Neolithic. There archaeologists discovered a small but very interesting collection of ceramics. At the same time, the flint complex of the site raised several questions even at the stage of primary comprehension of the material, and researchers made assumptions about the presence of two cultural-chronological groups of flint materials in the complex of the site. In connection with the expansion of the source base on the Early Neolithic and Mesolithic of the forest-steppe Volga region, as well as the acquisition of a significant array of natural science data, it became necessary to verify the conclusions drawn by more than a quarter of a century ago. In particular, the question of the homogeneity of the flint collection of the site and the possibility of identifying an early admixture remains relevant. During the reanalysis of the flint collection of the Krasny Gorodok site, about 600 units of stone artifacts were examined. This complex was divided into two groups depending on the color and quality characteristics of the flint. The first group is represented by artifacts made of high-quality flint of gray color and its various shades. The second group includes artifacts made of low-grade colored flint, mainly brown and of various shades of brown, without a stable shape. The first group is characterized by a large orientation towards obtaining plates of a regular shape and their relatively high specific gravity (23%). In addition, this type of raw material was used to make all the angular cutters on the plates found at the site and, in general, most of the tools were made from plate blanks. The collection of tools made of colored flint is less indicative, however, one can state a lesser orientation towards obtaining plates from this type of raw material and, predominantly, their irregular shape, while few tools were made on flakes and chips. In our opinion, the marked differences between the first and second groups of stone products from the site are of a cultural and chronological nature. The first group of flint, in terms of raw materials, shape and technique of making tools and applying retouching on them, can be attributed to the era of the late Mesolithic of the forest-steppe Volga region. The second group, in terms of the nature of the raw materials and the morphology of tools, belongs to the Early Neolithic.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):118-125
pages 118-125 views

The culture of two epochs in the Volga-Vyatka Interfluve. The phenomenon of the Maidan culture of the Middle Volga version of the Volosovo cultural and historical community. Part 2

Nikitin V.


The author examines the materials of the developed and late periods of the Maidan culture, the time of the formation of the metal age, the introduction of metal objects made of pure copper into everyday life. The Part 1 is published in the journal of the Samara Scientific Center of RAS (2021. Vol. 3. No. 2. Pp. 86-99).

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):126-132
pages 126-132 views

Returning to the question of the role of Kelteminar culture in the history of Eurasia of the neolithic – early bronze age

Sverchkov L.


Understanding the issues of the historical development of Eurasia that have accumulated over many years is impossible without the equal participation of all scientific disciplines. Due to the specificity of its methods, archaeology seems to recede into the background, giving way to the natural sciences (genetics) and the most accurate of the humanities, namely linguistics. This article is nothing more than another attempt, using traditional archaeological methods, to draw attention once again to archaeological cultures located on a vast territory in the very heart of Eurasia. First of all, we are talking about the Kelteminar cultural and historical community, its relationships with neighboring communities, participation in the genesis of the Yamnaya and especially Fatyanovo cultures. Inevitably, this analysis touches upon the problems of the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language community, its localization and areal connections.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2021;3(3):133-165
pages 133-165 views