卷 4, 编号 4 (2022)

Russian history

Features of zoning the counties of the Southern Middle Volga in the mid XVII - beginning of the XVIII centuries

Dubman E.


The author discusses the peculiarities of zoning of counties of the Southern Middle Volga region in the middle of the 17th – early 18th centuries. The source base for studying the topic is represented by documents from the central archives and published materials. On the example of one of the largest border counties, Simbirsk, the author reveals the specifics of the formation of an internal militarized administrative-territorial system of zoning and management.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):5-15
pages 5-15 views

Residents of the Volga region in the struggle for the freedom of Bulgaria during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. Part 1.

Anshakov Y.


The article is devoted to the participation of the residents of the Volga region in the hostilities on the territory of Bulgaria during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. The regiments that arrived in Bulgaria from the provinces of the Volga region took part in the most important battles of the war, such as the battle of Lovcha, the assault on Plevna, and the crossing of the Troyan Pass to the Trans-Balkan region in December 1877. The author examines such an important event of the war as the battle of Stara Zagora (Eskizağra) in July 1877, when Russian soldiers and Bulgarian militia fought under the Samara flag. He also discusses some subjects related to the reaction of the population of the Volga region to certain events of the Russian-Turkish war.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):16-28
pages 16-28 views

Political work to establish military discipline in the troops of the Soviet Eastern front in the 1918-1919: some aspects

Ippolitov G.


The military-historical phenomenon of political work in the Red Army was born, matured and established itself during the period of the fratricidal Civil war in Russia, at its frontline stage (1918 - 1920). It was developed to solve the problem of strengthening military discipline in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. The author discusses some aspects of political work to strengthen military discipline in the troops of the Soviet Eastern Front in 1918-1919. The core of the source base of the study is represented by official documents from the Russian archives, as well as published documentary materials. The author also relied on the historiographical works of his predecessors.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):37-49
pages 37-49 views

Economic establishments in the late 1940s: regarding the typology of «lobby groups» in Soviet planning system. Part 1

Zakharchenko A.


The author decomposes mechanisms of cooperative actions taken by departmental struggling parties (People's Commissariats -Ministries above all else) to defend their economic interests. The study covers chronological time range between 1945 and 1950s, period of developing and implementation of the 4th Five-year industrial plan. The specificity of this period was determined by the conversion transition marked the “end of the war”, during which all sectors of the Soviet economy were adapted to work in peacetime. The struggle between the People's commissariats (Ministries) for more reasonable conditions for the fulfillment of economic obligations forced their leaders to create informal groups, which the author calls «lobby groups». Each of them was formed to protect the interests of the industrial sector it represented. The author proposes a typology of such groups based on the analysis of correspondence between economic departments and Stalin's governmental deputies, who were responsible for the success of one or another initiative by industry lobbyists.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):50-59
pages 50-59 views

Competitors from the south (tourist market of the Russian empire from the middle to the end of the 19th century)

Rodnov M.


The author considers the influence and interaction of the main center of domestic tourism in the Russian Empire, the Black Sea coast of Crimea, with other regions of medical tourism, primarily with the "koumiss area" in the Trans-Volga region: Samara, Ufa, and Orenburg provinces. Publications in the periodicals of the "capital" of the Southern coast of Crimea, Yalta, as well as the study of advertising, demonstrate the deep interest of the business and editorial-journalistic community of Crimea in monitoring the development of competitors in the field of tourism, while not forgetting to give readers a negative assessment of them. This is especially true of the Trans-Volga region, whose range of services for the treatment of tuberculosis patients with koumiss largely coincided with the proposals of the Crimeans. On the other hand, the owners of koumiss clinics in the Trans-Volga region sought to enter the richest tourist market in Crimea.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):29-36
pages 29-36 views

The consumer sector of trade and household service of the population of Kuibyshev in the early 1980s

Povlyuchenko V.


The paper is devoted to the analysis of documents of industrial-transport, administrative and trade-financial bodies of the Kuibyshev city committee of the CPSU, which allow to reconstruct the state of trade and consumer services in the city of Kuibyshev in the early 1980s. The author reveals the main problems in supplying the population with food and industrial goods. The data prove that the real state of trade enterprises did not always correspond to the optimistic indicators and achievements declared in the resolutions of the CPSU city committee bureau. On the example of fruits and vegetables, the author points out the difficulties of foodstuffs supplying the population in 1980-1982. It is proved that the shortage of products was due to both objective and subjective factors. The heads of the city party committee and departments of the city executive committee not only performed the functions of coordinating and controlling the activities of trade and consumer services enterprises, but also considered proposals for further improvement and development of their work. The author highlights the main problems of consumer services, primarily related to the financing of the city and the ever-growing needs of its population.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):60-67
pages 60-67 views

The Armenian population of the Middle Volga region at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 21st century

Mkrtchyan L.


The paper is devoted to the dynamics of the Armenian population in the Middle Volga region (Ulyanovsk, Penza, Samara oblasts and the Republic of Tatarstan) over a long historical period: from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century. The sources of the study are the materials of the First General Population Census of the Russian Empire (1897), the All-Union Population Censuses (1926, 1939, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989) and the All-Russian Population Censuses (2002 and 2010). The author defines the most important stages in the formation of the Armenian diaspora on a regional scale. At the end of the XIX century. the Armenian population of the region was rather small and amounted to several dozen people. A noticeable increase in the Armenian population in the Middle Volga region was observed in the 1920s due to mass migration during the Genocide. At this stage, the organizational formation of the Armenian diaspora in the Middle Volga began, the first national-religious association was created in Samara. During the Soviet period, the number of the Armenian population of the Middle Volga region gradually increased mainly due to labor migrations. At the end of the 20th century, the growth rate of the Armenian population of the Middle Volga region increased significantly due to mass forced migrations.  For most of the studied period, the Armenian population of the Middle Volga region was dominated by residents of the Samara (Kuibyshev) oblast: in 2010, their share exceeded 60.0%. The modern period of development of the Armenian diaspora in the Middle Volga region is characterized by a high level of self-organization of the community, which facilitates the adaptation of new settlers, their integration into the host community.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):68-76
pages 68-76 views

World history

From the Great Game to the Cold War: small wars on the east in the British and Russian military thought in the first third of the 20th century

Malkin S., Lezin A.


The understanding of a small war as a model of a colonial insurgency was a characteristic feature of the development of the military thought of European empires that were expanding their borders. The authors see this process as a reflection of discussions about the role of military authorities in ensuring the colonial order. Comparison of the Russian and British cases in the first third of the 20th century allows us to move beyond the traditional framework of the “Great Game” in studying the peculiarities of the use of military force in the eastern outskirts of the Russian and British empires. An analysis of the evolution of the military thought of these countries demonstrates that on the eve of the Great War, their professional military communities shared common ideas about the spectrum of priority potential threats to their security in Asia, giving priority to training personnel and officers in conventional conflicts. The study proves that in the Interbellum, the attitude of the military of the Great Britain and the USSR to small wars changed under the influence of new global ideological trends (nationalism, communism, pan-Islamism). We have succeeded in proving that, despite all the differences in ideological approaches and the methodology of analysis, both British and Soviet military thought came to the conclusion that in non-European theaters of small war, military measures represent only a part of the overall policy of appeasement of a particular territory and should be combined with social, economic and political measures designed to overcome the crisis of loyalty in relations with the native population.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):77-81
pages 77-81 views

Markus Wallenberg Jr.: financian, manufacturer, public man

Gekht A.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the main stages of the biography of the prominent Swedish businessman and banker, Marcus Wallenberg Jr. As a representative of the third generation of the largest financiers in the Nordic countries, M. Wallenberg Jr. made a significant contribution to the economic development of Sweden in the second third of the 20th century, becoming one of the leaders of the SEB, the largest bank in the region, as well as a number of prominent enterprises and associations ("ASEA", "SKF", "Ericsson", "Electrolux", "SAAB" and "SAS"), which have become leaders among international concerns. In addition to his business activities, M. Wallenberg Jr. during the Second World War acted more than once as an unofficial diplomat, representing the interests of his homeland. He was also a prominent public figure who entered into mutually beneficial cooperation with the Social Democratic Party that ruled Sweden, which was looking for common ground with the country's largest financial and industrial group. Despite the death of his eldest son, who was considered his successor, M. Wallenberg Jr. was able to transfer the management of the family empire into the hands of his youngest son, who continued his father's work after his death.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):82-93
pages 82-93 views

History of international relations and foreign policy

UNRRA mission in Poland 1945-1947: successes and failures of the international humanitarian effort

Zapariy Y., Borodunina K.


The article is devoted to the activities of the mission of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) in Poland. The history of UNRRA characterizes the development of humanitarian activity on truly international basis, it also allows us to trace the tasks and priorities of post-war planning and reconstruction process. The main efforts of the organization were concentrated on the situation at the European continent. Providing assistance to Poland as one of the hardest-hit countries in the war whose fate has also caused political controversy, was a serious test for the UNRRA. The article is based on American and Soviet diplomatic documents, as well as materials from the UN archive; sources give us reason to conclude that the main difficulties of the organization included agreement on the deployment of the mission, as well as planning supplies. The authors characterize the main directions of the mission's activities in 1945-1947, present information on the volume and structure of humanitarian aid supplies to Poland. Archival documents of UNRRA provided a basis for studying the activities of the organization aimed at stimulating the process of repatriation to Poland. Humanitarian aid and funding of programs through the organization made it possible to stabilize the situation and minimize the negative consequences of war in Poland. UNRRA's international approach has been both a strength and a weakness of the organization. On the one hand, the international approach contributed to an effective response to political challenges and logistical problems. On the other hand, the interaction of the USSR and the USA in one organization inevitably led to an aggravation of political contradictions regarding the goals and objectives of the organization's activities in a particular region.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):94-100
pages 94-100 views

Methodology, historiography, source studies

Some aspects of the history of studying the problem of cultural and educational work in the Red Army since the 1920s to June 1941 in the materials of scientific conferences and articles by Russian scholars published at the beginning of the 21st century

Tribunsky S.


Cultural and educational work was an integral, but relatively independent part of a unique military-historical phenomenon: party-political work, which was successfully carried out in the Armed Forces of the Soviet state throughout their history. In contemporary Russian historiography increased attention to the problem of cultural and educational work in the Red Army (RKKA) since the 1920s to June 1941 was embodied in the corresponding array of historiographic sources. The author of this article analyzes two types of historiographic sources: materials of scientific conferences and articles by Russian researchers published from 2001 to the present. A distinctive feature of contemporary Russian historiography is its exceptionally dynamic and unfinished nature, which left a strong imprint on the materials of scientific conferences and articles by Russian researchers covering a number of aspects of the cultural and educational work in the Red Army. There is a process of overcoming the methodological crisis and the emergence of new theoretical and methodological approaches in Russian historical science.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):101-114
pages 101-114 views

Archaeology and ethnography

Scientific contribution of Lyudmila Kuznetsova to the development of archaeology and museum work in Samara

Salugina N., Stashenkov D.


The article is dedicated to the jubilee of the outstanding archaeologist, leading specialist in the field of studying Paleolithic of the Volga region, Liudmila Vasilievna Kuznetsova. After graduating from the Kuibyshev (Samara) State University, she became a member of the university scientific research group No 7, which was engaged in security and rescue works in the construction zones of various facilities. In the 1985, after being a post-graduate in the Leningrad branch of the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences) she defended her Candidate of History thesis “Paleolithic of the Middle and Lower Volga Region”. Since 1992, she works at the Samara Museum for History and Regional Studies named after P.V. Alabin, the director of which she has been for more than two decades. The article describes the scientific, administrative and pedagogical activities of Liudmila V. Kuznetsova.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):115-119
pages 115-119 views

Neolithic ceramics with nail-shaped notches from the forest-steppe Volga region

Somov A.


The article presents the results of the analysis of Neolithic pottery from the forest-steppe Volga region, ornamented with nail-shaped notches. This group of ceramics is less representative in comparison with other (ringed and combed) ceramic complexes of the Middle and Late Neolithic of this region. At the same time, dishes with notches should be considered as an independent typological group. The source base of the study consists of 189 conditionally identified vessels, which were analyzed by the author at first-hand. When presenting the morphological characteristics of ware from the studied sites, the author singled out four microregions (the basins of the Samara and Sok rivers, Ulyanovsk and Kazan Volga regions) in order to identify local features. In the southern part of the forest-steppe zone, this ornamental tradition has been recorded in isolated cases and has the most archaic appearance. In the materials from the Sok basin, the studied group of ceramics is becoming more widespread. The complexes of the Ulyanovsk Volga region and the Lower Kama, undoubtedly, have analogies with the materials from the sites of the basin of the river Sok. At the same time, regional features of these complexes can be distinguished. The author discusses the origins of the ware with nail-shaped notches and the development of these complexes in the forest-steppe Volga region. According to the results of radiocarbon analysis, the time of existence of the studied complex can be attributed to a very wide chronological range from the beginning to the end of the VI millennium BC.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):120-146
pages 120-146 views

Scientitfic reports

Samara provincial gendarmerie department in the counter-revolutionary struggle in 1905-1917

Kazakov I., Repinetsky A.


The article is devoted to the counter-revolutionary struggle of the Samara provincial gendarmerie corps in the period of 1905-1917. The authors identify the main stages of the counter-revolutionary struggle, analyze the reasons for the failures of the Samara gendarmerie at the early stages of the First Russian Revolution, and examine the activities and problems of the Samara gendarmerie in the counter-revolutionary struggle during the World War I.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences History Sciences. 2022;4(4):147-152
pages 147-152 views

Reviews and Reviews

pages 153-158 views