Vol 6, No 2 (2024)


Search for approaches to transcranial neuromodulation in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis in real clinical practice

Zakharov Y.Y., Belkin A.A., Shirokov V.A., Pozdnyakov D.G.


BACKGROUND: To increase the efficiency of motor recovery after a stroke in routine clinical practice, the search for selective biomarkers that determine the choice of the optimal strategy for noninvasive neuromodulation of the brain remains relevant. The study of interhemispheric interaction patterns can hypothetically help in determining the correct conceptual model of neuromodulation. AIM: To determine variants of interhemispheric interaction based on a correlation analysis of motor cortex excitability in patients with poststroke hemiparesis stratified by the degree of motor deficit. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective observational study involved 185 people (men, 56.2%; women, 43.8%) aged 19–88 years with verified poststroke hemiparesis and 40 healthy volunteers (men, 55.0%; women, 45.0%) aged 20–85 years. The patients underwent diagnostic transcranial magnetic stimulation in the projection of the cortical representation of m. abductor pollicis brevis and m. tibialis anterior of both brain hemispheres. The excitability level of the motor cortex and its interhemispheric asymmetry were recorded, and correlation analysis in subgroups stratified by the degree of paresis was performed. RESULTS: No interhemispheric correlation of resting motor thresholds (rMT) was found in patients with a level of muscle strength for the “hand” segment of 0–2 points (р >0.05). In the remaining subgroups, positive interhemispheric correlations of the rMT were noted (p <0.02). A positive correlation of the rMT of the damaged brain hemisphere and interhemispheric asymmetry of the motor cortex excitability for all degrees of paresis was observed when evaluating the cortical representation of the upper limb muscles. A negative correlation between the rMT of the unaffected brain hemisphere and interhemispheric asymmetry was detected for all degrees of motor deficit of the “foot” segment (p <0.02). CONCLUSION: The study did not confirm the concept of interhemispheric competition of the studied functional activity of the brain. Three authentic variants of interhemispheric interaction were identified: unidirectional hemispheric interaction with predominant reactivity of the affected hemisphere, unidirectional hemispheric interaction with predominant reactivity of the unaffected hemisphere, and functional interhemispheric dissociation. The results indicate the need to rethink some approaches to transcranial neuromodulation strategies in the analyzed cohort.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2024;6(2):88-97
pages 88-97 views

Efficiency of interval hypoxia-hyperoxytherapy in the rehabilitation of patients with nonspecific musculosceletal low back pain: results of а randomized placebo-controlled study

Orlova E.V., Lyamina N.P., Skorobogatyth N.V., Ksenofontova I.V.


BACKGROUND: Considering the high prevalence and social significance of nonspecific musculoskeletal lower back pain, the use of innovative non-drug rehabilitation methods, particularly interval hypoxia-hyperoxytherapy, is relevant. AIM: To evaluate the efficiency of the interval hypoxia-hyperoxytherapy in the complex medical rehabilitation of patients with nonspecific musculoskeletal lower back pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This randomized placebo-controlled study enrolled 62 patients (male, n=35; female n=27, aged 34–63 years) with nonspecific musculoskeletal lower back pain. All patients were randomized into two groups. The study group (n=34) received 10 procedures of hypoxia–hyperoxytherapy, and the comparison group (n=28) received 10 placebo procedures of breathing therapy. All groups underwent a 2-week standard rehabilitation program: 10 procedures of low-intensity laser therapy and low-frequency electrostatic therapy and 10 group sessions of physical exercises. The study group was breathing hypoxic (FiO2 13%–15%) and hyperoxic (FiO2 up to 40%) gas mixture through a mask in the interval mode using “ReOxy.” The duration of 1–4 procedures was 30 min and 5–10 procedures took 40 min. The placebo procedures were performed using masks with atmospheric air hole. Rehabilitation diagnosis by domains b28013, b7303, b7600, and d4500 of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), back pain and general health on a 100-mm visual analog scale, Lequesne index, 10-m walking test, Spielberger–Khanin reactive anxiety test, and Beck depression inventory were evaluated at baseline and week 2. RESULTS: After 2 weeks the values of the qualifiers of ICF domains significantly improved in the study group, back pain decreased by 65.2% (р <0.01), the Lequesne index by 76.1% (р <0.01), the 10-m walking test by 42.4% (р <0.05), the reactive anxiety level by 50.5% (р <0.01), and depression symptoms by 69.7% (р <0.01), whereas the general health improved by 71.2% (р <0.01), with statistically significant differences from the comparison group in all parameters (р <0.05). CONCLUSION: 2-week rehabilitation program, including interval hypoxia-hyperoxytherapy, reduces back pain and improves rehabilitation diagnosis based on the ICF, general health, functional status and psychoemotional state in patients with nonspecific musculoskeletal lower back pain.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2024;6(2):98-108
pages 98-108 views

Application of virtual reality technologies in the rehabilitation of patients with left and right hemisphere lesions in the acute period of ischemic stroke

Tynterova A.M.


BACKGROUND: Currently, neurocognitive rehabilitation with the integration of innovative virtual reality (VR) technologies is the standard component of early rehabilitation treatment programs for patients with acute focal brain damage. AIM: Based on the statistical methodology, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of neurocognitive rehabilitation with the application VR technologies in patients with left and right hemisphere lesions in the acute period of ischemic stroke. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study examined 160 patients diagnosed with ischemic stroke exhibiting cognitive impairments. Patients were divided into two groups based on stroke localization: group 1 (n=80) had left hemisphere lesions, whereas group 2 (n=80) had left hemisphere lesions. Since day 5 of hospitalization, in addition to basic therapy, rehabilitation was performed using a hardware–software multimedia complex based on VR for remote-controlled rehabilitation «Devirta-Delphi». Rehabilitation efficiency (RE) was assessed by testing objectively quantitative measures of accuracy and coordination of movement performance before and after treatment using a Kinect Delphi system. Cognitive and psychoemotional measures were assessed by neuropsychological tests on days 2–4 of hospitalization and at the end of the VR therapy. Mathematical statistics were calculated using Python programming language and its libraries Pandas and SciPy. RESULTS: Higher RE values were obtained in patients with right-sided stroke. Irrespective of lesion lateralization, significant improvement was noted with respect to mnestic, executive function, and ideomotor praxis, regression of anxiety, depression, and general aggression. Group 1 also showed an improvement in speech function and a decrease in general asthenia, whereas group 2 showed an increase in attention and emotion recognition ability. Factors that negatively affected RE were identified, namely, apathy, anxiety, prestroke cognitive decline, semantic aphasia, and decreased attention in group 1 and semantic and visual–spatial impairments, prestroke decline, and recurrent stroke in group 2. CONCLUSION: The application of an immersive environment in the early rehabilitation of patients with cognitive impairment improves the performance of verbal and visual tests reflecting mnestic, regulatory, and neurodynamic executive functions in lesions with different lateralization.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2024;6(2):109-121
pages 109-121 views

The influence of patient motivation on the motor function restoration during stroke recovery. Preliminary results of a clinical study

Melnikova E.A., Tkachenko G.A., Tsvetkova E.M., Starkova E.Y., Vladimirova N.N., Litau V.Y.


BACKGROUND: Acute cerebrovascular accidents lead to disability. The most important task is the rehabilitation and adaptation of these patients to society. Impaired motivation reduces the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures. AIMS: To assess the motivation of patients during stroke recovery; identify relationships between the level of motivation, duration and type of stroke, and cognitive and demographic indicators; and determine the influence of the patient’s initial level of motivation on the effectiveness of the rehabilitation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study analyzed 36 patients with hemiparesis in the early and late recovery period of stroke. All patients were assessed according to the international classification of functioning, disability, and health; functional independence scale; Rivermead mobility index; degree of paresis according to the Medical Research Committee scale; level of spasticity according to the Ashford scale; risk of falls assessment according to the Morse scale; assessment of function of the upper and lower extremities using the Fugl–Meyer test; and balance assessment using the Berg scale. RESULTS: A significant positive correlation was found between the patient’s motivation and cognitive indicators: the integral level of the BTLD (r=0.653; p=0) and the integral indicator of the Mini-Mental State Examination (r=0.536; p=0.001). No convincing evidence supports the connection between the motivation level and indicators as such sex, age, body mass index, time since stroke, stroke type and location, pain level, functional independence level, and motor impairment. Although a trend toward greater positive changes in functional recovery of the arm, leg, balance, and overall independence was observed, no significant difference was found between groups. CONCLUSION: A significant relationship was found between motivation and cognitive functions, which can serve as predictors of the motivation level of patients when planning rehabilitation activities. A trend toward positive changes in functional recovery of the arm, leg, balance, and overall independence was found in patients with high motivation levels.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2024;6(2):122-130
pages 122-130 views

Relationship between sex and age characteristics, comorbid status, and dynamics of recovery in the acute period of stroke in patients living in the Arkhangelsk region

Chernykh E.М., Khasanova N.M., Karyakin A.А., Karyakina O.E.


BACKGROUND: The global burden of stroke continues to rise and is the third leading cause of disability worldwide. The factors that influence the dynamics of recovery and functional outcomes in the acute period of stroke remain not fully understood. AIM: To examine the relationship between sex–age characteristics, comorbid status, and dynamics of the functional state in the acute period of stroke in patients living in the Arkhangelsk region. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted. The sex–age structure of patients, functional status according to the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and modified Rankin scale (mRS) at hospital admission and discharge, and its dynamics during the hospitalization period were assessed. The relationship between FS and sex–age characteristics, stroke type, and concomitant diseases was analyzed. The dynamics of recovery were assessed using the rate of decline in NIHSS and mRs scores. RESULTS: The treatment results of 1,617 patients with stroke (male, n=968; female, n=649) mean age, 63.8±11.4 years) discharged from the neurological department in 2017–2020 were analyzed. Initially, more women experienced disability (p <0.001); however, their dynamics of recovery in the acute period of stroke were better than those of men. With increasing age, the rate of decline in the scores of the rating scales decreased. The best dynamics of recovery were observed in patients with atherothrombotic and lacunar types of stroke, and patients with cardioembolic stroke recovered the slowest. A high comorbidity burden was associated with poor functional outcomes. Independent associations were identified between the presence of atrial fibrillation, cerebral atherosclerosis, chronic heart failure, and a higher mRs score upon admission. At the time of discharge, atrial fibrillation, chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, and coronary heart disease were independently associated with high mRs scores, and the presence of cerebral atherosclerosis was associated with lower mRs scores. CONCLUSION: Women recovered better, despite greater disability upon admission. Age and comorbidity burden served as reasons limiting the rate of recovery. Atrial fibrillation, chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension were the main comorbidities associated with worse functional outcomes at discharge. The results can be used to predict early functional outcomes in patients with stroke.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2024;6(2):131-142
pages 131-142 views


Postural balance and cognitive functions: interaction and significance for rehabilitation (scientific review)

Zverev Y.P., Builova T.V., Tulichev А.A.


The study analyses the patterns of postural-cognitive interaction and their possible application in physical rehabilitation. The morphofunctional basis of the relationship between postural balance and cognitive functions is considered, particularly the role of the vestibular system in cognitive processes and the participation of cognitive functions in the regulation of equilibrium. The interaction patterns between postural balance and cognitive functions were analyzed, including the global nature of postural-cognitive interaction, influence of multitasking, and type of motor task (static or dynamic), its complexity, novelty and variability. The review presents the prospects and advantages of the practical application of the concept of postural-cognitive interaction in physical rehabilitation. These include the use of cognitive training methods in rehabilitation programs, which, due to the positive transfer of the effect of training, improves cognitive functions and postural stability and increases the ability to perform two or more tasks, including those related to activities of daily living. Vestibular training is another promising area of practical application of interaction between cognitive functions and postural balance; accordingly, vestibular–cognitive interaction contributes to the improvement of cognitive status. Considering the social significance of neurocognitive disorders and the importance of their early diagnosis, issues related to the identification of objective correlates and predictors of cognitive decline, particularly the basic spatial and spatiotemporal parameters of static posturography and stabilometric indices, are taken into account.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2024;6(2):143-156
pages 143-156 views

Neuropsychological interpretation of disorders of consciousness using data from instrumental (neurophysiological) methods for diagnosing brain activity

Sedova L.I., Erokhina E.V., Baranova E.A., Erikov V.M., Nikulin A.A., Ivanova G.E., Mikadze Y.V.


The relevance of the problem under consideration is determined by the need to develop and improve interdisciplinary approaches to the diagnosis and rehabilitation of disorders of consciousness in patients with brain pathology. The purpose of the article is an analytical review of the methods of neuropsychological and neurophysiological diagnostics and rehabilitation work with patients in reduced states of consciousness. It is noted that the neuropsychological content of the concept of "consciousness" is insufficiently developed and there is no unified point of view on the brain basis of consciousness, as well as on methodological and procedural limitations that arise when a neuropsychologist works with patients in a vegetative state of consciousness and in a state of minimal consciousness. The problem of consistency of the results of behavioral (neuropsychological) and instrumental (neurophysiological) methods for assessing the level of states of consciousness conducted by different specialists (neuropsychologists, neurologists, neurophysiologists) who are part of a multidisciplinary team is considered. The possibility of combining the procedure of neuropsychological examination and instrumental (neurophysiological) methods in the diagnosis of patients in a vegetative state of consciousness, in a state of minimal consciousness) and the prognosis of restoring the level of consciousness is analyzed. The possibility of an integrated approach to the diagnosis of a state of consciousness associated with a combination of behavioral (observation-based) and objective (instrumental) research methods is confirmed, and possible ways of its implementation are considered.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2024;6(2):157-171
pages 157-171 views

Hand function assessment: tests for adult patients with central nervous system disorders

Belova A.N., Sheiko G.E., Rakhmanova E.M., Israelyan Y.A., Ananyev R.D.


Upper limb dysfunction is a very common and severe problem in patients with central nervous system disorders. The restoration of arm and hand functions is one of the priority goals of medical rehabilitation in these patients. The development of new and effective rehabilitation technologies, implementation of a patient-centered approach, and objective assessment of rehabilitation outcomes require validated tools. This review aimed to introduce specialists to those tools that evaluate the rehabilitation outcomes based on the patient’s performance in standardized tasks (tests). Functional abilities of the upper extremities should be assessed based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. The general concepts of these tests are discussed. Standard requirements for measurement tools (validity, reliability, and sensitivity) ensure the reliability of test results. The tests that focused on the hand and arm function are briefly described. Only tests that have good psychometric characteristics and are suitable for the monitoring of rehabilitation outcomes for patients with stroke, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injury are also presented in the review. In conclusion, the choice of a specific test is based on the purpose and objectives of the study (clinical practice or scientific research), motor deficit peculiarities, and rehabilitation unit resources. However, new and validated tools that focus on the assessment of hand function abilities in patients with central nervous system disorders are needed.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2024;6(2):172-187
pages 172-187 views

Effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in treating grade I–II gonarthrosis: a scientific review

Nurpeisov D.B., Em S.S., Kurilenko N.V.


This review article explores the use of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in treating grades I–II gonarthrosis (knee osteoarthritis). The authors conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing studies and compare extracorporeal shock wave therapy with conventional treatment methods such as placebo, corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, and pharmacological treatments. Key findings from the review indicate a significant improvement in pain reduction and enhanced functional state of the knee joint in patients treated with extracorporeal shock wave therapy compared to other methods. The authors emphasize the non-invasiveness and safety of extracorporeal shock wave therapy, noting the absence of serious side effects, which makes this therapy a preferred option for clinical use. The article stands out due to its thorough analysis of available literature and a focus on the comparative effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy, providing a basis for medical recommendations. Additionally, the authors highlight the need for further research to refine optimal application parameters for extracorporeal shock wave therapy and to confirm its long-term effectiveness, particularly in comparison with other modern treatment methods for gonarthrosis. This approach underscores the uniqueness of this review, which not only informs about the current state of research in the field of gonarthrosis treatment but also stimulates further scientific developments in this direction, supporting clinical practice with evidence-based methods.

Physical and rehabilitation medicine, medical rehabilitation. 2024;6(2):188-203
pages 188-203 views

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