卷 4, 编号 4 (2022)


On the inconsistency of the christian concept of death

Filatov T.


The paper examines the phenomenon of coexistence in Christian culture of two contradictory ideas about death. The historical reasons for the occurrence of this anomaly are revealed, which turn out to be directly related to the time frame of the apocalyptic expectations of the first Christians. The methodological aspect of the work is connected with clarifying the basic strategies for solving the problem of inconsistency of theoretical constructions with the available experimental data in religion and in science.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):5-10
pages 5-10 views

The crisis of western theology: the idea of the «death of God» in the teachings of H. Yannaras and T. Altitser

Faritov V.


The article is devoted to understanding the phenomenon of the crisis of modern theology in the context of the doctrine of the death of God. A comparative analysis of the theological concepts of Christos Yannaras and Thomas Altitzer is carried out in order to explain the theoretical differences in understanding the event of the death of God in modern Orthodox and Western theology. The thesis is substantiated that the Orthodox and Western versions of the crisis theology are post-metaphysical in nature and philosophically proceed from the theological reception of the teachings of G.V.F. Hegel, F. Nietzsche and M. Heidegger.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):11-20
pages 11-20 views

Nobility and art: the philosophy of ancient painting

Kostetckii V.


The article presents the cultural genesis of the nobility society through the synthesis of the military adventure of men and the playing leisure of women into a common «courtly culture» In the courtly culture of court society, a system of regulation of relations arises with an orientation to «an excellent act» and, accordingly, with the requirement to «see yourself from the outside», «show yourself from the best side». As a result, a phenomenon arises that can be called «pictorial» Pictorial communication precedes the emergence of the visual arts, which sometimes arise on a random occasion. Ancient painting was no exception. The turn to luxury after the Greco-Persian wars initiated the mural by analogy with the trellis art of the Persians. The content of ancient painting in the form of wall painting and vase painting was the culture of communication that Hegel in his lectures on aesthetics called «the color of man» and which by the 19th century began to disappear.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):21-32
pages 21-32 views

The question of human in the philosophy of archimandrite Theophan (Avsenev)

Ryapolov S.


The article deals with the philosophical anthropology of the original Russian thinker, Archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church Theophan (Avsenev). He formulated the original philosophical doctrine of human, based on patristic theology, philosophy of Platonism and schellingian philosophical anthropology. The philosopher distinguishes between the human body, the physical component that connects human with the inorganic being and the world of plants and the spirit that connect human with the God. The worldly inclinations of the soul connect human with animals. And the spirit aspiring to God is the true essence of human. But since God is immense and unattainable in his essence, human reveals Godly perfection in the world as truth, beauty, and goodness. Theophan (Avsenev) reveals in philosophical anthropology an important moral aspect of his philosophical system, considering human mortality as a result of the deviation of existence from the original plan for it. Therefore, the philosophical system of Theophan (Avsenev) is considered in the context of the soteriological line of Russian moral philosophy. In philosophy Theophan (Avsenev) not only human, but the being needs to be saved. Thus, in the philosophy of Theophan (Avsenev) received an expression of all the most substantial features of the original Russian philosophy: desire for sobornost, ontologism, cosmologism, appeal to the person, the rejection of absolute death. Nevertheless, the original philosophical system of one of the most original representatives of the Kiev theological academic school of Archimandrite Theophan (Avsenev), which stood at the origins of the Russian religious and philosophical Renaissance, has not been studied and is a “white spot” on the map of the history of Russian philosophical culture. Of course, without addressing the “gaps” cannot build the “big context” of Russian philosophy, the relevance of the construction of which now pay attention to many important contemporary historians of Russian philosophy: for example, S. Khoruzhii, V. Varava, etc. It should be pointed out that a special role in the formation of the original Russian philosophy was played by the Russian theological academic tradition, which was a truly original and unique phenomenon. Thus, the study of philosophy Theophan (Avsenev) is not only important in the context of the history of Orthodox theology and Russian philosophy, but in the process of finding prospects of Russian philosophy and the ways of its development.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):33-44
pages 33-44 views

Cognitive artifacts of the metuniverse

Loiko A.


The article describes the cognitive artifacts of the metaverse within the framework of digital anthropology. Their role in the formation of a new social environment is investigated. Conceptual definitions of a cognitive artifact based on the theory of L.S. Vygotsky and his follower M. Cole. The forms of response by users of digital ecosystems to the spread of the influence of technology in society have been studied and the difference in this response has been stated. The reasons for this different response, due to structural changes in society, are shown. Attention is paid to the influence of cognitive artifacts of the metaverse on the perception of the consequences of emerging technological trends. It is stated that the modification of technological determinism in the form of metaverses contains different intentions of individual consciousness. This is due to the fact that the classical Internet is gradually giving way to new communication technologies, in which avatars, digital twins and immersive space plays an important role.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):45-52
pages 45-52 views

Ethics and morals in the post-postnonclassic epoch: new actuality of philosophical heritage N.A. Berdyaev

Mojeiko M.


Postmodern’s distancing from the cultural heritage leads to the transformation of ethics’ status in the cultural system and to the deformation of moral consciousness. Understanding of that phenomenons actualizes the cultural traditions based on the «Ethics of Creativity», in contrary of the «Ethics of Code». This leads to the returns of the post-post-modernism to the values of classical culture, and this actualizes the heritage of N.A. Berdyaev in the new context.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):53-68
pages 53-68 views

The duality of sea and land in the J.G. Herder’s philosophy of history

Tyugashev E.


The duality of sea and land (the continent-ocean dichotomy) is an established principle of the geopolitics. The analysis performed in this study shows that the definition of this duality has its foundation in the J.G. Herder’s philosophy of history. J.G. Herder described the Earth as “the jarring of elements, the mutual action of sea and land upon each other”. According to J.G. Herder, the island and continental societies are markedly different throughout every area of society. In his view, these differences are due to the fact that the element of the sea requires mobility, while the element of the land requires immutability. Therefore, states of the corresponding type crystallize in habitats of a certain type.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):69-76
pages 69-76 views

L. Wittgenstein: «mystery» and «mysticism» in the interpretation of the value content of science

Baryshkov V.


In L. Wittgenstein’s philosophy, the concept of life and the concept of the world as sides of the «man — science» dichotomy differ and correlate, despite the fact that the position of the thinker is traditionally considered in line with the philosophy of analysis and the positivist methodology of science. The conducted critical analysis of the literature and the proposed interpretation of the philosopher’s views show that Wittgenstein’s ideas go beyond the boundaries of the consideration of scientific reason and the language of science into the field of culture. On the other hand, some of his ideas allow us to draw a conclusion about the reverse influence of culture through the «expert evaluation» function of philosophy in relation to the statements of science.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):77-82
pages 77-82 views

Transformation of authorship in the transition from traditional media to digital

Kostryukov V.


The article deals with the transformation of authorship in the context of changing media epochs, starting from the philosophical concept of Roland Barthes we investigate authorship through the prism of information culture. The author shows that in the late 20th and early 21st centuries there was a radical change in the very understanding of authorship. Its transformation from an elitist activity to the activities of everyday life and even everyday life is evident. The paper analyzes how in the era of total authorship the line between the author as a philosopher and creator, and the author in the linguistic sense, who wrote just a chain of words, is erased.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):83-93
pages 83-93 views

Monograph: E.V. Bakshutova, T.K. Rulina «War and peace of network discussions»

Ladyzhets N.


The publication presents readers with a new work by Russian researchers E.V. Bakshutova and T.K. Rulina, devoted to the study of the cognitive-emotional sphere, the verbal associative field, mapping the manifestations of the phenomenology of resentment of users of social networks.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2022;4(4):94-96
pages 94-96 views