卷 5, 编号 3 (2023)


The problem of God’s hypostasis in Christianity: origins and destinies

Khamidov A.


Abstract. The article analyzes the problem of God’s hypostasis. It is noted that already in the Gospels God appears as one in three persons. The assumption is based that the existing anti-Trinitarian interpretations proceeded rather not from the Gospels, but from the interpretation of God in Judaism, in which he has no hypostasis. It is noted that within the framework of trinitarianism for a long time there were disputes about the ratio in the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, which ended in the division of churches. However, heresy-declared anti-Trinitarianism (Unitarianism) continued to exist. The article demonstrates the confession of this direction by I. Newton. It is noted that in the early 1990s, a community arose in the Soviet Union, claiming to develop Christianity and the doctrine of which, in a number of parameters, coincides with Gnosticism. The interpretation of the problem of hypostasis in it is analyzed.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):5-18
pages 5-18 views

Philosophical aspects of environmental enlightenment

Gordova A., Tverdynin N.


Environmental education in recent years has become an independent field of educational activity, which, although closely related to environmental education, is much broader in its social significance and actively influences the formation of the population’s attitude not only to environmental problems, but also to all scientific and technical activities. This influence is very ambiguous and can be used for both positive and negative purposes.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):19-26
pages 19-26 views

Digital law as an object of socio-philosophical analysis

Bodrov A., Borisova T., Maksimov A.


The article analyzes the content content of the category «digital law» as one of the fundamentally important tools for regulating the information existence of a person in the social realities of the XXI century. The ontological problems arising in the process of applying the principles of digital law in the information space are analyzed. The trends in the development of digital law, problems and prospects of its functioning related to the digitalization of social processes are considered. The principles of an interdisciplinary approach combining the socio-philosophical foundations of cognition aimed at identifying the ontological characteristics of the information space and interpersonal communications in it are used, with jurisprudence focused on the analysis of the category of «digital law» as one of the aspects of the legal field.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):27-36
pages 27-36 views

Reflections on ecstatic of culture

Malyshev V.


The article analyzes texts related to the comprehension of the problem of ecstasy of culture and outside of human instances, first of all, Nature. Rereading the works «The experience of studying bacchanalian cults of Indo-European antiquity in connection with the role of ecstasy at the early stages of public development» (1883) by D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky and V.V. Kostetsky «Ecstasy of culture and problems of aesthetics» (2022), we are beginning to understand even more deeply the role of ecstatic states in culture as a whole and in certain types of human activity. Moving further, and reading the primary sources of Indo-European antiquity with their mythopoetics, we come to realize that we owe much to these states to the transcendental play of extrahuman instances, first of all, Nature. Texts of the ancient Indian Vedas and Russian poetry become especially representative for understanding beyond human subjectivity.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):37-46
pages 37-46 views

Loneliness as a phenomenon of being Homo sapiens / Homo cosmicus

Belyaev I., Lyashchenko M., Maksimov A.


The article is devoted to the disclosure of the fundamental characteristics of the loneliness of Homo sapiens, acting as Homo cosmicus. In their research, the authors proceed from the assumption that a person for whom the development of outer space will become an everyday life reality will remain, in principle, the same natural, socio-spiritual being as it is now, despite all those external and internal changes, the undergoing of which is an inevitable attribute of his future. Philosophical search has shown that in relation to the existence of Homo sapiens/Homo cosmicus, loneliness is a phenomenon, the essence of which is socio-historical, and existence is eventual.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):47-60
pages 47-60 views

Dynamics of interaction of natural science and technology in the history of the development of scientific and technical knowledge: philosophical and methodological analysis

Kurashov V., Kurashov Y.


The features of independent and mutually agreed development of natural sciences and technology were investigated. At different times and in different areas, there may be no communication and interaction between these fields of knowledges. The relationship of natural sciences, technical and technological knowledge may not be an interaction, but have a focus only in one direction — from the donor area to the acceptor area. These relationships can occur in opposite directions, that is, they are actually an interaction. There are special areas of scientific and technical knowledge that have arisen and are developing as a coherent integral system, i.e. natural science technical and technological knowledge in it is inseparable. In the historical process of interaction of natural sciences, technical and technological knowledge, one can observe the development of an increasing spiral. Each round of such a spiral includes a sequence of historical episodes: new natural sciences knowledge, their synthesis with technical developments when creating a new research tool, new experimental possibilities that determine the receipt of new natural science knowledge and further along the ascending trajectory to the next round. For example, the creation and improvement of steam engines in the 18th and 19th centuries led to the emergence of thermodynamics, which determined the development of many fields of natural science and technology. Also, research in the field of microbiology and enzymology in the 19th and 20th centuries led to the extensive development of biotechnology, organic synthesis technologies and biosensors. In the 20th century. scientific research on crystal lattice defects led to the discovery of semiconductors and a revolutionary change in the element base of all radio engineering systems that have found application in many fields of natural science and technology. At the same time, sources of coherent electromagnetic radiation were created — lasers, which also spread throughout all areas of technology. In the system of natural sciences, analytical chemistry stands out, which is a synthesis of fundamental knowledge and applied technology. Research in supramolecular chemistry and nanotechnology conducted in the 20th and 21st centuries became the scientific basis for the production of electrical and optical devices; for the development of targeted medicine delivery technologies in a living organism, as well as for the creation of molecular machines. Research and technological developments in the field of microelectronics have led to the progress of informatization and digitalization of all areas of human activity. Many areas of modern natural science are becoming more and more technologically advanced, and modern industrial technologists are becoming more and more scientific. Technological knowledges spreads with necessity in many areas of the modern education system. The technology has become comprehensive — it has penetrated almost all areas of the intellectual, industrial, information, humanitarian and socio-economic life of society. The technological style of thinking is increasingly incorporated into the mentality and worldview of the modern person.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):61-74
pages 61-74 views

Ontological narrativats of the spiritual and body integrity of a human in the framework of modern society and the problem of humanitarian expertise

Sheleketa V., Legochkin Y., Sabaeva A.


The article is devoted to the problem of objective-ontological foundations of cultural narratives, morality, and ethical assessments. The authors, drawing on the theory of cultural narratives and the principles of systems theory, substantiate the position that any ethical assessment, including the assessment of technological projects, should have its basis in the form of these principles of integrity, self-consistency, etc., according to which (and according to patterns and narratives of which) human civilization develops. Adherence to these supracultural, universal principles, one of which is the principle of the unity of being, in accordance with which the being of a person and culture develops, guarantees the achievement of integrity and the person himself.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):75-84
pages 75-84 views

Martin Heidegger: reflexes of the picture of the world (be continued)

Kostetckii V.


The article focuses on the philosophical analysis of the concept of «time.» Thanks to M. Haidegger, time is interpreted outside the attitude to movement and three forms of time (present, past, future). The author’s position boils down to the fact that time scales being, thereby representing different paintings of the world and different ontologies. In terms of their ontological status, the concepts of time and knowledge intersect. As for the traditional ratios of time and movement, this ratio is of a particular nature, significant in the everyday scaling of time.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):85-96
pages 85-96 views

Catholic theology in the context of postmodernist relativism

Mozheiko M.


The article considers modern Catholic theology in the context set by the postmodern cultural attitudes, namely, the phenomenon of the decline of metanarrations and fundamental relativism, which does not correlate well with the classical theological tradition. Under these conditions, Catholic theology, starting with the Agiornamento tradition, demonstrates new attitudes that can also be considered in the context of the rejection of severe intolerance, that is, a kind of humanization.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):97-102
pages 97-102 views

Hegelian geographical determinism

Tyugashev E.


G.W.F. Hegel’s philosophy of history has a pronounced geographical profile. The hegelian geographical determinism develops the spontaneous materialism of J.G. Herder’s philosophy of history and emphasizes the role of the element of the sea as a factor of the universality of history. In accordance with the three main geographical moments of world history — plateaus, river plains and sea coasts — G.W.F. Hegel identifies and characterizes three types of social life based on cattle breeding, agriculture (with industry), merchant shipping. The methodological strategy of geographical determinism is relevant for socio-cultural studies of anthroposociogenesis and the logic of national cultures.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):103-112
pages 103-112 views

Ordinary knowledge as an epistemic phenomenon

Burtovaya Y.


The main task of science is to extract new knowledge, while in the field of ordinary knowledge a person, most often, does not develop new knowledge on his own, but uses the existing one. This implies an obvious feature of everyday knowledge: it is absorbed by an individual, as it were, subtly, through participation in joint life with other people. In the article, the author focuses on the description, functioning and value of everyday knowledge.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series Philosophy. 2023;5(3):113-119
pages 113-119 views