State support and financial improvement of raw materialand process branches of region enterprises


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The estimation of the state support and financial position of the enterprises of the raw and processing branches of region in harsh nature conditions is given. The priority general economical measures forming conditions, excluding accumulation of the enterprises of the new debts not caused by their activity, providing restoration and their subsequent development are offered.


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  3. Сельское хозяйство Республики Бурятия : стат. сб. № 10-07-19. У лан-У дэ : Бурятстат, 2008. 157 с.
  4. Холод, Л. И. Политика цен, торговли и государственной поддержки АПК / Л. И. Холод // Экономика сел. хоз-ва. 1995. № 1. С. 4-8.

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Declaração de direitos autorais © Polozova T.V., Kolesnyak I.A., 2009

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