Analysis of advertising activity asanotion

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The analysis of the advertising activity notion is given. It demonstrates that advertising activity characterizes the peculiar kind of human activity, devoted to producing and realizing advertisement. Such human activity could be defined and analyzed from different sides, in particular , from economical, psychological and sociocultural ones. It is proved that one of the main clusters of problems within sociocultural research is the issues of cross-effect of advertising activity and social system; the second cluster of problems, closely connected with the first one, appears due to the analysis of influencing advertising activity to separate social institutions and these institutions' impacting the different types of advertising activity; the third cluster of problems is associated with the analysis of influencing advertising activity to some social processes; the fourth cluster is connected with the notions of «social heritage», «advertising-cultural stereotypes», «domestic advertising», «foreign advertising».

About the authors

E A Zemlyanskaya



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Copyright (c) 2009 Zemlyanskaya E.A.

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