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Одной из основных задач в обеспечении воздушного движения является постоянное определение местопо- ложения воздушных судов, что дает возможность осуществлять контроль над реализацией заданного плана полета и регистрировать отклонения от маршрута, а кроме того, в случае катастрофы либо аварии немед- ленно осуществлять поиск, обнаружение и спасение воздушных судов. Рационально решать эту проблему с применением спутниковых навигационных систем, спутниковых систем связи и систем автоматического мо- ниторинга транспортных средств. Для решения поставленных задач предложено использовать на борту воздушного судна спутниковый те- леметрический терминал «Гонец-Д1М», предназначенный для установки на транспортное средство, регист- рирующий местоположение, скорость, направление движения транспортного средства. Также дополнитель- но он способен регистрировать ряд других параметров, таких как состояния аналоговых/дискретных входов и показания датчиков, что позволит передавать в диспетчерский пункт данные не только о географическом положении и скорости воздушного судна, но и о состоянии его работы. В настоящее время на территории Российской Федерации активно проводится политика импортозамеще- ния, которая распространяется на все сферы деятельности. Рассмотрена отечественная спутниковая навигационная система «Гонец», которая обладает рядом преимуществ в сравнении с зарубежными ана- логами. Предлагаемая система уже активно используется в сфере морского транспорта и хорошо себя зарекомен- довала, а значит, имеется перспектива внедрения подобной системы в авиационную сферу.

Полный текст

Introduction. This article deals with the topical problem of prospects in using the home-produced satellite navigation system “Gonets” in the field of aviation [1; 2]. The actual satellite system demonstrates certain advantages compared to such foreign analogues as the satellite system “Iridium”. “Gonets”. The satellite communication system “Gonets” is designed for different modes of global informational exchange with spacecraft and missiles and also for supplying relay channels for different purposes. “Gonets” provides communication in zones which are out of coverage of the land GSM networks [3-5], provides communication environment for Russian coordinate and timing support system GLONASS and communication with stationary and mobile subscribers in regions with limited access to common means of communication. Transmission of data/message packets both between the system subscribers and with users of general communication networks can be established [6-8]. The equipment and software for spacecraft and subscriber communication terminals is designed in such a way that the system operation does not require continuous subscribers’ location within the spacecraft radio visibility. When the spacecraft and the terminal are out of the radio visibility zone they can share, the message is buffered and transmitted when one of the system’s spacecraft enters the subscriber’s zone. At present “Gonets” system can provide such services as: - message exchange between the system subscribers on a global scale; - transmission of location data for the objects processed by GLONASS system; - message exchange between the system subscribers and users of general networks on a global scale; - circular message transmission for a group of subscribers; - transmission of telemetered data for target objects. Data are transferred by the system both out of connection with the ground segment (point-to-point: subscriber - SC - subscriber) and by employing regional stations (subscriber - SC - regional station). Regional stations provide routing of messages as well as information exchange of subscribers with the Internet (fig. 1) [9-11]. When both the transmitting and the receiving terminals are in radio visibility of the same SC, the time of message transfer is 1-2 minutes. Waiting time for a communication link of a subscriber on Russian territory through the system of 12 SC is from 0 (at the northern borders) to 15 minutes (at the southern borders of Russia). M2M satellite channel. Channels of mobile satellite communication terminals “Gonets” are used in the M2M networks where there is a need of telematic data transmission from remote places that are out of land communication networks coverage. From “Gonets” satellite M2M data are transmitted to the regional “Gonets” station, and then to the Internet. The use of satellite channels of “Gonets” system in forming M2M networks provides unlimited scalability for industrial systems where the inspection equipment units are placed all over an extensive territory with no communication infrastructure. Compactness of “Gonets” terminals and antennas is also an important factor that makes it possible to install the equipment in different spatial conditions (fig. 2). The service is provided by a subscriber’s “Gonets” terminal working in the automatically mode. The terminal is joined to the user’s system controller and automatically transmits M2M data through the satellite “Gonets” network. “Gonets-D1M”. The satellite telemetric terminal “Gonets-D1M” can be used to provide data collection and transference. “Gonets-D1M” terminal is designed for installation in vehicles (fig. 3). The terminal registers location, speed and route of the vehicle. The navigation can be provided through the global navigation system GLONASS, the global positioning system GPS, or through both these systems simultaneously [12; 13]. The terminal is applicable for any kind of stationary and mobile platforms and vehicles. At present the terminal is widely used in sea transportation; potentially, it can be effectively used in air transportation. The terminal operation principles. The experimental onboard system will comprise: the satellite terminal “Gonets-D1M” with satellite and cellular communication antennas. The power required for operation can always be supplied by the aircraft electrical direct current system of 12 V. When switched on, the terminal performs the search of GLONASS and GPS satellites, fixes its own location, speed, time, input voltage, takes sensors’ readings and connects to the server. As soon as the connection is made, the terminal starts to transfer monitoring information to the server at a specified rate. In zones out of GSM network coverage the data will be transmitted through the “Iridium” network SBD channel; these can also be duplicated in case the GSM signal is received. If connection to the server becomes problematic, all information is stored in a non- volatile memory of the terminal and transferred as soon as the connection is re-established (fig. 4). The route of the vehicle is recorded in the form of separate time points at which all the terminal incoming information from the sensors and the auxiliary equipment is registered. A concrete route point is stored in memory if at least of one of the following things happen: a deviation from the given directional angle; the end of the lapse of point fixation time (for moving objects); any event at analog and discrete inputs; change of the device status. Fig. 1. Functioning of satellite communications for the monitoring of aircraft Рис. 1. Принцип работы спутниковой связи для мониторинга ВС Fig. 2. Functional diagram of the terminal operation Рис. 2. Функциональная схема работы терминала Fig. 3. Functional diagram of the transmission stages of telemetry information Рис. 3. Функциональная схема этапов передачи телеметрической информации Fig. 4. Terminal “Gonets-D1M” Рис. 4. Терминал “Гонец-Д1М” Satellite systems compared Gonets Iridium Maximum data transmission volume V = 340 byte = 2,72 K V = 340 byte = 2,72 K Average data transmission time r = 10 K/sec r = 20 K/sec Full packet transmission time T = 2.2 sec T = 3.8 sec The object’s attitude data and aircraft parameters’ records are captured and transferred as a packet through GSM or “Gonets” networks to the control center (see table) [14; 15]. Conclusion. The article gives an analysis of the advantages of “Gonets” satellite navigation system implementation in the field of aviation for the purpose of aircraft monitoring. Compactness of the terminal, authentication of subscribers when the channel is accessible, full coverage of the Russian Federation territory - all these point out the advantages of the system’s application and its ability to provide economical personal communication for all kinds of coverage zones. For effective aircraft monitoring, “Gonets-D1M” can be implemented as a means of communication, as it is already being used in sea transportation sphere. This system is able to provide continuous monitoring of aircraft throughout the territory of Russia.

Об авторах

А. Р. Акзигитов

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Email: aakzigitov88@mail.ru

Н. И. Стаценко

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Н. С. Писарев

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

А. Н. Ефимова

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Р. М. Мусин

Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Список литературы

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© Акзигитов А.Р., Стаценко Н.И., Писарев Н.С., Ефимова А.Н., Мусин Р.М., 2018

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