Generation and accumulation of vacancies in a crystal grown up from melt




The model of the vacancies formation in a crystal grown up from melt, as a result of its leaky packing at crystallization is offered. The dependence of the vacancies concentration from growth rate of an ingot from melt (vc), a gradient of temperatures at the front of crystallization (G) and parameters of diffusion and drift carrying over of vacancies in a hot zone of a crystal is calculated. It is shown that the vacancy crystal growth occurs, if Voronkov
parameter £, is c >Si, where £ is - ^-т^, г) is
G " ьi 1-п kT 2
concentration of atoms in melt and a crystal accordingly, els is an energy of crystallization of atoms, Dls is a diffusion
factor on a border of melt and crystal. The offered model allows to estimate modes of an ingot growth from melt.


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