卷 22, 编号 4 (2021)

Section 1. Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management

About incorrect representation of the shock process on shock polars in a viscous heat-conducting gas

Adrianov A., Sizasko V.


The shock gas-dynamic processes, which have found wide application in rocket and space technology in the design and optimization of devices and power plants, were considered. An analysis of the known exact and asymptotic relations/conditions on the shock wave were carried out, in particular, generalized differential relations (GDR) on a curvilinear oblique shock wave for a model of a viscous heat-conducting gas at large Reynolds numbers. The advantages of using the discrete-analytical approach were shown, for example: 1) the ability to make the most of smoothness of the shock gas-dynamic formation (jump) in the tangential direction; 2) build efficient computational algorithms devoid of the negative action of approximation/ artificial viscosity on a schematized discontinuity. At the same time, a very widespread graphical method for displaying the results of gas-dynamic calculations on the plane of shock polars, proposed by Busemann, and a volumetric (3D) polaroid, proposed by V. N. Uskov, was reviewed. The mathematical method of shock polars was built on exact relations of the RankineHugoniot type and was proven itself quite well even in the simulation of viscous heat-conducting gas flows. However, in numerous literary sources there are assisting results (shock solutions) of both physical and computational experiments, which are not strictly reflecting in shock polars. In this abstract, it was shown that in rare cases this and a very widespread way of such a mapping may be incorrect. It was proved that the main reasons for such a defect are the combined action of three main factors: non-uniformity of the flow before the shock formation, the edge effect behind it, the action of the external viscosity factor and the mechanism of heat conductivity.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):558-567
pages 558-567 views

On the choice of orbits for spacecraft

Egorythev G., Shiryaeva T., Shlepkin A., Filippov K., Pashkovskaya O.


The problem of distribution of a given number of spacecrafts over a certain structured set of orbits consisting of n = pk orbits is considered. The solution to this problem is given under the condition that the set of possible orbits for spacecraft coincides with the number of spacecrafts. In addition, it is assumed that the given set is divided into disjoint subsets of orbits, and the number of orbits in the indicated subset is the same. In the situation under consideration, it is equal to some prime number p. Currently, several orbits are used to place satellites on them, depending on the tasks they solve. Geostationary orbit is used for live TV broadcasting. Low satellite orbits are used for communication between satellite phones. Their own orbits exist for satellites of navigation systems GPS, Navstar, GLONASS, military satellites, satellites for various scientific research. Naturally, under these conditions, the problem arises of structuring a set of orbits with some restrictions on the location of the spacecraft in given orbits, depending on the purpose of the spacecraft. The problem of the complexity of calculating the number of orbits under these constraints is considered.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):568-576
pages 568-576 views

Solution of the filtration problem with the optimal adjustment of the radio-reflecting net of a transformable reflector

Kabanov S., Mitin F.


In this paper, we consider the solution of the filtering problem using the Kalman filter with the optimal tuning of the radio-reflecting net. A large-sized transformable space-based reflector is considered. In the process of placing in orbit this structure, it is possible that the real form of the radio-reflecting net can deviate the desired one. To ensure point-to-point adjustment of the active part of the mesh, a cable-cable system is used. The nodal points of the radio-reflecting surface are connected to the back side of the net through cables. They have built-in actuators that allow you to change the length of the cables. A piezo actuator was selected as a control device. By point-by-point adjustment of the piezo actuators, the net is stretched to the required shape. This allows you to provide a high-quality radiation pattern and a high signal level when receiving and transmitting data. Specific values of the disturbing influences are given. To measure the supply voltage on the piezo actuator and the cable length, a voltage converter and a laser scanner are used. Possible deviations from the calculated initial position are determined. In accordance with the principle of separation, the estimation problem is solved first, then the control problem. The estimation problem is solved using the Kalman filter. The control problem is solved using the optimal control algorithm according to the hierarchy of target criteria. The results of numerical simulation are presented. The successful solution of the problem is shown with variable values of measurement noise and disturbing influences. Comparison with trajectories obtained using various optimal control algorithms is given.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):577-588
pages 577-588 views

Method for forming multi-dimensional data in the information financial and economic system at the enterprise of state space corporation “Roscosmos”

Kartamyshev A., Chernysh B., Murygin A.


The construction of detailed accounting that allows to generate complex analytical reporting is an indispensable requirement of a modern financial system. For enterprises of the State Space Corporation Roskosmoswith custom-made and small-scale production, operating in the conditions of Federal Law No. 275, characterized by a large amount of R&D and a high degree of uncertainty in the process of creating products, this task is a system-forming one. The reporting should contain consistent data in any area of management and accounting at any given time. Along with this, system must provide the flexibility, reliability and performance inherent in transactional databases. To build information support that satisfies the specified conditions, it is required either to separate OLTP and OLAP data schemas, or to apply specialized solutions based on the use of structures and techniques optimized for performing OLAP operations in traditional RDBMSs. This article discusses an approach to the formation of multidimensional data in an automated management system for economic tasks, as an effective alternative to complex and expensive BI solutions. Unlike many commercial systems, the ASU FEZ does not store redundant data (for example, operational accounting registers in the 1C: Enterprise platform) required to build analytical accounting. The underlying data structures and methods of their processing allow for all types of accounting and have powerful tools for constructing analytical reporting. The article proposes algorithms for the operation of the system using the example of building simple OLAP cubes used in real tasks of automating financial and economic activities in ISS JSC for one of the Purchase subsystems. The formalization of these problems is carried out, the mathematical apparatus for constructing multidimensional data models based on information from a fixed set of normalized tables of a relational database is considered. Examples of SQL queries and outputs are provided. The advantages of using the system in operational, management and accounting at an enterprise, which increase its operational efficiency, are summarized.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):589-599
pages 589-599 views

Non-parametric identification and control algorithms for T-processes

Liksonova D., Raskina A.


In this paper, we consider nonparametric identification and control methods for multidimensional discrete-continuous processes with delay, which are typical for many real industries. Of course, such systems are typical for practice, including in the rocket and space industry, as well as in technological processes for the production of space technology. In multidimensional processes, we must take into account the relationships between input and output variables, as well as their relationship with each other. Moreover, these connections are not always known to the researcher. Taking into account the unknown connections of the input variables, the researcher will deal with tubular processes or H-models, and if the unknown connections of the output variables are taken into account, the model along one or another channel of the object will be analogs of implicit functions. In general, the model of a multidimensional object will be represented as a system of nonlinear implicit equations. In this case, the solution to the identification problem will be reduced to finding the forecast of the vector of output variables from the known values of the vector of input variables and can be obtained only as a result of solving the corresponding system of equations, which were called T-models, which will be discussed in this article. The solution of a system of nonlinear implicit equations by parametric identification methods will not lead to the desired result, due to the lack of sufficient a priori information, this is where the need to use nonparametric identification methods arises, as well as the necessary use of system analysis methods. A priori information in problems of nonparametric statistics is insufficient, which cannot be dealt with by generally accepted identification methods.

When managing multidimensional processes, the dependencies of the output variables should be taken into account. Here another important feature arises, which consists in the fact that random values from the range of definition of output variables cannot be used as reference influences, they must be selected from their common intersection.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):600-612
pages 600-612 views

Development of workspace and algorithms for testing SpaceWire onboard equipment

Maksyutin A., Murygin A., Ivlenkov D., Dymov D.


For a long time, the foreign space industry has been using one of the most advanced and actively developing technologies for transmitting information on board a spacecraftSpaceWire. This technology provides high-speed transmission of large amounts of information, creation of a unified infrastructure for high-speed data processing to connect sensors, data processing system elements and mass memory blocks. In SpaceWire is gradually being introduced and used on promising spacecraft. To verify the compliance of the onboard equipment of such devices with the requirements of the SpaceWire ECSS-E-ST-5012C Rev.1 standard, there is a need to develop a workplace described in this article. The workplace is designed so that SpaceWire onboard equipment can be connected to it and tests can be run that check certain parameters of information exchange regulated by the standard. The article presents the general structure of the workplace, as well as a description of each of its elements separately, together with a description of their functionality. The article also describes the developed testing algorithms. Among them, it is possible to distinguish a check for the compliance of the bit error coefficient with the required value, a check for the support of the header removal method by SpaceWire switches, as well as a check for compliance with the requirements for the RMAP and STP-ISS transport protocols. The algorithms of these tests are presented in the form of flowcharts and a detailed text description. The tests themselves are implemented in the form of program code in the C language. As a confirmation of the correctness of the developed tests, practical testing of SpaceWire devices was carried out, among which two payload boards for the NORBY spacecraft can be distinguished, as well as an ultra-large integrated circuit 1931KH014 of a programmable switch for SpaceWire networks. A brief description of the testing devices used in the work is given in the form of a presentation of their functionality applicable to the testing workplace being developed.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):613-623
pages 613-623 views

Application of fictitious discrete models with variable characteristic dimensions in calculations for the strength of composite bodies

Matveev A.


To analyze the stress-strain state of homogeneous and composite bodies (CB), the method of multigrid finite elements (MMFE) is effectively used, which uses multigrid finite elements (MgFE). MMFE generates multigrid discrete models of small dimension, in which the inhomogeneous structure of bodies is taken into account within the framework of a micro-approach using MgFE. Basic discrete models (BM), taking into account the heterogeneous structure of bodies, have a high dimension. To reduce the dimensionality of discrete models of bodies, MMFE is used. However, there are BM CB (for example, BM bodies with a microhomogeneous structure), which have such a high dimension that the implementation of MMFE for such BM, due to limited computer resources, is difficult. In addition, for multigrid discrete models of high dimension, the MMFE generates numerically unstable solutions, which is associated with the error of computer calculations. To solve these problems, it is proposed here to use fictitious discrete models in calculations, the peculiarity of which is that their dimensions are smaller than the dimensions of BM CB.

In this paper, we propose a method of fictitious discrete models (MFDM) for calculating the static strength of elastic composite bodies with an inhomogeneous, micro-homogeneous molecular structure. MFDM is implemented using MMFE using adjusted strength conditions that take into account the error of approximate solutions. The MFDM is based on the position that the solutions that meet the BM CB differ little from the exact ones, i. e. we consider these solutions to be accurate.

The calculation of CB by MFDM is reduced to the construction and calculation of the strength of fictitious discrete models (FM), which have the following properties. FM reflect: the shape, characteristic dimensions, fastening, loading and type of inhomogeneous structure of the CB, and the distribution of elastic modulus corresponding to BM CB. The dimensions of FM are smaller than the dimensions of BM CB. The sequence consisting of FM converges to BM, i. e. the limiting FM coincides with BM. Calculations show that the convergence of such a sequence ensures uniform convergence of the maximum equivalent stresses of the FM to the maximum equivalent stress of the BM CB, which allows the use of such FM in the calculations of elastic bodies for strength.

Two types of FM are considered. The first type is scaled FM, the second type is FM with variable characteristic sizes. In this paper, the FM of the second type is considered in detail. Calculations show that the implementation of MMFE for FM with one, two or three variable characteristic sizes leads to a large saving of computer resources, which allows the use of MFDM for bodies with a micro-homogeneous regular structure. Calculations for the strength of CB according to MFDM require several times less computer memory than a similar calculation using BM CB, and does not contain a procedure for grinding BM. The given example of calculating the strength of a three-dimensional composite beam according to MFDM using FM with three variable characteristic dimensions shows its high efficiency.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):624-635
pages 624-635 views

Section 2. Aviation and Space Technology

Development of a model for detecting malfunctions during the maintenance of aircraft units and systems

Gusev E., Rodchenko V.


Today, we can single out a number of promising reusable launch vehiclesSV Wing” – a reusable cruise stage of a light-class launch vehicle; “Baikal-Angarareusable booster of the first stage of the Angara launch vehicle; “Soyuz-7is a reusable two-stage medium-class launch vehicle; flight design tests of Soyuz-7are planned for 2025. To maintain the operational characteristics of aircraft, it is necessary to develop a maintenance system that ensures the specified reliability of aircraft assemblies. The purpose of this work is to develop a model for detecting malfunctions in the process of maintenance of units and systems of aircraft. Within the framework of this work, an algorithm has been developed, which is based on the method of statistical testing, which allows, at low computer time, to analyze the maintenance process in more detail, taking into account the duration of individual operations and their effectiveness. Data on the duration and efficiency of individual operations can be obtained in the process of special tests of equipment by timing and analysis of service results. For modeling it is necessary to have the following initial data: the law of distribution of the duration of individual operations; the effectiveness of troubleshooting during individual operations. The algorithm implements two types of maintenance: full and reduced. Reduced maintenance provides for operations that are most effective in terms of the number of faults to be eliminated: adjustments, adjustments, search for faulty elements. The developed model makes it possible to investigate the possibility of reducing the downtime for maintenance without a significant decrease in the quality of maintenance, namely: to assess the effectiveness of maintenance when it is carried out according to the full and reduced scheme; evaluate the effectiveness of maintenance when performing maintenance in a limited time; justify the most appropriate ways to improve the quality of service, provided that the downtime for maintenance is limited and predict the likelihood of detecting malfunctions during the maintenance process. The practical significance of the results of this work can be achieved in the aerospace industry, in particular, at the design stage (testing and operation) of a maintenance system for reusable elements of launch vehicles.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):638-648
pages 638-648 views

Optimal control of deployment of the spoke of a transformable reflector in the presence of disturbances

Kabanov S., Kabanov D., Nikulin E., Mitin F.


One of the promising types of spacecrafts is large-size transformable reflectors. Such apparatuses are delivered to a target orbit folded, and then deployed to a working condition. The large aperture allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of the antenna. In this case, the tasks arise of a smooth and reliable deployment, adjusting the shape of a radio-reflecting net, and adjusting the orbital position. Due to the fact that the deployment process takes a long time, accounting for disturbing influences is an important problem. The presence of radiation, large temperature differences, solar wind affects the entire system and mainly on the directional diagram. It is also necessary to smoothly deployment the structural elements, since with an increase in the diameter of the radio-reflecting surface, the moments of inertia of the antenna increase, which leads to prolonged oscillations. In this paper, the process of deployment of the reflector spokes in the presence of disturbances and measurement errors is considered. The solution to the problem is presented using the separation theorem. To estimate the parameters of the system in the presence of measurement noise, the Kalman filter is applied. Its performance is shown at various values of the noise intensity. A random process such as white noise was selected as external disturbances and measurement noises. The control problem is solved using the optimal control algorithm according to the hierarchy of target criteria. The possibility of minimizing energy costs by means of interval switching on of measuring sensors is shown. The results of numerical simulation are presented.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):649-659
pages 649-659 views

Comparative analysis of verified numerical simulation of cavitation based on the Rayleigh – Plesset model for liquid propellant rocket engine pumps

Torgashin A., Zhujkov D., Nazarov V., Begishev A., Vlasenko A.


The turbopump unit is one of the main units of a liquid propellant rocket engine. Ensuring the operability and the possibility of continuous supply of fuel and oxidizer components with a given flow rate and pressure throughout the entire operation cycle of a liquid-propellant rocket engine is one of the main tasks in the design of a heat pump. A negative effect that manifests itself in the case of a local decrease in pressure to the pressure of saturated steam is cavitation.

Currently, in connection with the growth of the computing power of modern computer systems, the methods of computational fluid dynamics (Сomputational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) are increasingly being used to test the anti-cavitation parameters of the pump in various areas of general mechanical engineering. For the rocket and space industry, which has special requirements for reliability, more statistical data is needed. At the moment, there is no cavitation model capable of fully simulating the entire process of nucleation, growth and collapse of a cavitation bubble. However, there are a number of simplified models of this process, among which we can single out the numerical model ZwartGerberBelamri, designed to simulate the cavitation flow in pumps. The mentioned model is the most suitable and is applied in all the works discussed below.

This paper analyzes the experimental data and the results of numerical simulation of pumps with various parameters of flow, pressure and geometry. In the course of work with the model, calculations were performed in the ANSYS environment. In the final part, a conclusion was made about the relationship between the characteristics and applicability of the ZwartGerberBelamri model to the design of the cavitation flow in the HPA LPRE taking into account the peculiarities of the pump operation.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):660-671
pages 660-671 views

Alternative method of solar simulation for thermal vacuum tests of spacecraft

Shevchuk A.


Solar simulators based on gas-discharge xenon lamps, used to obtain the thermal state of objects for thermal vacuum testing of spacecraft, are one of the key, most complex and energy-consuming elements of test equipment. The complexity of the optical system, the large number of optical elements, the need for constant monitoring of their condition, tuning and adjustment by highly qualified personnel significantly complicate the obtaining of required luminous characteristics, mainly the spatial uniformity of the irradiance. Another common drawback is their low energy efficiency, which does not exceed 10 %. We proposed an alternative method of solar simulation using solid-state luminous sourceshigh-efficiency LEDs, with their placement without a bulky and complex optical system directly in a thermal vacuum chamber. At the same time, one of the most difficult problems of adapting to the conditions of thermal vacuum tests is to provide the necessary luminous characteristics. The required wavelength range, spectral match are obtained by combining assemblies of high-efficiency LEDs of six different wavelengths and halogen lamps. We carried out a number of experiments, including measuring the luminous characteristics of alternative luminous sources and mathematical modeling of the matrix emitter. As a result, the possibility of using the proposed method for thermal vacuum tests of spacecraft was confirmed; the luminous characteristics of the model meet the requirements, and in terms of uniformity of irradiance and energy efficiency, they significantly exceed those of traditional solar simulators.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):672-686
pages 672-686 views

Section 3. Technological Processes and Materials

Formation of the structure, mechanical and tribological properties of high chrome steel by electronic-ion-plasma nitrogen

Eresko S., Ivanov Y., Petrikova E., Teresov A., Klopotov A.


The purpose of this work is to detect the regularities of the formation of the structure, mechanical and tribological properties of high-chromium steel subjected to complex treatment combining irradiation with a pulsed electron beam and subsequent nitriding in a low-pressure gas discharge plasma using a plasma generator with an incandescent cathodePINK”. The object of the study was heat-resistant corrosionresistant austenitic steel grade AISI 310. The relevance and practical significance of the research is due to the relatively low level of hardness and wear resistance of steels of this class, which have a wide range of applications in modern industry, including in the rocket and space industry. Irradiation of AISI 310 steel with a pulsed electron beam was carried out at the SOLO installation, subsequent nitriding (the QUINT installation). It was found that irradiation of samples at an electron beam energy density of 30 J/cm2, 200 microseconds, 3 pulses and subsequent nitriding at a temperature of 793 K for 3 hours led to the following changes in mechanical properties. The maximum microhardness reached values of 19 GPa (exceeds the hardness of steel before modification by 11.2 times and the hardness of steel after electron beam irradiation by 8 times). The wear parameter has changed to values k = 0.7´10-6 mm3/N´m (less than the wear parameter of steel before modification by more than 700 times and less than the wear parameter of steel after electron beam irradiation by more than 750 times). The thickness of the hardened layer is 40 microns. It was found that the samples that have the maximum (90.6 %) content of nitride phases (chromium and iron nitrides) in the surface layer. Shown that after nitriding at a temperature of 723 K in the surface layer of steel, iron and chromium nitrides are formed in the form of nanoscale particles of rounded shape. At nitriding temperatures of 793 K and 873 K, a plate-type structure formed by alternating parallel plates of iron nitride and chromium nitride is formed in the surface layer of steel.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):688-699
pages 688-699 views

The method of the automation of the plasmotron movement by six-axis robotic manipulator

Kalashnikov A., Rudenko M., Kucherenko A., Mikheev A., Girn A.


The article presents a method for automating the creation of trajectories of the plasmatron motion by a six-axis robotic manipulator. The automation system was created on the basis of an industrial robot from KUKA. The automation of the creation of trajectories of the plasmatron over the surface of the part is implemented as follows: the trajectory of the plasmatron is created in a graphic editor in the .dwg format. The created file is loaded into the CAM program for CNC machines. A CAM program converts a vector or an area specified by vectors into a control command in g-code format, which is then converted to KRL by a program written in the Python programming language. The development of the program consisted of two stages: the creation of rectilinear movements and the creation of curvilinear movements. The result of the method is presented.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):700-707
pages 700-707 views

The chloroplast structure nfluence on photon states density and efficiency of solar energy conversion

Shabanova K., Loginov Y., Bukhanov E., Volochayev M., Pyatina S.


Due to the absorption of solar energy in chloroplastsgreen plastids, solar energy is converted into the energy of chemical bonds. Studying the processes of photosynthesis and increasing its efficiency is relevant for the development of closed life support systems, including during long flights in space. Chloroplasts are filled with stacks of highly ordered tilakoid membranes (granas). Pigment-protein photosynthetic complexes are located on the border of these membranes. For a long time, the structural characteristics of chloroplasts were not given due attention and they were studied as isotropic substances, but in recent years it has been shown that they have anisotropic properties and a high conversion coefficient during charge separation. In this work, an approach was proposed for a more accurate spatial determination of grains in plant chloroplasts and determination the single unit. Thylakoid membranes and the boundaries of the facet consisting of them are clearly visible in an electron microscope if the electron beam is directed strictly perpendicularly. It was noticed that when the stage is rotated, different regions of the membranes become either blurred or more distinct, which suggests that the granules in chloroplasts are not located in the same plane. Also, a comparison was made of the influence of different external conditions on the chloroplast structure of a plant, not only through a comparison of morphological characteristics, but also through numerical modeling and comparison of the objects spectral properties. For numerical simulation, periodic lattices were determined for the main structural units of chloroplasts of different samples. On the basis of these gratings, the transmission spectra were calculated using the transfer matrix method. Also, the obtained values of the electromagnetic wave along the lattice made it possible to calculate the graphs of the density of photon states. The results of the calculation method of plots of the density of photon states based on the structure of chloroplasts made it possible not only to assess the possible efficiency of photosynthesis, but also to directly relate these models to the external conditions affecting the plant.

Siberian Aerospace Journal. 2021;22(4):708-717
pages 708-717 views