Opportunities for mutual assimilation of labor law regulations of the Russian Federation and the UAE in conditions of activation of migration flows

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The article deals with the problem associated with the development of bilateral relations between countries on the issues of ensuring the rights of labor migrants, analyzes the possibilities of mutual assimilation of labor law norms of the Russian Federation and the UAE in the context of increased migration flows. This topic is relevant in the light of the fact that the existing conventional mechanism of labor law is not able to provide the principle of universality in the regulation of labor relations, and therefore other approaches are needed to solve the problems of international labor law, which is especially important in the context of expanding migration flows. The problem that has arisen is due to the fact that modern international law is based on a system of international conventions, which demonstrates its inability to create universal legal norms suitable for effective interaction between countries in the field of labor migration. The lack of universality forces countries to look for other mechanisms of legal interaction in the field of labor relations, using, in particular, the possibilities of bilateral legal cooperation, one of which is the mutual assimilation of labor law norms. The article determines that the modern civilizational situation leads to the collapse of the system of international law, to an understanding of the need to form legal systems that meet the needs of each individual state. On these grounds, conditions arise for the development of two polar legal paradigms, where one of the lines of the “split” is the labor law issue, which becomes one of the elements in creating a political consensus between Russia and the UAE. The article shows the unity of the positions of Russia and the UAE on this issue, points out the need to assimilate the labor law norms of the Russian Federation and the UAE, considering the increase in the flow of labor migrants.

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About the authors

Elshan E. Abdullaev

Author for correspondence.
Email: elshanabdullaevmsu@gmail.com

Candidate of Law; independent researcher. Moscow, Russian Federation

Russian Federation


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