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The article discusses the dynamics and structure of maternal and perinatal mortality in the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg and North-West Federal district. Based on the structure of maternal mortality, caused by hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders, and thromboembolic complications, and the structure of perinatal mortality, caused by decompensation of placental insufficiency, we came to conclusions about the importance of control of the hemostatic system to prevent these complications. The paper presents algorithms for complex prevention of hemostatic system disturbances in pregnant women with congenital and acquired thrombophilia, complicated obstetrical, gynecological or general medical history, complicated pregnancy and signs of the activation of intravascular coagulation, developed in The D.O. Ott Research Institute RAMS. The use of these algorithms allowed to reduce the frequency of major bleeding by 10 times from 1998 to 2011., to prevent thrombotic complications, to decrease the of abruptio placenta by 5 times and led to 2-fold decrease of intrauterine growth retardation in the structure of infant morbidity.

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About the authors

M S Zainulina

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences



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