Vol 10, No 1 (2012)


Linked symbiotic populations: analysis of genetic diversity of rhizobial component

Muntyan A.N., Andronov E.E., Belova V.S., Roumiantseva M.L., Simarov B.V.


Understanding the selective constraints of partner specificity in mutually beneficial symbiosis is a significant, yet largely unexplored, prospect of evolutionary biology. These selective constraints can be explored through the study of nucleotide polymorphism at loci controlling specificity. We used a model legume-rhizobium mutualism to test for evidence that contextdependent selection may maintain variation in partner quality. We analyze the taxonomic structure, the heterogeneity and linkage disequilibrium of the rhizobial population between symbiotic (nif-, fix- and nod-, nodL-noeA genes) and chromosomal (leu- and IGS loci) genetic markers.
Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):3-11
pages 3-11 views

Linked symbiotic populations: analysis of polymorphism in nfr5 receptor gene by using molecular doking

Porozov Y.B., Muntyan A.N., Chizhevskaya E.P., Simarov B.V., Andronov E.E.


In the present work a molecular genetic analysis of the receptor part of the nfr5 gene in 15 plants of the conjugate collection (the plant component Melilotus albus, the bacterial component Sinorhizobium meliloti) has been done. Was studied the LysM domains structure and found a high level of the nucleotide polymorphism in LysM domains of this gene. A clear relationship of nucleotide and amino acid polymorphism in the receptor region of the nfr5 gene with the genetic diversity of the rhizobial component (bacterial symbiotic locus nodD) was observed. Based on these data, the computer modeling of binding of the bacterial Nod-factor with two different variants of the plant receptor was performed.
Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):12-18
pages 12-18 views

Fine localization of the sym31 locus in pea linkage group III

Tsyganov V.E., Rozov S.M., Knox M., Borisov A.U., Ellis T.N., Tikhonovich I.A.


 Analysis of joint inheritance of symbiotic locus sym31 and 12 molecular and morphological markers of pea linkage group III was performed. The linkage between symbiotic locus sym31 and 11 analyzed markers was observed. Using theAntMap software,adetailed genetic map of the sym31 locus was constructed and its fine position in linkage group III was determined.
Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Estimation of genetic diversity of Karelian birch populations in Kareliausing microsatellite markers

Vetchinnikova L.V., Titov A.F., Topchieva L.V., Rendakov N.L.


We studied genetic structure of populations of Karelian birch Betula pendula var. carelica (Mercklin) Hämet-Ahti, whichlacks second growth. Based on the values of expected and observed heterozygosity, the predominantselection of homozygotes on the background of decrease of the heterozygotes fraction was revealed. Interpopulation differentiation rate (Fst = 0,145) indicates a high inbreeding frequency. Observed genetic characteristics of the populationssuggest that genetic mechanisms play a role in the current decrease of thepopulation size of Karelian birch and its genetic degradation. 
Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):34-37
pages 34-37 views

Genetic study of motor functions in Drosophila melanogaster

Fedotov S.A., Bragina J.V., Besedina N.G., Danilenkova L.V., Kamysheva E.A., Kamyshev N.G.


To investigate molecular mechanisms of central pattern generators (CPG s) functioning, we carried out a screening of collection of Drosophila P-insertional mutants for strong deviations in locomotion and courtship song. In 21 mutants, the site of the P-insertion was localized by sequencing of the fragments of genomic DNA flanking the P-element. Bioinformational analysis revealed a list of candidate genes, potential players in development and functioning of CPG s. Possible involvement of certain identified genes in rhythmic motor activity is suggested for the first time (CG15630, Map205).
Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):51-61
pages 51-61 views

Novel series os pea symbiotic mutants induced in the SGE line

Tsyganov V.E., Voroshilova V.A., Rozov S.M., Borisov A.U., Tikhonovich I.A.


 Using ethylmethansulphonate the chemical mutagenesis of the pea laboratory line SGE was performed. During analysis of 425 families (2069 plants) of М2 progeny 45 putative mutants were selected, among them 30 mutants forming ineffective nodules (Fix phenotype), 13 mutantsunable to form nodules (Nod phenotype), and 2 mutants forming a few nodules (Nod+/– phenotype). For 1 Nod and 5 Fix mutants monogenic inheritance and recessive phenotype manifestation were demonstrated. For Fix– mutant SGEFix–9 an additional mutation leading to Nod+/– phenotype was shown. Complementation analysis showed that the mutant phenotype of the SGEFix- - 5 line is caused by a mutation in the sym33 gene, of theSGEFix–6 linein the sym40 gene, of the SGEFix–7 line in the sym27 gene, and of the SGEFix–8 linein the sym25 gene.
Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):19-26
pages 19-26 views


Zhernakov A.I., Tsyganov V.E., Borisov A.U., Tikhonovich I.A.


 The ethylene status of the pea mutant SGEcrt with altered morphology of the root system, whose development is dramatically dependent on the mechanical conditions of the environment, was studied. The role of ethylene in phenotypic manifestation of mutant root system was confirmed. It was shown that the mutant is characterized by increased production of and increased sensitivity to ethylene and by changes in regulation of ethylene biosynthesis leading to increased activity of the ethylene-producing enzyme ACC-oxidase.
Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):62-73
pages 62-73 views

Fine mapping of a cdt locus mutation that leads to increased cadmium tolerance

Kulaeva O.A., Tsyganov V.E.


A pea mutant SGECdt (cdt), which has an increased cadmium tolerance and an increased cadmium accumulation, as compared to the initial line, was recently obtained. Earlier, a SSAP (sequence specific amplified polymorphism) analysis revealed localization of the cdt locus in VI linkage group. For fine mapping of the cdt locus a set of PCR based markers was developed. PCR markers were based on known sequences of pea genes, which were determined using analysis of genome microsynteny between pea and model legume Medicago truncatula. The close linkage of the cdt locus and markers based on the Pentatricopeptide repeat and Exosome complex exonuclease RRP 45 genes was revealed. Thus, prerequisites for cdt positional cloning were developed.
Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):38-45
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Using the SSAP analysis for the primary localization of the cdt (cadmium tolerance) mutation in pea linkage group VI

Tsyganov V.E., Kulaeva O.A., Knox M., Borisov A.U., Tikhonovich I.A., Ellis T.N.


To localize the cdt mutation leading to an increased cadmium tolerance in the pea mutant and an increased cadmium accumulation in the biomass, F2 and F3 progenies from crosses between the mutant SGECdt line and the JI 281 line were analyzed. The joint inheritance of 89 SSAP (sequence specific amplified polymorphism) markers, by which the analyzed lines differed, and the mutant trait of cadmium tolerance was performed. The linkage between the trait of cadmium tolerance and 4 SSAP markers: Tps1/146+, Tps1/167+,Tps1/44+ and Tps1/58+, localized in VI pea linkage group, was shown. Thus, prospects of using SSAP analysis for primary localization of a mutation in the linkage group were demonstrated.
Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):46-50
pages 46-50 views


Rubel A.A., Korzhova V.V., Saifitdinova A.F., Antonez K.S., Inge-Vechtomov S.G., Galkin A.P.


SUMMARY: The possibility of interaction between Prion Protein and amyloid beta peptide in living cells of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been investigated by fluorescence 3D microscopy. Using the FR ET technique, it was shown that amyloid beta peptide and PrP interact in yeast cells. In the future, the yeast model can be used for investigation of the fine mechanisms of this interaction by fluorescence microscopy.

Ecological genetics. 2012;10(1):74-80
pages 74-80 views

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