卷 12, 编号 10 (1898)


A few words about the recent samples of the tampon-vaginal electrical conductor and the nonpolating cutaneous electrode of the A.N. Aleksandrova and on the method of using them for internal-external electrification of the female genital area

Alexandrov A.


The purpose of the message. View of the tampon-vaginal conductor with charcoal. The mechanism of preliminary filling of this electrical conductor with a solution of sodium chloride. The introduction of an electrical conductor into the vagina and its peculiarities caused by focal sufferings in the female genital area. Chemistry of electrolysis of a solution of sodium chloride in a tampon of an electrical conductor and in the presence of platinum, gold and coal; modification of this reaction from the addition to the solution of 2-3% hydrochloric acid; changes in the nature of electrolysis in the presence of base or oxidizing metals; different relationship to the oxidation of metals at the anode and cathode.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1121-1132
pages 1121-1132 views

Participation and role of the zemstvo in order to streamline labor assistance in Russia

Artemiev A.


Just as once the sage of mechanics tried in vain to open a just opened chest, assuming that it was a secret, so now congresses of doctors, special commissions and outstanding representatives of obstetrics are trying to create something special, from a number of mozhenya in villages and villages, thinking about the idea and seeing the whole secret only in the fact that the projected device does not increase the expenses of the zemstvo for medical care.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1133-1148
pages 1133-1148 views

A case of multiple deformities

Bondarev P.


Is it necessary to say that any deformity of a fetus or a newborn baby is of deep interest for every doctor, and even more for a specialist obstetrician? In this case, he has to observe not only the features of the physiology of the mechanism of childbirth, but also the features of the pathological picture of the given object. It is unlikely that the obstetrician at the time when he recognizes the birth of a freak, can bring this ugliness to one or another type, because, as much as nature is harmoniously consistent, as much as it is sometimes bizarre in its variances relatively times ¬vitiya of the fetus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1149-1157
pages 1149-1157 views

The case of Caesar's chant

Sachs G.


The case of the Caesar’s judgment, the description of which I allow myself to take the attention of my comrades, is of noble interest in itself, as a case of a rather rare operation in general, but more so under the conditions of rural rural practice. In addition, our case has many characteristic sides in everyday life, drawing the setting of obstetric care in the village.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1158-1162
pages 1158-1162 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. 5

Board E.


Protocol No. 5. Meeting on May 14, 1898. Chaired by D. 0. Ott.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1163-1170
pages 1163-1170 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. V

Board E.


Protocol No. V. Administrative appointment on May 14, 1898. Chaired by D. 0. Ott

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1171
pages 1171 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. 6

Board E.


Protocol No. V. Meeting on September 24, 1898. It was chaired by V. A. Vasten.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1172-1173
pages 1172-1173 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies in Kiev. Protocol No. 95

Board E.


Protocol No. 95. Annual meeting on December 9, 1897. It was chaired by prof. G.E. Rein.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1174-1194
pages 1174-1194 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies in Kiev. Protocol No. 96

Board E.


Protocol No. 96. The meeting on January 30, 1898 was chaired by prof. L.A. Malinovskiy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1195-1202
pages 1195-1202 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies in Kiev. Minutes No. 97

Board E.


Protocol No. 97. March 3, 1898 was chaired by prof. G.E. Rein.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1203-1212
pages 1203-1212 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies in Kiev. Minutes No. 98

Board E.


Protocol No. 98. March 17, 1898 was chaired by prof. G.E. Rein.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1213-1220
pages 1213-1220 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies in Kiev. Protocol No. 99

Board E.


Protocol No. 99. April 28, 1898. It was chaired by prof. G.E. Rein.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1221-1223
pages 1221-1223 views

Measurement of the fetal head in the uterine cavity

Schwab A.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
A. Schwab. — Mensuration de la tete fetale dans la cavite uterine .— (La Bresse medicale 1 Juin 1898, p. 298) .— Changes in the fetal head in the uterine cavity.
The importance of knowing the size of the fetus, in particular its head, in relation to the size of this pelvis, makes many obstetricians come up with various methods to determine these sizes before delivery. In the article, these methods are described. The method, based on the study of Dubois, Tarnier and See, consists in determining the transverse size of the fetal head by the period of pregnancy: the number of centimeters in diameter is identical to the number of months of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1224-1225
pages 1224-1225 views

Uterine bleeding at the onset of puberty. luchenie them

Romme R.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
R. Romme. — Les metrorrhagies dyscrasiques de la pubeite et leur traitement .— (La Presse medicale, 1898, No. 38, p. 233). — Uterine bleeding at the onset of puberty. Best of them.
The reasons for such blood loss can be general disorders in a growing organism of a discracial nature, or self-poisoning (for example, with tubercles), or constant errors in hygiene, or bowel disorders. These bleeding are observed at the age of 13-15 years, with the installation of the month, Blood loss is almost always constant and can cause fatal anemia. There are almost no pains or pains.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1225
pages 1225 views

Comparative assimilation of female and cow's milk by newborns

Michel C.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
Ch. Michel. — Utilization des materiaux nutritifs du lait. Comparaison, chez le nourrisson, des deux modes d'alimentation: lait de femme et lait de vache .— (La France medicale. 1898, No. 26, p. 402) .— Comparative assimilation of female and cow's milk by newborns.
Examining feces and urine after feeding only female milk in 5 boys 5-15 days of age, the author found the following. Kal, yellow in fresh condition, after a while took a greenish color and did not emit any stench.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1226
pages 1226 views

Four cases of psychosis after surgery

Kakushkin N.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
Marx .—- Sur quatre cas de folie post — operatoire .— (La Revue medicale. 1898, No. 204) .— Four cases of psychosis after the operation.
The author expresses the following provisions: 1) postoperative psychoses are observed only in women, and the nature of the operative intervention here does not matter (in fact, ossification does not cause severe mental disorders); 2) chloroform on the one hand and the suppressed state of the patient's nervous system before the operation — on the other hand, are the main predisposing moments in this case (this also includes the general decline in nutrition, anemia, etc.), 3) all postoperative mental disorders, starting from simple to a severe form of melancholy, they have a temporary character, passing

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1226-1227
pages 1226-1227 views

Uterine bleeding and marriage

Olivier A.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
A. Olivier. — Metrorrhagie et manage .— (Annales de la policlinique de Paris. 1898 r. No. 2, p. 25) .— Uterine bleeding and marriage.
The author cites the case of Eustache, in which a hysterical girl of 15-16 years old from a neuropathic family, who had just begun to menstruate, suffered from uterine bleeding, which did not give in to any, even surgical, influence. The bleeding stopped after the first night of marriage and did not resume during the next two years

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1227
pages 1227 views

New needle for stitching the vagina and perineum

Kakushkin N.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
Lautard. — Nouvelle aiguille porte-bobine pour la suture de la paroi vaginale posterieure du perinee .— (Arch, provinciates de chirurgie. VII, 7. 1898, p, 441) .— A new needle for stitching the vagina and perineum.
In order to do without an assistant and to speed up the operation during stitching operations, mainly perineum, the author came up with a needle with a handle and a spool with thread.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1227
pages 1227 views

Ovarian rupture. Internal bleeding. Fatefulness with a favorable outcome

Kakushkin N.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
Depage. — Rupture de Fovaire. Hemorrhagie intraperi- toneale foudroyante. Laparotomie. Guerison. - (Annales de la Societe Beige de chirurgie. 15 avril 1898. p. 53) .- Rupture of the ovary. Internal bleeding. Fatefulness with a favorable outcome.
The young saint for 2-3 days suffered from pain in the abdomen, which were attributed to inflammation of the peritoneum on the basis of inflammation of the vermiform process of the small intestine. Then the patient suddenly showed signs of a rapid decline in strength and signs of internal bleeding. An opening of the abdominal wall was performed immediately. The entire peritoneal cavity was filled with blood clots, the source of bleeding could not be found for a long time.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1228
pages 1228 views

Internal bleeding with normal attachment of the last and with presentation of it

Kakushkin N.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
Lop. — De Fhemmoragie interne dans les cas de placenta praevia on de placenta normalement insere. - (la Pressemedicale 2 juillet 1898) .- Internal bleeding with normal attachment of the last and with its presentation.
Two cases are described. In the first, in a syphilitic woman of 39 years old, pregnant in the 7th connector (and never bursting at the time), suddenly an enlarged abdomen, general weakness and pain are noticed. The midwife first suspected dropsy of amnion, overshadowed the twins, and only when external bleeding appeared, she sent for a doctor. The baby was breathing for a few minutes, was born voluntarily, the voluminous one was removed from the vagina, the uterus was removed up to 120 gm. clots. The patient died. The second case concerns a 41-year-old woman who is 12 months pregnant (previous labor without complications).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1228-1229
pages 1228-1229 views

Results of treatment of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea with mineral waters

Merle L.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
L. Merle. — L'amorrhee et la dysmenorrhee. Resultats obtenus par le traitement hydromineral .— (Le Progres medical. 1898, No. 20, p. 305) .— The results of the treatment of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea with mineral waters.
It is about the treatment of these sufferings with the warm alkaline springs of Bourbonne-les-Bains. The way of applying water is not described in detail, there is only a strong indication that the best is to apply souls to the lower part of the body.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1229
pages 1229 views

A woman's rectum, which is able to draw in air and make musical sounds

Kakushkin N.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
Baudoin. — Un nouveau cas d'aspiration rectale et d'anus musical chez la femme .— (La Ptevue medicale, 1898, No. 205, p. 177). — A woman's rectum, capable of drawing in air and making musical sounds ...
This is the second case reported by the author (for the first see: Semaine medicale. 1892, no. 19, p. 144). An actress, 27 years old, giving birth to five times, in general, enjoying good health and satisfactory constitution; objective disorders on the part of the digestive device and other organs are not excluded, except for a small prolapse of the uterus. She developed her ability to take in air with the rectum and expel it with sweat with sounds of various tones, exercising under the guidance of one master, who possessed this property with perfection.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1229-1230
pages 1229-1230 views

Anti-pecoccal serum for postnatal infection

Rebreyend P.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: French.
P. Rebreyend. — Le Serum autistreptococcique dans 1'infection puerperale .— (La Presse medicale. 1898, A? 48, p. 309) .— Anti-pecoccal serum in postnatal infection.
Observations and experiments of different persons on the action of serum give very diverse results. The closest effect of this remedy, a drop in temperature, is observed either not always, or sometimes after a relatively long period of time after the introduction of the drug; such a drop in some cases is short-lived.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1230
pages 1230 views

Acute infringement of the prolapsed uterus and vagina

Baldy I.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: English.
I. Baldy .— (Philadelphia). - Acute Strangulation of prolapsed Uterus and Vagina. - (The American Journal of Obstetrics etc, 1898, February, p. 230). - Acute strangulation of the prolapsed uterus and vagina.
II. Bejea. - Acute Septic Infection and Strangulation of a Completely prolapsed Uterus; Vaginal Hysterectomy; Death.— (Ibidem, p. 231) .— Acute septic infection and impingement of the prolapsed uterus; vaginal izтельнchenіe with a fatal outcome.
III. Bejea and Baldy. — Cases of Acute Strangulation of prolapsed Uterus et Vagina .— (Ibidem, p. 247). — 0 same.
I. Baldy describes prolapse of the uterus and vagina in a 70-year-old old woman who suffered from this for 10 years: the adjustment made during examination could not be maintained, even when lying on the back; there was an ulcer on the cervix in the g dollar. She did not agree to the operation. When the old woman came to V. after 10 days, due to the severity of the pains, the parts that fell out turned out to be severely swollen, the ulceration spread up to half of the uterus, and the general condition became very bad.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1231-1232
pages 1231-1232 views

Ovarian tumors or inflammation?

Doran A.


Abstracts. Review of Obstetric and Gynecological literature: English.
Alban Doran. — Ovarian Tumors, Simulating inflamed Ovaries .— (The Edinburgh med. Journ., May 1898, p.p. 449-460). — Ovarian tumors or inflammation? (resp. differential diagnosis of these diseases).
Despite the thousands of ovarian tumors produced everywhere, the differential diagnosis between cysts and small, solid tumors of the ovary has not yet been sufficiently clarified. Many excise all ovarian tumors that come across; it is not rare that the ovary swelling is caused only by its inflammation, which, with proper treatment, would have passed without an operation. It happens that an ovarian tumor, before it rises from the small pelvis upwards, becomes painful, which is caused by a disease of the uterus or another ovary and may cause an error in the diagnosis. On the other hand, the growth of the ovarian tumor in the small pelvis, with the coincidence of the elongation of the uterus and abundant regulation, gives a reason to take the ovarian tumor for the uterine fibroid. With the aim of contributing to the best diagnosis in such cases, Boran provides 6 history of diseases and discusses the features they represent.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1232-1237
pages 1232-1237 views

Quinin instead of ergotine in obstetrics

Owen C.


Owen C. Mackness. — The Use of Quinine as a Substitute for Ergot, in Midwiffery .— (Edinburgh med. Journ., May 1898, p. 617). — Quinine instead of ergotine in obstetrics.
The author is outraged by the too frequent and harmful use of ergotine for the mother and the fetus, while the more beneficial effect of quinine on uterine contractions is not yet popular enough among doctors, why he cites his observations on quinine.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1898;12(10):1237-1238
pages 1237-1238 views
