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History of medicine

Professor A.M. Mazhbits

Baranov A., Andreyeva A., Revako P., Istomina N.


Notable an obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Mazhbits made a great contribution to the history of medicine of the USSR and the annals of the Arkhangelsk state medical Institute (ASMI, now – the North-State Medical University (NSMU)), where he headed the Department in 1953-1958. Being the author of over 120 scientific works and 7 books, many scientific inventions and publications on obstetric and gynecological urology and its history, he was a creator of the textbook “Operative urogynecology”, inventor and prominent scientist. Each operation for a particular urogynecological disease the author described in detail and step by step with the attachment of original visual drawings, photos or radiographs, diagrams of practical activities. Alexander Moiseevich was the first who proposed a new direction for the creation of urogynecology. Not specific urologists, surgeons or obstetricians-gynecologists should deal with this activities, but urogynecologists who consider the female pelvis as a whole. A.M. Mazhbits wrote: “Obstetrics-gynecology and female urology are daughter cells of general pelvic surgery, they are twins of different ages, so closely related to each other genetically, clinically and practically that the boundaries between them are often smoothed out.”

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Original Research


Borovik N., Musina Е., Tiselko A., Suslova S., Glavnova O., Yarmolinskaya M.




材料与方法。对124例2型糖尿病患者的妊娠过程和结局进行了回顾性和前瞻性分析。从2010年到2019年,患者在The Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology named after D.O. Ott的联邦州预算科学机构的“糖尿病与怀孕”中心进行了观察。在妊娠前准备阶段,研究包括34名患有2型糖尿病的妇女,以及90名怀孕期间的妇女。所有患者均接受临床一般检查,纠正碳水化合物代谢,并在糖尿病学校进行培训,即学习合理营养原则、血糖控制原则、胰岛素治疗原则。采用国家糖化血红蛋白标准化方案认证的方法(源自英语National Glycogemoglobin Standartization Program),以糖化血红蛋白水平评估糖尿病代偿性。该方法根据DCCT研究(源自英语Diabetes Control and Complications Trial)中采用的参考值和血糖水平(每天至少自我监测四次)进行标准化。同时也考虑了妊娠前、妊娠中糖尿病血管并发症的严重程度,以及伴随病理的发现和治疗。根据世界卫生组织的标准,并考虑到根据Quetelet公式计算的孕前体重指数,对肥胖程度进行评估。子痫前期的严重程度是根据联邦临床指南确定的。使用Voluson E6设备(GE Healthcare,美国)对胎儿进行超声检查,用多普勒测量胎儿胎盘复合体血管内的血流。为及时诊断糖尿病胎儿病和胎儿心肌病,采用动态胎儿测量和超声心动图。为了产前评估胎儿状况,从怀孕30周开始进行心脏造影。分娩后,新生儿专家在新生儿出生的第一分钟和第五分钟用阿普加量表评估新生儿的状况,然后观察新生儿早期的病程。



Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):11-19
pages 11-19 views

Fetal growth and development disorders in smoking pregnant women

Gryzunova E., Baranov A., Solovyov A., Kazakevich E., Chumakova G., Kiselyova L.


BACKGROUND: Due to the increased frequency of smoking in pregnant women, an interest in the study of the mechanisms of the fetoplacental unit in women with tobacco addiction has also been increased all over the world. The effect of low degrees of tobacco addiction of a pregnant woman on the fetus has not been studied in the available literature.

AIM: The aim of this study was to identify the growth and developmental abnormalities of the fetus at 30-34 weeks of gestation in smoking pregnant women at the third-trimester ultrasound screening.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pregnant women, who were observed in the Northern Medical Clinical Center named after N.A. Semashko, Arkhangelsk, Russia were examined during the ultrasound screening. A continuous examination of pregnant women with three ultrasound screenings was carried out, with the third screening performed in 1048 individuals.

RESULTS: The survey cohort included 120 pregnant women using the inclusion criteria. Two groups were formed depending on the presence or absence of smoking during pregnancy. The first group contained non-smoking pregnant women (n = 40); the second group comprised smokers during pregnancy (n = 80). Comparison of fetal development parameters in the group of pregnant smokers was carried out in two subgroups: the second “a” subgroup only consisted of smokers in the first trimester (embryonic period) and the second “b” subgroup contained smokers throughout pregnancy. All pregnant women who took part in the study signed a Patient Informed Consent form. The study design was observational, cross-sectional (one-step). The main manifestations of fetal growth and development disorders at 30-34 weeks of gestation in pregnant smokers were low estimated fetal weight, low tubular bone length and low head circumference by the gestational age. Low (below the 10th percentile) estimated fetal weight by the gestational age was recorded only in the group of pregnant women who smoke (p = 0.001) and in 90.0% of cases even with a weak degree of tobacco addiction. It was accompanied by low bone sizes and was detected in 10.0% of cases among women who stopped smoking in the first trimester and in 15.0% of cases among those who continued to smoke throughout pregnancy. This result confirmed early symmetrical intrauterine growth restriction of the fetus. Pregnant smokers at 30-34 weeks of gestation had significantly more often low (below the 5th percentile) fetometric parameters characterizing bone growth: femur length (p = 0.01), shinbone length (p = 0.035), shoulder bone length (p = 0.004), biparietal head size (p = 0.006), and head circumference (p = 0.002). Low values of the fetal head circumference were found in 50.0% of cases among pregnant smokers. In the absence of signs of fetal bone growth restriction and the estimated fetal weight in P10-95 values in the group of smoking pregnant women, significantly more often (p = 0.027) than in non-smokers, low (below the 5th percentile) head circumference for gestational age was recorded in 29.8% of cases. In addition, in this group of fetuses of pregnant smokers, elevated ratios of abdominal circumference to head circumference were found, which indicated fetal head growth restriction. The fetometry data obtained were confirmed by anthropometric measurements in the newborns during term delivery, the length of full-term newborns in pregnant smokers being significantly lower (p = 0.040).

CONCLUSIONS: Fetuses of pregnant smokers were more likely to have low fetometric parameters by gestational age. Low estimated weights of the fetuses were found in 90.0% of cases with a weak degree of tobacco addiction.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):21-30
pages 21-30 views


Malysheva O., Molotkov A., Osinovskaya N., Shved N., Yarmolinskaya M., Baranov V.



目的是评估子宫肌瘤、生殖器外子宫内膜异位症患者和对照组中多态变异rs7521902(WNT4基因) 和rs4721745(TWIST1基因)的频率;确定生殖器外子宫内膜异位症患者中HOXA10基因罕见等位变异的频率;研究这些基因在子宫肌瘤、生殖器外子宫内膜异位症及对照组子宫内膜中的表达特点。


结果。子宫肌瘤、生殖器外子宫内膜异位症患者和对照组中多态变异rs7521902(WNT4基因) 和rs4721745(TWIST1基因)的频率无显著性差异。在生殖器外子宫内膜异位症患者中未检测到少量HOXA10等位基因。WNT4基因在生殖器外子宫内膜异位症患者子宫内膜中的表达不受月经周期分期的影响,并与子宫肌瘤患者相比,WNT4基因在子宫内膜中的表达减少1.9倍。生殖器外子宫内膜异位症患者月经周期20-23天子宫内膜中HOXA10基因的表达较对照组显著降低。子宫肌瘤和生殖器外子宫内膜异位症患者子宫内膜中TWIST1基因的表达无变化。


Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):31-40
pages 31-40 views

Role of biometric characteristics of the uterine junctional zone in fertility outcomes in patients with adenomyosis

Orekhova E., Zhandarova O., Kogan I.


BACKGROUND: The uterine junctional zone is the inner part of the myometrium. Dysfunction of the zone may underlie the pathogenesis of adenomyosis and its clinical manifestations, while biometric characteristics of the zone are currently considered as promising early diagnostic criteria for this disease. Adenomyosis has traditionally been associated with parity and intrauterine interventions, primarily in older patients. However, modern imaging tools often allow diagnosing the disease in young patients with infertility and an unburdened gynecological history. It is assumed that the detection of changes in the structure and function of the uterine junctional zone in adenomyosis can be the basis for predicting fertility outcomes and complications of pregnancy, as well as for the development of promising therapeutic strategies at the pregravid stage.

AIM: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of biometric characteristics of the uterine junctional zone on pregnancy outcomes, depending on the parity and intrauterine interventions in patients with adenomyosis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study included 102 patients aged 22–39 years old with ultrasound features of adenomyosis who were going to conceive. The patients were divided into two groups: Group 1 (n = 58) consisted of nulliparous patients with no history of previous intrauterine interventions, and Group 2 (n = 44) comprised multipara women with a history of labor and / or intrauterine interventions. Using magnetic resonance imaging, we evaluated minimal, average and maximal junctional zone thicknesses, junctional zone deferential and a ratio of junctional zone thickness to myometrium thickness. Thresholds of biometric characteristics of the uterine junctional zone for adverse pregnancy outcomes were estimated.

RESULTS: The frequencies of pregnancy and retrochorial hematoma in patients of Groups 1 and 2 in the first trimester of pregnancy did not differ significantly and amounted to 43.1% and 38.6%, 13.8% and 22.7%, respectively, p > 0.05. Adverse pregnancy outcomes were diagnosed in 63.8% of patients in Group 1 and in 68.2% of patients in Group 2, p > 0.05. In Group 1, the frequency of retrochorial hematoma depended on the initial junctional zone deferential, as well as on the initial average and maximal junctional zone thicknesses, junctional zone deferentials and ratios of junctional zone thickness to myometrium thickness, which, with an adverse pregnancy outcome, were 1.7–2.5 times higher than those in patients with a favorable outcome, p > 0.05. In Group 2, adverse pregnancy outcomes were recorded with significantly higher values of average and maximal junctional zone thicknesses and junctional zone deferential. ROC curves were constructed using data of logistic regression analysis based on biometric characteristics of the uterine junctional zone to predict spontaneous abortion and infertility in patients with adenomyosis.

CONCLUSIONS: Fertility outcomes in patients with adenomyosis depend on a complex of biometric characteristics of the uterine junctional zone as determined by magnetic resonance imaging.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):41-50
pages 41-50 views

Hormone metabolic pattern in the preclinical stage of preeclampsia

Tezikov Y., Lipatov I., Azamatov A.


BACKGROUND: The imbalance of vascular endothelial cell metabolism determines the clinical manifestations of preeclampsia; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying the vessel destabilization are not fully understood. In recent years, researchers have focused on clarifying the role of dysmetabolic disorders in patients with obstetric pathology, including preeclampsia. This is due to the fact that pregnancy is accompanied by metabolic restructuring aimed at switching the energy supply of the pregnant woman’s body from the carbohydrate to the fat component in order to maintain an effective energoplastic supply of the developing fetus. Impairment of this evolutionary adaptation mechanism realized during pregnancy requires additional in-depth study.

AIM: This study was aimed to identify and compare pathogenetic patterns that characterize early and late preeclampsia at the preclinical stage, based on dynamic clinical and laboratory examination of high-risk pregnant women.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective clinical and laboratory examination of 180 pregnant women with independent factors of high risk of developing preeclampsia was carried out. Comparison groups were identified retrospectively, depending on the period of preeclampsia manifestation: Group I consisted of 31 pregnant women with early preeclampsia; Group II comprised 58 pregnant women with late preeclampsia; and Group III (control) included 30 healthy pregnant women with uncomplicated gestation. Pregnant women were examined twice at the preclinical stage of preeclampsia (11-14 and 18-21 weeks of gestation) and once at clinical manifestation of the disease (28-36 weeks of gestation). The markers of metabolic, hormonal, hemocirculatory, hemostasiological and placental disorders were evaluated.

RESULTS: We found similar pathophysiological changes in pregnant women with both early and late PE, from early gestation periods. Those were characterized by pathological insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, as well as associated atherogenic changes in the lipid profile, hyperleptinemia, hyperuricemia, hypersympathicotonia, visceral fat deposition, and contra-insular hormonal deviations. The observed alterations reflected a single hormonal and metabolic pattern of the preclinical stage of preeclampsia. During pregnancy, there was shown an increase in clustering diabetogenic and atherogenic abnormalities and hormonal changes, which were supplemented by associated endothelial and hemostasiological dysfunction and, in early preeclampsia, placental dysfunction, thus accelerating the time of clinical implementation of preeclampsia.

CONCLUSIONS: From the pathogenetic point of view, preeclampsia of various periods of manifestation is an indivisible category with a common basic developmental mechanism characterized by a hormone metabolic pattern from the early stages of pregnancy. These stable changes are the result of the pathologically transformed phylogenetic mechanism of energoplastic supply of the fetus. This transformation is realized via physiological insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia development due to the contra-insular activity of placental hormones. The added structural and functional disorders of the embryo (feto) placental system potentiate basic mechanisms (pathological insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia) and determine the period of preeclampsia clinical manifestation in each particular woman.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):51-63
pages 51-63 views


Florova M., Yarmolinskaya M., Tkachenko N., Tolibova G., Tral T.







Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):65-74
pages 65-74 views


Premature ovarian insufficiency: Genetic causes and treatment options. A literature review

Denisova V., Yarmolinskaya M., Zakurayeva K.


Premature ovarian insufficiency is a syndrome characterized by hypergonadotropic ovarian insufficiency and the reduction of ovarian function before age 40. This leads to reproductive failures, metabolic changes, and a decrease in quality of life. Currently, occult and initial forms of premature ovarian insufficiency, which have their own diagnostic features and management tactics, can be figured out. The frequency of this syndrome is between 1.1 and 3.7% and the tendency for incidence to increase can be seen. This article is a literature review of the data available in the PubMed database (2005–2020), with international clinical guidelines taken into consideration. The genetic causes of premature ovarian insufficiency, clinical signs of this pathology and treatments options for such patients are included into the review. In addition, some features of assisted reproductive technology within this group are described.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):75-91
pages 75-91 views

Premature newborns: Actual problems of raising and prevention of adverse consequences

Evsyukova I.


The review summarizes the literature data on the perinatal pathology of premature infants, the frequency of their development in the following months and years of life of neuropsychiatric and somatic diseases. The results of experimental and clinical studies are presented, revealing the general pathogenetic mechanism – oxidative stress, underlying bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy of prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis, periventricular leukomalacia, open ductus arteriosus and persistent pulmonary hypertension. The interrelation of the processes of inflammation and oxidative stress, which play a leading role in the brain damage of the fetus and newborn, is considered. The literature data on the possibility of preventing severe complications in the antenatal period of development with the timely use of surfactant, magnesium sulfate and acetylcysteine are presented, It is emphasized that the first hours of a premature baby's life are a critical period for an individual approach to resuscitation, the beginning and effectiveness of drug therapy aimed at suppressing oxidative stress and systemic inflammation, which is confirmed by modern trends in optimizing the care of premature babies using pentoxifylline, erythropoietin, cortexin and melatonin.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):93-102
pages 93-102 views


Mozalyova O., Samarina A.



Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):103-113
pages 103-113 views

Modern approaches to organ-conserving surgical hemostasis in obstetric bleeding

Fatkullina I., Yashchuk A., Fatkullina Y., Lazareva A.


BACKGROUND: Obstetric hemorrhage is an urgent problem of global health care, since it occupies a leading position in the structure of maternal mortality.

AIM: The aim of this study was to analyze data on hemostasis in obstetric bleeding.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The article presents a review of the world literature on modern approaches to hemostasis, which take into account new data on the anatomical structure of the female reproductive system.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Based on the foreign and domestic literature data, a strict step-by-step implementation of all prescribed measures along with a differentiated approach to treatment that takes into account anatomical features is the key to success in the fight against obstetric bleeding as the main cause of maternal mortality in the world.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):115-120
pages 115-120 views

Role of molecular signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of adenomyosis

Shalina M., Yarmolinskaya M., Netreba E., Beganova A.


The prevalence of genital endometriosis and adenomyosis, in particular, is tending to increase. The lack of a complete understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms and multifactorial causes of adenomyosis, the low effectiveness of existing drug therapy, and the importance of preserving reproductive function make it necessary to further study the pathogenesis of the disease, search for new non-invasive highly informative diagnostic methods and develop a new strategy for pathogenically based drug therapy. The review presents current data on the role of signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of the development of adenomyosis based on domestic and foreign literature sources retrieved from the electronic databases PubMed, CyberLeninka, and Google Scholar in the period from 1999 to 2020. Considerable emphasis is placed on the discussion of the research results in recent years. Based on the analysis, the role of transforming growth factor â (TGFβ), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), dual-specificity protein phosphatase (PTEN), Notch receptors, and eukaryotic translation initiation factors (eIFs) in the signaling of adenomyosis is presented. Further advanced study of signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of adenomyosis will allow developing highly specific and highly sensitive markers for non-invasive diagnostics, as well as new directions for drug treatment of the disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):121-134
pages 121-134 views

Theory and Practice

Management of a patient diagnosed with ovarian cancer during pregnancy

Protasova A., Zazerskaya I., Tsypurdeyeva A., Shelepova E., Vyshedkevich E., Rizhinashvili I., Sokolova A.


Insufficient diagnosis of ovarian tumors during pregnancy and decreased oncological alertness constitute huge problems that can subsequently have an unfavorable outcome for both the pregnant woman and the fetus. The difficulties of diagnosing and treating ovarian cancer during pregnancy were demonstrated on the following clinical case example. In pregnant patient A. at 19-20 weeks of pregnancy, a lesion was found in the area of the right appendages (100.9 × 55.4 × 93.4 mm, V = 273 cm3), with many tissue partitions and parietal tissue inclusions. The growth of the neoplasm was noted (CA-125 884 U / ml) and the pain syndrome occurred in the patient at 23-24 weeks of pregnancy. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a solid-cystic neoplasm of the right ovary (cystadenoma?) and surgery was performed in November 2019. Based on the results of histological examination, a high-grade serous ovarian cancer was diagnosed without signs of microsatellite instability MSI-H/dMMR (in the right ovary, in the biopsy of the left fallopian tube). The patient. received two cycles of polychemotherapy (TC scheme). The treatment was tolerated satisfactorily (CA-125 287.3 U / ml). At a gestational age of 34 6/7 weeks (January 2020), a simultaneous operation was performed, including a lower midline laparotomy, a lower uterine segment caesarean section, extirpation of the uterus with appendages, and an omentectomy. A boy was born (weight 2280 g, height 44 cm) with the Apgar score of 7/7 points, with no complications noticed in the postpartum period. Postoperative histological examination showed metastasis of carcinoma in the left ovary with signs of therapeutic pathomorphosis. The treatment was completed in March 2020 after six cycles of polychemotherapy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):135-141
pages 135-141 views

Public Health Organization

Legal aspects of perinatal loss

Bezhenar V., Ivanova L., Ivanov D.


BACKGROUND: Perinatal death is the death of the fetus, starting from 22 weeks of pregnancy and in childbirth, as well as the death of a newborn in the first seven days of life. Despite the fact that reducing perinatal losses is one of the most important tasks of contemporary medicine, the level of perinatal mortality in Russia in recent years has been about 7.5 ‰.

AIM: The aim of this study was to analyze documentation related to the legal aspects of perinatal loss.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The article analyzes the main federal laws, agency regulations, orders, methodological letters, recommendations, and materials on the Internet concerning the main aspects and questions that most often arise among doctors, as well as postpartum women who have undergone perinatal loss and their family members.

RESULTS: The article provides data on:

– the medical criteria for birth, basic documentation issued in case of stillbirth, the birth of a live child who died in the perinatal period, and the rules for their issuance;

– the rules and procedure for notifying state bodies in case of perinatal death, the rules for registering a stillborn and a child who died in the first 168 hours of extrauterine life;

– the types of perinatal death certificate;

– the rules for conducting a pathological autopsy and the possibility of refusing it;

– the issues of burial of children who died perinatally;

– the rules for handling material obtained during termination of pregnancy up to 22 weeks.

CONCLUSIONS: The legislative framework was analyzed and answers were given to the most frequently asked questions regarding the legal aspects of perinatal loss.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2021;70(3):143-150
pages 143-150 views
