卷 17, 编号 3 (2009)


Orientation andcomposition ofcollagen fibers withinthe scar aftermyocadial lesion in ratfetuses


This study was undertaken to examine orientation and composition of collagen fibers within the myocardial scar after mechanical injury in 16-day-old rat fetuses and in adult male rats. Measurements were performed from 7 to 40 days after lesion. Angles of fiber bundles relative to the longitudinal axis of wound channel were measured and were analyzed with circular statistic techniques. Proportion of collagen types I and III was determined when studying sections stained with picrosirius red under polarized light. In adult myocardium fibers of collagen type I were abundant and longitudinally aligned, the lesion developed into a mature scar. Fetal scar contained thinner fibers, which did not display a homogeneous distribution. This suggests that fetal scar is immature, its mechanical strength is less and that fetal myocardium shows incomplete repair.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):9-15
pages 9-15 views

The patomorphological characteristicand criteria of theprediction mucinosis ovariancarcinoma relapse


On a material of 72 patients it is studied morphometrical and the photometrical characteristic ovarian carcinoma a cancer with high risk of renewal of tumoral growth in comparison to neoplasmas of this localisation without relapse. It is established, that relapse mucinosis ovarian carcinoma by comparison to neoplasmas of this body without repeated cancer growth have the big sizes of cages, kernels and a nuclear-cellular relations. It is revealed, that in relapse mucinosis ovarian neoplasmas an indicator vaskularisation above. The registered fact allows to judge about high speed angiogenesis in mucinosis ovarian carcinoma, inclined to repeated growth and to consider this indicator at a complex estimation of malignant potential of a tumor.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):16-22
pages 16-22 views

Structure-functionalcharacteristics andpeculiarities ofnewborn mammarygland ultrastructureorganisation


The article represents the data analysis of newborn mammary gland peculiarity. Character of newborn mammary gland ultrastructure carried out. The authors determined structure-functional characteristics according to complex pathomorphological study of autopsy material for prevention, early diagnostics of mammary gland pathology, caused by ecological factors, and for objectivization reasons and mechanism of infant death.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):22-28
pages 22-28 views

Studying of biocide liquid dosageform with resveratrol


The article is devoted to a natural stilben's derivate - resveratrol, a substance with a grate of pharmacological activity. Authors offer to use resveratrol as an active component in antiseborrheic liquid dosage form (balm). Microbiological tests were made with this form and suspension of resveratrol. Results of investigation showed expressed antimicrobial and antifungal activity of the balm with resveratrol.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Methodical approaches to thelaboratory control of residues ofherbicides on a basis 2,4-D in theenvironment


Methodical aspects of application of a capillary gas chromatography with ECD and MSD at definition 2,4-D in objects of environment (air, water, soil) are presented. Metrological parameters of methods and their practical importance are shown at an establishment of exposition levels at application 2,4-D, and also at carrying out of monitoring hygienic researches on studying of possibility of pollution by herbicide of soil and water sources.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Regional model ofmedical careorganization atchildren traumas andburns


We devised a multilevel structural-functional model of prophylaxis including regional, district, organizational and family levels based on children traumatism prevalence and structure in Nizhny Novgorod region and being existent medical care system. There are state, analytical, informational, social, economic, judicial, medical and organizational components include in our medical-social provide program of children traumatism on the regional level.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):36-42
pages 36-42 views

Medical riskmanagement: state ofthe art and problems


The article represents the relevance of pathology's risk multifactor simulation. Divulge basic theory of medical risk management, the role of pathology's risk individual prognosis in preventive, treatment and consulting work improving.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):42-47
pages 42-47 views

Medico-socialcharacteristics of"Critical age" gravida


The article represents the results of the study of medico-social characteristics in case of critical age group primipara. The analysis of cases of first pregnancy of research patient groups from 2004 till 2009 has been carried out. The peculiarities of medico-social characteristics have been revealed.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):47-54
pages 47-54 views

Family-oriented approach to rehabilitationof mentally sick people


In the article the question of improvement of mental patients' rehabilitation in modern conditions has been studied. The necessity of improvement of quality and effectiveness of specialty care using resources of patient's microsocial (family) environment has been emphasized. Taking into account domestic and foreign experience we have presented organization-methodical approaches to family rehabilitation and therapy.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):55-61
pages 55-61 views

Characteristics and some indicesof work ofobstetric-gynecologic service in ametropolitan region


In the article there is a characteristic of obstetric-gynecologic service in a metropolitan region by the example of Korablinskiy region of Ryazan area and an analysis of some aspects of its work. There is the dynamics of structure of obstetric-gynecologic bed stock, main causes of hospitalization in woman suffering from gynecologic diseases, coverage of preventive gynecologic examinations and gynecologic morbidity according to their results.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):61-67
pages 61-67 views

Family risk factorsof frequent respiratory diseasesin children of preschool age


In the article there are main risk factors significantly influencing on an occurrence of frequent respiratory diseases in children of preschool age. Ranking of the ascertained risk factors according to the rate of their information value was done. The priority of family risk factors in the occurrence of frequent diseases in children of preschool age was shown .
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):68-71
pages 68-71 views

Working loadoptimization path ofvarious specialitypoliclinic doctors


The article represents the results of study of working load optimization path's scientific substantiation of Ryazan region various speciality policlinic doctors. Advance data that municipal health service doctor's working load optimization is the managerial decision and leads to rising of medical help availability and quality.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Small anomalies ofdevelopment for girlsof tul'skoy area


The proliferation of small congenital malformations is studied among 570 female students 19-20 years old, permanently residing in the territory of the Tula region. Evaluation of the stigma disembriogeneza in different environmental conditions in the region. The differences of mass and length of newborn girls are shown from different ecozones. The most frequent high level stigmatsii having girls who are permanent residents in an environmentally disadvantaged area of south-east. The average value of stigmatsii in ecozones «South» was also significantly higher. There was significant difference in the growth and weight of newborn girls in the south-east of the region compared to other ecozones.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):76-80
pages 76-80 views

Changes in capnographic andspirographic parametersin patients with metabolic syndrome


To investigate respiratory system's condition in metabolic syndrome capnography and spirography were done in 35 patients with metabolic syndrome. Hypocapnic ventilative disorders was found in 86% of cases. Decreasing in SVC and FEV1 was progressed with elevation of duration of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, levels of systolic and diastolic BP. Spirographic parameters was significantly lower in metabolic syndrome with diabetes mellitus. Prominent indirect correlation was found between РАСО2 and uric acide level in the blood.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):81-86
pages 81-86 views

Features of arterial hypertensionin elderly patients with bronchialasthma


To evaluate clinical and functional features of combined arterial hypertension (AH) and bronchial asthma (BA) 90 elderly patients (including 60 patients with BA) were examined using 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, spirography, echocardiography. The results obtained demonstrate expressed pathological changes of blood pressure, external respiration function, geometric and functional exponents of heart activity in elderly patients with BA.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):87-93
pages 87-93 views

Psychological features of eczematousand psoriatic patients


Представлен анализ значимости влияния симптомов экземы и псориаза на психологическое состояние пациентов. Экзема и псориаз рассматриваются как психосоматические кожные заболевания, в манифестации/обострении которых существенная роль принадлежит психогенным факторам.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):93-98
pages 93-98 views

Psychotherapy of Gambling


The article provides a review on use of different methods of psychotherapy in treatment of gambling both in our country and abroad. Strategic approaches determining the major direction of psychotherapeutic intervention as well as specific methods used in terms of different directions are identified in the review. The shown eclecticism and wide range of approaches to the treatment of gambling patients are explained by existence of miscellaneous views both on the nature of gambling addiction and qualification of its psychopathological phenomena.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):99-104
pages 99-104 views

Particularity ofpathogenic andprinciples ofpathogenic therapy ofedogenousintoxication in patientswith acute appendicitisrelatedperitonitis


We performed the cytological analysis of impression smears, taken from the abdominal cavity of 86 patients with acute appendicitis-related peritonitis. It was detected that with the rise of the endogenous intoxication degree the number of neutrophils with intact nuclei structures decreases and the number of degenerative neutrophilic leukocytes increases that indicates the development of immunodeficiency and weakening of the organism's reactivity. Besides as a result of electrogastroenterography of the same patients during the preoperative period, we revealed the direct relation: the more serious the endogenous intoxication the more evident the paresis of gastrointestinal tract. These rates should be viewed as important diagnostic criteria to identify the degree of endogenous intoxication. The pathogenetically based antibiotic therapy for patients with acute appendicitis-related peritonitis having 3rd degree endogenous intoxication is the administration of 3rd generation cephalosporins (cephotaxim), carbopenems (imipenem), fluoroquinolones(ciprofloxacin).
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):105-113
pages 105-113 views

Methods of facial skin defectscorrection indermatological and cosmetic surgery


Literature concerning modern ways of facial skin defects correction in dermatological and cosmetic surgery has been analyzed in the article.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):113-122
pages 113-122 views

Treatment of intestinalinsufficiency withconstant infusion ofropivakain in caseof generalizedperitonitis


The article represents the performance evaluation of intensive therapy of postoperative intestinal insufficiency in case of generalized peritonitis. 81 patients with postoperative intestinal insufficiency were examined. Constant infusion of 0,5% solution of ropivakain was taken in peridural space (6-10 ml/h). Application of proposed treatment regimen of intestinal insufficiency leads to faster reliable regress of dynamic intestinal insufficiency ultrasound signs, what may cause the beginning of early enteral feeding (from 3-rd day of postoperative stage).
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):122-125
pages 122-125 views

Surgical treatment ofduodenal postbulbarulcer complicated withmechanical jaundice


Results of surgical treatment of 87 patients with an postbulbar duodenal peptic ulcer are studied. Classification of postbulbar peptic ulcers, considering degree of involving in periulcerative process biliary tree and papilla Phateri is offered. At suprapapillar ulcers with alteration of common bile duct it is offered to carry out the partial gastrectomy added by biliodigestive anastomosis. The obstructive jaundice which has complicated an juxtapapillar ulcer, can be treated by endoscopic papillosphincterotomy. In case of a deep alteration of a pancreatic head the Whipple procedure may be considered.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):126-135
pages 126-135 views

Innovativetechnologies inrehabilitationtreatment ofneurocirculatorydystonia


The article represents the substantiation of application of organism functional reserve parameters for objective evaluation of clinic-functional condition and results of treatment in case of patients with neurocirculatory dystonia at rehabilitation stage. 204 patients subjected to influence of low frequency bioresonance electrotherapy (device HiTop) were studied. Course application efficiency of this method in complex rehabilitation in case of neurocirculatory dystonia was proved.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):135-141
pages 135-141 views

Diagnostics and prognosticationof the course of face abscessesand phlegmons with the help ofimmunological methods


In this article they give data concerning clinical-immunological examination of 58 patients with acute odontogenic purulent-inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial region (abscesses and phlegmons). It is shown that the revealed changes in the subpopulational structure of lymphocytes and humoral unit of immunity may be used for diagnostics of this pathology. Although heterogeneity of these indices in patients with different character of the course of the inflammatory process (normergic, hyperergic, hypergic) do not allow us to be sure about prognostication of the course and outcome of the inflammatory process.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):142-146
pages 142-146 views

The Analysis of Primary SynthesisSubstances in Plant Species


The results of the qualitative analysis confirmed by a chromatographic assay have revealed in the composition of a diuretic plant species some substances of primary metabolism: amino-acids and polysaccharides, their qualitative composition having been also determined, which gives the opportunity of predicting the possible pharmacological effects and offering a choice of standardization methods.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):146-150
pages 146-150 views

The main procedures of the program«Pharmaceutical economicsafety»


In this article is presented the order of the analysis of a degree of economic safety of pharmaceutical systems on the basis of modern information technologies. With usage of the main procedures of the software the technology of acceptance of administrative solutions on support of economic safety in pharmacy is described.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):151-160
pages 151-160 views

Combined operations with carcinomaof stomach (veview)


This article is devoted to the problem of combined operetions with carcinoma of stomach. The authors state briefly urgency of the problem, define indications for operation and adduce main groups of combined operetions according to a resected organ, analyse factors of survavibility. Suming up a considerable volume of data, the authors have determined expediency of combined operetions with carcinoma of stomach. Those operetions are characterized by acceptable percentage of postoperetive complications (30-35% of cases) and postoperetive lethality (4,6-13,6%) as well as five-year survival rate in 20-29% of patients with direct invasion to adjacent structures.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):161-169
pages 161-169 views

Intraplaque injectiontherapy of peyronidisease


The article represents the data analysis of modern literature about intraplaque injection therapy of Peyroni disease. The authors found out low level of Peyroni disease intraplaque injection treatment results. To our knowledge there is an aggravation of indurative process after intraplaque injection therapy, so it's possible to suggest that bad influence of intraplaque injection on disease management takes place.
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):169-173
pages 169-173 views

Alfavitnyy ukazatel' avtorov

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 2009;17(3):174-174
pages 174-174 views
