Risk of harmful use of a particular type of psychoactive substance in adolescents with conduct disorders



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The purpose of the study was a statistical evaluation of the role of clinical and anamnestic data for the risk of a particular type of substances use with the harmful effects in adolescents with conduct disorders. Were studied 293 adolescents with a diagnosis of “Conduct disorder” and comorbid diagnoses “Harmful substance use” (mean age - 15,3 ± 0,1 years). Patients were divided into 4 groups. 1 subgroup comprised 89 patients with comorbid diagnosis of “Harmful opioid use”. 2 subgroup comprised 95 patients with comorbid diagnosis of “Harmful inhalant use”. 3 subgroup comprised 57 patients with comorbid diagnosis of “Harmful alcohol drinking”. 4 subgroup consisted of 52 patients with comorbid diagnosis of “Harmful stimulant use”. The result was obtained by logistic regression equation to calculate the risk of supplies to the patients particular clinical subgroup on the basis of statistically significant variables (anamnestic data). For the harmful opioid use subgroup is: “Family history of substance abuse on the one line”, “Schooling program for masses”, status “Is not working/not learning”, “Living with a partner”. For the harmful inhalant use subgroup is: status “Is not working/not learning”, “Living in a boarding school”, “Escape from the house (or boarding)/temporary accommodation in a shelter”. For the harmful alcohol drinking subgroup is: “Half family”, “Correctional school program”, “Supporting school program”, status “Student school”, status “Is not working/not learning“ (negative contribution to the result variable prediction), “Living in a boarding school”. For the harmful stimulant use subgroup is: “Useful family history”, ”Orphan or the parent(s) deprived of their rights” (negative contribution to the result variable prediction), status “Is not working/not learning” (negative contribution to the result variable prediction), “Escape from the house (or boarding)/temporary accommodation in a shelter”, “Living with a partner”.




Severin Grechanyi

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: svgrechany@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Psychiatry and Addiction


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