Erythroderma: the modern questions of diagnostics and treatment



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This article considers the modern approaches to terminology, classification, diagnosis, clinical manifestation and the treatment of the erythroderma. Authors touch upon questions about the meaning of the terminology “erythroderma”, with understanding pathogenesis, methods of making diagnosis and the treatment of the erythroderma.




Denis Zaslavsky

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD , Dr Med Sci, Professor. Department of Dermatovenerеology

Roman Ravodin

Kirov Military Medical Academy

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of General and Military Epidemiology

Oksana Tatarskaya

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Normal physiology Department, Postgraduate Student

Akmal Sidikov

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Dermatovenerеology Department, Postgraduate Student

Mihail Khvedelidze

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Public Health and Health Care Department, Postgraduate Student


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版权所有 © Zaslavsky D.V., Ravodin R.A., Tatarskaya O.B., Sidikov A.A., Khvedelidze M.G., 2014

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