Periodization of the history of the world and Russian homeopathic medicine



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During the last two centuries homeopathy is a part of Russian medicine in whole, that’s why its development must be studied by historical medical science. There are following main stages in the development and dissemination of homeopathic medicine in Russia: 1) 1820ies-1860ies: penetration of homeopathic ideas into Russia - since the first physicians who practiced homeopathy in treatment up to organization of the first homeopathic societies and journals; 2) the end of 1860ies-1918: this stage was characterized by strengthening of homeopathy positions in Russia - since the organization of the first homeopathic societies and journals up to radical political changes in Russia which influenced on the government attitude to homeopathic medicine; 3) 1918 - second half of 1980ies - these years were a severe time for homeopathy, when it was nearly underground; 4) since the end of the 1980ies till nowadays - this period is characterized by rapid development of homeopathic medicine, including its recognition by physicians and people. The same four stages (start, spreading, decline and renaissance) can be seen in the history of homeopathy in the most developed countries as well.




Alexander Likhtshangof

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Humanities and Bioethics


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