Dynamics of parental attitudes of women before and after the birth of the first child




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The demographic situation against the background of the reproductive attitudes of young people urgently requires research into the dynamics of parental attitudes, especially among women. Identification of potential resource areas and risk zones will make it possible to determine the main directions of psychological work with young people at the pre-parental and parental stages, strengthening the value of families and children among young people. The purpose of the study is to study the dynamics of parental attitudes before and after the birth of the first child. Sample: stage 1 (n = 50) — married pregnant young women (first pregnancy in the third trimester, no history of complications); Stage 2 (n = 39): young mothers with a baby from 3 to 5 months. Data collection was carried out in the course of a longitudinal study using psychological testing — methods: PARI E.S. Schaefer and R.K. Bella (adapted by T.V. Neshcheret); “Ideas about the ideal parent” R.G. Ovcharova; “Relationship Color Test” by A. Etkind. The results showed that women at the stage of early motherhood showed changes in all components of parental attitudes — cognitive, emotional, behavioral. The greatest dynamics occur in the emotional sphere, which is characterized by ambivalence of experiences, and in the mother’s self-awareness. The systems of attitudes towards the child and the maternal role (attitude towards oneself as mother and motherhood) are gradually differentiated. There is a restructuring of marital interaction and relations with the parental family: rapprochement with one’s own mother while distancing from a marriage partner. Thus, at the stage of early parenthood, a woman needs to form the skills of emotional and volitional self-regulation and increase the level of communicative competence, which are of central importance for high-quality relationships with a child and a spouse.




Arina Malenova

Kostroma State University; Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Email: malyonova@mail.ru

Cand. Sci. (Psychological), Senior Research Associate, Kostroma State University; Associate Professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, Dostoevsky Omsk State University

俄罗斯联邦, Kostroma; Omsk


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