Functional endotelian condition of woman with metabolic syndrome associated with autoimmune thyroiditis



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The purpose of the research was a complex clinical-instrumental examination of structural and functional artery condition of patients with metabolic syndrome, autoimmune thyroiditis -euthyreose and subclinical hypotheriosis at the background of substitution therapy. Three groups were made during the research: 1 group (23 women) with metabolic syndrome without pathology of thyroid gland, 2 group (14 people) with autoimmune thyroiditis - euthyreose, 3 group (14 woman) with subclinical hypotheriosis. The instrumental examination included assessment of endothelial function and artery hardness, intima-media complex by ultrasound method. The results showed that first two groups of patients ware characterized by the increase of artery hardness with endothelium dysfunction, having normal indices of endothelium-independent vasodilatation (EIVD). The prescription of substitution therapy led to the improvement of the indices of EDVD and to the decrease of the progressing of vascular hardness.




Valerii Popov

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Head, Laboratory of “New medical technologe”

Nikolai Priima

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Senior Researcher, Head, Laboratory of “New medical technologe”

Natalia Kanavets

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Post-graduate student, Assistant of Hospital Therapy Chair


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版权所有 © Popov V.V., Priima N.F., Kanavets N.S., 2013

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