A study of morbidity on the territory of the municipality of stara zagora in connection with air pollution aerosols lead




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Within 5 years (2009-2013) surveyed the annual dynamics of the concentration of one of the major air pollutants in the municipality of Stara Zagora - lead aerosols and their impact on public health. In the process of monitoring parallel analyzed the average monthly levels of this pollutant. The problem of lead poisoning associated with heavy environmental pollution (primarily atmospheric air) is most relevant to large industrial cities. In the current environmental situation, the best indicator of the negative impact of lead pollution on the body is the level of morbidity of the population, which depends on the concentration of lead particulate pollutants in ambient air. When evaluating relationship pollution-morbidity on the outcome of hospitalization for different age groups the correlation dependences between the average annual concentration of lead aerosols and various diseases. For this purpose were formed correlation matrix for all types of registered diseases (associated with the impact of lead aerosols on the body), according 10 the International classification of diseases for 3 age groups: 0 to 17 years, 18 years and older and the total population. The analytical data show a significant dependence of the development of several classes of diseases as a result of exposure to toxic lead aerosols contained in the air. In the age group from 0 to 17 years the effect of pollution by lead compounds set the highest correlation dependence diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, registered at the hospital, and for a group of 18 years and more with diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs. Lead aerosols and dust particles have an additive effect on the diseases of the circulatory system in the group of the total population in the municipality of Stara Zagora.




Magdalena Platikanova

University of Frakia

Email: mplatikanova@abv.bg
MD, Assistant Professor. Dept. of "Hygiene, Epidemiology and Infections Diseases", Faculty of Medicine

Borislava Chakrova

University of Frakia

Email: borislava chakarova@abv.bg
MD, Assistant Professor. Dept. of "Hygiene, Epidemiology and Infections Diseases", Faculty of Medicine

Lina Yordanova

University of Frakia

Email: decanat_fe@uni-sz.bg
Associate Professor, Dept. "Informatics and Mathematics", Faculty Stopansky

Sergey Lvov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: dekanat-spma@mail.ru
MD, PhD., Head, Department of General Hygiene, dean of the faculty "General Medicine"

Ivan Dimov

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: karelina_nr@gpma.ru
Assistant Professor, Department of Human Anatomy


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版权所有 © Platikanova M., Chakrova B., Yordanova L., Lvov S.N., Dimov I., 2015

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