Mechanism of disturbance of reproductive functions in women soldiers under extreme conditions local conflicts and pathogenetic approaches to correct them




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The analysis of psycho-emotional status and homeostasis rates in women with primary dysmenorrheal who have done military service in the extreme conditions in Transdniestria has been performed. Assessment of the severity of neurotic syndromes suggests that women soldiers with the menstrual cycle are characterized by marked affective lability, asthenic and depressive symptoms, affective tensions and insomnias. The multidirectional changes in peripheral blood corpuscles, biochemistry rates and the blood serum hormone rates in women of given community have been revealed. It was determined that military women have menstrual cycle disorders classified as dysmenorrheal that is related to the increase of cortisol concentration and the trend to prolactine increase, while female civilians this disease is related to the increase of follicle-stimulating hormone. Military women who take part in military actions and suffer of dysmenorrheal are characterized with metabolic disorders with the domination of catabolic reactions and the changes in blood serum lipid ranges. The lower rates of cholesterine, lipoproteids of high density and higher rates of triglycerides compared to ones in patients from the control group prove this. The correlation of neurotic syndromes and features of hormonal regulation in women military. Neuropharmacological analysis demonstrated the increased effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in patients receiving antidepressants in women survivors are vital stress, suggesting the involvement monoaminergic systems of the brain in the formation of this gynecological pathology.




Inna Balaban

1586 Military clinical hospital, 10 branch

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Head the Office of Ultrasonic Diagnostics of the Department of Gynecology

Elena Pyatibrat

Russian Medicomilitary Academy

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Senior teacher. Department of pharmacology

Sergei Proshin

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head. Department of pharmacology

Sergey Tsykunov

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of North-Western Region of RAMS

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head. Lab of Psychophysiology of Emotion, Physiological Department. I. P. Pavlov

Petr Shabanov

Russian Medicomilitary Academy

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci. Professor, Head. Department of pharmacology


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版权所有 © Balaban I.V., Pyatibrat E.D., Proshin S.N., Tsykunov S.G., Shabanov P.D., 2015

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