Clinical current and structural changes of pulmonary tissue at children with a bronchopulmonary dysplasia in the anamnesis



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Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is currently the most common chronic lung disease in preterm infants. Since the initial description of the disease, more than forty years ago, new treatments and technologies have improved the outcome for preterm infants with very - low and extremely - low - birth - weight. As a result, the survival of extremely premature infants has increased but, despite of the improvement in neonatal care, the incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia continues to grow. At the same time the consequences of this disease for life has not yet been determined. The aim of the study to determine the clinical course, structural and functional changes in the lungs. In this study we surveyed 44 primary school children and adolescents who have had bronchopulmonary dysplasia in infancy. The children was carried out computed tomography of the lungs, research of function of external breath by methods of impulse oscillometry, spirometry, a body plethysmography, and also research of diffusion lung capacity. The features of the clinical course at different ages, the functional state of the respiratory system, as well as structural changes in the lung tissue. In school children and adolescents with a history of bronchopulmonary dysplasia found long - term structural changes in the lungs as inhomogeneity of ventilation and fibrotic changes on computed tomography of the thorax and also had evidence of airflow obstruction in the result of pulmonary function tests, in the absence of significant clinical signs of respiratory disease.




Elena Zapevalova

Scientific Research Institute Pulmonologists of the Scientific and Clinical Research Center State Budget Educational Institution "The First St. Petersburg State Medical University"

Junior researcher, Laboratory of Children's Pulmonology of Scientific Research Institute Pulmonologists of the Scientific and Clinical Research Center. State Budget Educational Institution “The First St.Petersburg State Medical University”

Julia Klyukhina

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Endocrinology and Abilitologу AF and DPO. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

Evgeniya Boitsova

Scientific Research Institute Pulmonologists of the Scientific and Clinical Research Center State Budget Educational Institution "The First St. Petersburg State Medical University"

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Laboratory of Children's Pulmonology of Scientific Research Institute Pulmonologists of the Scientific and Clinical Research Center. State Budget Educational Institution “The First St. Petersburg State Medical University”.

Marina Kirbyatieva

Leningrad Regional Children Clinical Hospita

Associate Professor, Head, Department of Radiologydyagnostic. Leningrad Regional Children Clinical Hospital.


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版权所有 © Zapevalova E.Y., Klyukhina J.B., Boitsova E.V., Kirbyatieva M.A., 2016

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