Neoplasms, as one of the causes of the syndrome of palpable abdominal tumor in children




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Syndrome of palpable abdominal tumor in children is a difficult diagnostic problem. The difficulties associate with many disease entities that underlie this syndrome, often erased clinical picture and late referral to a doctor. In this article we will try to clarify the problems of diagnosis and treatment of exactly oncological diseases, as a cause of the syndrome palpable abdominal tumor. The vast majority of patients with complaints palpable education seek medical care to pediatricians or general practitioners. Prolongation of the diagnosis is often and directly associate with two factors: low oncological alertness by pediatricians (rarely by Pediatric Surgeons) and the lack of attention of parents to the initial manifestations of tumor in children. We have tried to describe the most characteristic symptoms inherent in the majority of tumors localized in the abdomen, the pelvis and the retroperitoneal space. Also there is information about on laboratory and instrumental methods of research used in the diagnosis of tumors, side by side the “routine” methods such as the complete blood count, abdominal ultrasound, in some cases, determination of specific tumor markers. There are the results of the comparative analysis and distinctive features of benign and malignant tumors of this localization are highlighted. Also the basic principles of the treatment of solid tumors in children are presented in this article. The article is focused primarily on all pediatricians, pediatric surgeons and general practitioners.




Alexandr Kostylev

N.N. Petrov Oncology Research Institute

Resident doctor, Department of Chemotherapy and Combined Treatment of Malignant Tumors in Children

Vyacheslav Silkov

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of With a Сourse of Radiation Oncology Diagnostics and Radiotherapy

Margarita Belogurova

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of With a Сourse of Radiation Oncology Diagnostics and Radiotherapy


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