Respiratory manifestations of Down syndrome




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Down syndrome - the most common human congenital disease, the most common chromosomal abnormality (trisomy of chromosome 21). In addition to the phenotypic features of multiple anomalies on the part of the cardiovascular, central nervous and immune systems, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal system, is very common in patients with Down syndrome are diseases of the respiratory tract. The article presents current data from the literature on the causes of recurrent respiratory infections, obstruction of the upper and lower respiratory tract infections, obstructive sleep apnea associated with phenotypic characteristics of children, predisposing to obstruction. The data on the consequences of such abnormalities of the respiratory tract as a tracheal bronchus. Detailed description of interstitial lung disease in Down syndrome that can develop as a primary pathological process or be the result of infectious lesions and aspiration. Computed tomography allows visualization of pulmonary disorders architectonic, perilobulyarnye shading, depletion of lung pattern at the level of segments and subpleural cysts, the diagnosis of which is of great importance due to the high risk of pneumothorax. We discuss the etiology of the structural changes in the lung, their relationship with pulmonary hypoplasia and congenital heart disease. It is emphasized that the assessment of biopsies morphologists in Down syndrome is complex, as there are multiple, overlapping lung damage. Powered by observation of the patient with Down syndrome and subpleural cysts in the lungs. Thus, patients with Down syndrome have a variety of respiratory symptoms, the possibility of these lesions should be considered in the management of patients.




Marija Beljashova

Russian Peoples’ Friendship University

Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics

Shamil’ Gitinov

Russian Peoples’ Friendship University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Pediatrics

Dmitry Ovsyannikov

Russian Peoples’ Friendship University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Pediatrics


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版权所有 © Beljashova M.A., Gitinov S.A., Ovsyannikov D.Y., 2016

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