Factors Affect on development and clinical course of ischemic stroke in children




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Child strokes cause persistent neurologic impairment affecting on quality of life. Prophylaxis cerebral infarction in children promoted by Identification of factors influencing on development of ischemic stroke. 47 children with arterial ischemic stroke confirmed by MRI or CT was enrolled in cohort study. All children has focal neurological symptomatic which was assessed by pedNIHSS, PSOM, British muscular strength scale. General cerebral symptoms precede focal neurologic impairments in 67% cases. Fact of head trauma was documented in 55% observed children. Seizures occurs in 24% cases in acute period ischemic stroke. As major part of children had lacunar infarction in middle cerebral artery origin, so motor dysfunctions was admitted in clinical curse of general cases. By neuroimaging data we defined lacunar infarctions mainly in basal ganglia, thalamus and internal capsule. In the rest 5 cases - in cortex, white matter, frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, cerebellum and brain stem. In 10 children during observation over time the secondary haemorrhage at ischaemic site was detected. Besides post-ischemic alterations additional structural features was assessed in neuroimaging study. Calcification in white mater of brain was reviled in one third children with ischemic stroke (33,4%). Overwhelming majority calcifications in white mater of brain was diagnosed in lenticular-striatal arteries infarctions. Latent factors structure influenced on severity neurologic outcomes was received by partial least square method (PLS). Acquired data emphasize importance of mind depression, vertigo, dysphagia as poor outcome predictors.




Alexey Minin

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Email: aleksey_minin@mail.ru
Assistant Professor, Psychoneurology Department 俄罗斯联邦

Alexander Palchik

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Email: xander57@mail.ru
M.D., PhD, Dr Med Sci, Psychoneurology Department 俄罗斯联邦

Svetlana Plotnikova

St Petersburg Medical Information Analytic Center

Email: mail@spbmiac.ru
engineer, Informatization Development Department 俄罗斯联邦


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