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卷 10, 编号 2 (2020)



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Information about scientific conferences and congresses

Professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Tkachuk (On the 90th anniversary of the birth)

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):105-106
pages 105-106 views

Original articles


Prosiannikov M., Anokhin N., Golovanov S., Konstantinova O., Sivkov A., Apolihin O.



材料和方法。我们分析了708名尿石病患者(303名男性和405名女性)的数据。在工作过程中,对血液和日常尿液的生化分析结果,尿液中结石的化学成分分析进行了研究。为评估不同程度尿尿时不同化学成分结石的发生情况,将尿量按10个间隔排列:从0.4至14.8 mmol/天。

结果。当尿液中尿酸水平升高时,由尿酸构成的结石的发生频率也增加。当尿量增加到3.11 mmol/天以上时,草酸钙结石的发生有持续增加的趋势。与此相反,随着尿液中尿酸排泄量在3.11 mmol/天以上增加,出现含碳尿石症的发病率和鸟粪石结石的患病率下降。尿酸和草酸钙结石是最常见的高水平的尿酸排泄。


Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):107-113
pages 107-113 views

Quality of life of patients with kidney stones

Protoshchak V., Paronnikov M., Sivakov A., Kiselev A.


Relevance. In 2013, the Wisconsin Stone Quality of Life Questionnaire (WISQoL) was developed – a specific tool for assessing the quality of life (QoL) in patients with urolithiasis.

Aim. To determine the possibility of using the WISQoL and SF-36 questionnaires to study the treatment results of patients with kidney stones.

Materials and methods. The study included 218 patients with nephrolithiasis. Patients were divided into 2 groups: the first – the size of the stone up to 10 mm and the second – from 11 to 20 mm. At the first stage, the efficacy of treatment patients by the extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and percutaneous nephrolitholapaxy (PNL) 1 week, 1 and 3 months after surgery was compared. Questionnaires were used to study factors affecting the QOL of patients, including: gender, age, number, density and size of stones, hydronephrosis, stone free rate (SFR), type of surgery. At the next stage, the dynamics of changes in scores for the domains of questionnaires at different stages of treatment was evaluated.

Results. The efficacy of treating kidney stones up to 1 cm in size after 3 months with ESWL was 86,1% and PNL – 94,4 %, while stones up to 20 mm using ESWL – 73,4% and percutaneous techniques – 90,6%. Gender, age, stone size, SFR affected the QoL of patients with nephrolithiasis, while the number and density of stones, the presence of hydronephrosis and the type of operation were not significant. Patients 1 week after PNL had lower QoL scores in the domains of social impact and impact on vitalyty of WISQoL and mental heals of SF-36. After 1 month, these changes were determined only in the social impact domain and completely regressed by the 3rd month.

Conclusion. SFR after ESWL and PNL in the first group is comparable, in the second group, percutaneous operations were 17,2% more effective. Male gender, age up to 40 years, stone size more than 1 cm, and also not reached SFR negatively affects patients with nephrolithiasis. Compared with ESWL and PNL is accompanied by the worst dynamics of QOL scores only 1 week after the operation; upon further observation, negative changes are leveled.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):115-124
pages 115-124 views

Retrospective analysis of the results of transurethral contact pyelocalycolithotripsy in patients with kidney stones

Nazarov T., Rychkov I., Akhmedov M., Trubnikova K., Tursunov A., Nikolaev V.


Transurethral contact lithotripsy is a promising treatment method and occupies an important place among endoscopic methods for removing kidney stones.

The aim of the study was to identify the advantages and disadvantages of transurethral contact pyelocalycolithotripsy in patients with kidney stones based on retrospective analysis.

Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of 178 clinical cases of treating patients aged from 19 to 71 years who suffered from kidney stones and underwent transurethral contact pyelocalycolithotripsy was performed. All patients were diagnosed with calculi of the pyelocaliceal system with the diameter ranging from 10 to 20 mm according to multispiral CT data. Renal calculi had different composition and their density varied from 460 HU to 1440 HU. Pneumatic and laser energy was used for lithotripsy in 102 (57.3%) and 76 (42.7%) patients respectively.

Results. The obtained data show that complete destruction of the stones and the removal of fragments within 2 weeks after transurethral contact pyelocalycolithotripsy was noted in 143 (80.3%) patients. In 140 (78.7%) cases positive results were achieved in one surgical intervention and in 38 (21.3%) patients after two procedures. Complications of this treatment method were relatively rare and included intraoperative bleeding, pelvic perforation, acute pyelonephritis, stent migration, postoperative bleeding, and residual stones.

Conclusion. Transurethral contact pyelocalycolithotripsy is a promising method due to the fact that in most cases it allows you to simultaneously rid a patient of kidney stones with minimal complications

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):125-131
pages 125-131 views

First Russian experience of the stereotactic radiotherapy on the prostate bed

Novikov R., Melnik J., Ponomareva O., Novikov S.


Purpose. Assess the safety of postoperative radiation therapy on the area of the prostate bed (PB) using extreme dose hypofractionation (5 fractions of 6.6–7 Gy).

Materials and methods. from April 2019 to March 2020 at the National Medical Center of Oncology named after N.N. Petrov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the first 15 patients of the prostate cancer carried out stereotactic radiation therapy (SRT) on the PB. Depending on the clinical situation, adjuvant and salvage SRT were distinguished. Linear electron accelerators with 6 MeV energy are used for treatment. Three factional regimes were evaluated: 5 factions of 6.6 Gy, 5 factions of 6.8 Gy and 5 factions of 7 Gy. The clinical target volume is defined by RTOG (2010).

Results. The median of follow-up was 7.6 (1.3-11.6) months. Of the 15 patients, adjuvant SRT performed three observed, and the remaining 12 patients – salvage SRT (4 – early, 8 – delayed). Acute radiation toxicity was estimated in 12 patients. Early impairment from the lower urinary tract 1 degree was observed in 8 (66.7%) 12 of them. Toxicity of 2 or more degree in the early period was not observed. Clinical signs of early 1st degree toxicity from the rectum were found in five (41.7%) of the bowel of the 12 observed. One patient (8.3%) there was a mixture of blood in the feces, which required a medical correction, which was considered as toxicity of the 2nd degree.

Conclusions. Postoperative SRT of the PB region is a promising modern method of radiation treatment of patients with prostate cancer. The presented methods of adjuvant and salvage SRT are feasible in clinical practice and are characterized by an acceptable level of early radiation toxicity.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):133-142
pages 133-142 views


Tsukanov A., Satibaldin D.



材料与方法。157例特发性不育患者被随机分为两组。主要组(n = 82):通过规定最大每日允许剂量的单组分药物,纠正了微量营养素缺乏时的微量营养素水平。对照组(n = 75)(复杂药物的经验疗法)被随机分组到第1组 (对照组1) (n = 38):与左旋肉碱一起使用的复杂制剂;及第2组(对照组2)(n = 37):使用不含左旋肉碱的复杂复合维生素制剂。为了确定微量营养素缺乏症,对93名已实现生育功能的健康志愿者进行了检查(当参与研究时,他们的女同伴孕期为最后三个月)。

结果。确定了微量营养素的不足:硒、锌、维生素C、维生素E。使用单组分药物在三个月内进行了校正。在主要组中精子图的所有参数都良好势态。对照组中,射精量、浓度、精子总数数都没有变化,显示出总体和渐进式移动性增加。主要组、对照组1及对照组2中正常精子的比例增加了61.9%、28.6%(与主要组相比 р <0,01)及20.0%(与主要组相比 р <0,001)。总体移动性增加了44.5%、24.5%(与主要组相比р <0.05)到12.0%(与主要组相比 р <0.001)。
渐进式流动增加了60.4%、54.5%(与主要组相比 р >0.05),14.7%(与主要组相比 р <0.001)。主要组中怀孕率增加了21.9%,对照组1中 — 5.2%(р <0.05)对照组2 — 2.7%(р <0.05)。


Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):143-150
pages 143-150 views


Ensebaev E., Bajgaskinov Z.



Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):151-156
pages 151-156 views

Estimation of efficiency of empirical antibiotic therapy of catheter-associated infection in a urological hospital

Kuzmenko A., Gyaurgiev T., Halchenko A., Vorkel Y.


An analysis of case histories of 119 patients who underwent treatment in the urology department of the Voronezh City Clinical Emergency Hospital No. 10 was performed. All patients were drained with a urethral catheter, a bacteriological examination of the urine was performed, and empirical antibiotic therapy was prescribed. Microflora growth was detected in the urine of 30 (25.2%) patients, most often revealed Klebsiella spp. and Enterococcus faecalis. A high frequency of resistance of uropathogens to antibacterial drugs prescribed as empirical therapy was noted. 66% were resistant to ceftriaxone, and 70% of the isolated microorganism strains to ciprofloxacin. Significantly lower resistance was noted for amikacin and doxycycline. To increase the effectiveness of empirical antibiotic therapy in patients with catheter-associated urinary tract infections, it is necessary to select antibacterial drugs based on the results of monitoring the sensitivity of hospital strains, followed by treatment correction in accordance with the results of urine bacteriological studies.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):157-162
pages 157-162 views



Kuzmin I., Al-Shukri S.



Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):163-171
pages 163-171 views

Fragmentation of sperm DNA: clinical significance, reasons, methods of evaluation and correction

Borovets S., Egorova V., Gzgzian A., Al-Shukri S.


A review of the main causes of male infertility in the aspect of the relationship with the degree of sperm DNA fragmentation is presented. Information is provided on the main methods for assessing sperm DNA fragmentation and its effect on male fertility. The effect of oxidative stress on the integrity of sperm DNA structure, the reparative capabilities of antioxidant therapy, and the effect of varicocele on male fertility are described.

Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):173-180
pages 173-180 views

Сlinical observations


Streltsova O., Yunusova K., Krupin V., Vlasov V., Kuyarov A.



Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):181-186
pages 181-186 views


Zamyatnin S., Tsygankov A., Gonchar I.



Urology reports (St. - Petersburg). 2020;10(2):187-190
pages 187-190 views
