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卷 25, 编号 3 (2023)



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Nursing service in the healthcare system

20 years in the service of mercy. Editor-in-chief’s story

Grigoriev K.


Last year, the journal Meditsinskaya sestra (The Nurse) (Rus.) celebrated its 80th anniversary, in connection with which the journal published relevant historical reviews and polemical materials. This year it was the turn of the editor-in-chief to excel. 20 years of service to the journal – work for nursing. An occasion that is difficult to pass by. Events in the world are developing so rapidly that it is still necessary to try to reach the age of 25. The story is built chronologically, but the conclusion is the same. Nothing in the world just happens. The nursing link is the basis of the medical service, the absolutely necessary organic basis of all medical achievements. And it is no coincidence that the professor of pediatrics devoted many years to the cause of serving «nursing».

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):3-10
pages 3-10 views

Results of the conference «peculiarities of nurse training in modern conditions»

Sviridova T., Mokhnatov E., Goldina E., Karibyan K., Antipova I.


In the present conditions, the need of society and modern healthcare system for highly qualified medical personnel is increasing, as well as the level of responsibility of medical workers to patients determine the need for continuous improvement of their professional knowledge and skills. These issues were discussed between the participants of the scientific and practical conference within the framework of a round table on the topic: “Peculiarities of nurses training in modern conditions”. The issues of advanced nurses training, the preparation of nurses for the accreditation procedure in modern conditions, as well as the implementation of standard operating procedures and the work of educational and methodological departments in military medical organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation were highlighted.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):11-15
pages 11-15 views


Mental health problems in medical students around the world

Golenkov A., Nikolaev E.


The review article examines the clinical structure of mental disorders in medical students in various countries of the world (Argentina, Brazil, India, Iran, Italy, China, Malaysia, Russia). The most common non-psychotic mental disorders, including eating disorders and emotional burnout, depressive states and suicidal behavior, anxiety, sleep disorders, mental disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, etc.), Internet addiction. Differences in the group of mental disorders between boys and girls, medical students and students of other specialties, the population as a whole were revealed. The possibilities of Internet interventions to help with mental health problems in medical students are considered.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):16-22
pages 16-22 views

Occupational burnout of medical and pharmaceutical professionals: challenges and solutions

Nemyatykh O., Basakina I.


Approaches to the implementation for preventive measures of syndrome occupational burnout prevent and correct of medical and pharmaceutical workers are presented. The article outlines the role of additional advanced training programs to ensure high-quality labor process. The importance of effective communications, motivational management and conflict management ensuring positive format of interpersonal relations has been established. It reduces the risk of erroneous decisions in the process of labor activity. Key aspects of goal setting and team formation processes as means of emotional burnout prevention are considered. The importance of introducing organizational diagnostics mechanisms, corrective trainings and post-training support, which allow an employee to form skills in self-regulation, managing his own psycho-emotional state, as well as the use of copying strategies as a way to work with stress, is presented.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Education: problems and solutions

Modern approaches to the professional development of teachers

Khabibulina M.


In the modern world, in all developed countries, the system of advanced training of pedagogical personnel should be a relatively autonomous and more flexible subsystem of continuing professional education, since it is within its framework that the crisis of professional competence of a teacher can be overcome and the issue of training scientific and pedagogical personnel for activities in the conditions of modernization of both higher and general education can be solved. The proposed aspects of the teacher training system will be effective in the presence of a number of conditions: a special psychological climate of learning; educational activities are carried out using the technology of searching for new knowledge based on the existing individual and professional experience of students; specific learning principles are used (priority of independent learning, individualization, systematic learning); the learning process is carried out using new information and reflexive-creative technologies that contribute to the construction of individual trajectories of professional self-improvement of teachers. Thus, the use of these conditions of the mandatory process in the system of higher professional education will allow to prepare a professional specialist.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):23-26
pages 23-26 views

Methods of improving the quality of education in different countries

Shamilov M.


Training is an organized cognitive activity, both of a teacher and a student, which includes a number of cognitive mental processes - perception, memory, thinking, imagination and accessible transfer of accumulated knowledge necessary to solve special highly qualified processes in medicine. Solving the issues of improving the quality of education, it is possible to use the sequence of some stages of the cognitive process - this is the emergence of a problem situation in school, analyzing the situation, trying to solve this problem in known ways and the need to search for new solutions that will improve the quality of the educational process in medical schools.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):27-30
pages 27-30 views

Effective methods of developing the skills of organizing and carrying out preventive work for students studying in the specialty «nursing»

Kryuchkova A., Kondusova Y., Knyazeva A.


The article reveals the features of using various methods to consolidate the skill of carrying out preventive measures on the example of training future nurses at the Institute of Nursing Education of the Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko. Given the rapid development of the digital space, the constantly changing working conditions of physicians, it is important to instill in a modern specialist flexibility in acquiring skills, develop his ability to effectively select and use various methods and techniques. The article presents the techniques used at the Burdenko State Medical University in the training of future nurses, which take into account the specifics of their profession, the trend of digitalization of medicine and the development of preventive health care.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):31-33
pages 31-33 views

Note to the nurse

School of Health for patients with arterial hypertension

Skvortsov V., Tagiyev F., Volodina D.


Diseases of the cardiovascular system are an urgent problem of modern healthcare. A significant share among these pathologies is arterial hypertension (AH) – a persistent increase in blood pressure (BP) above 140/90 mm Hg. According to some sources, 20–30% of the adult population suffers from hypertension. With age, the prevalence of this disease increases and is more than 50% in people over 60 years of age. A particular problem in cardiology is poor adherence to treatment among patients with hypertension. It is known that about half of these patients do not use medications in accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions, do not follow his recommendations and do not regularly monitor their BP. Studies show that knowledgeable patients with a high level of responsibility pay more attention to their health and respond better to treatment.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):34-38
pages 34-38 views

Prevention issues

The role of the nurse in measles prevention

Erеmushkina Y., Kuskova T.


During the implementation of the measles elimination program in the Russian Federation, active detection of all cases of measles is of great importance. With the help of government and international programs, in which WHO participates, and others in which the World Red Cross is involved, the efforts of nurses and other health workers are helping to increase measles vaccination rates and prevent the spread of this dangerous infection. Some countries also face problems of negative public attitudes towards vaccination, which can lead to low coverage and spread of diseases. Nurses must convince the population of the need for vaccination and combat myths and misinformation about vaccines. Nurses play an important role in the fight against measles and other infectious diseases through the organization and administration of vaccinations, community education and disease data collection.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):39-43
pages 39-43 views

When is calcium a friend and when is it a foe?

Strukov V., Sergeeva-Kondrachenko M., Vinogradova O., Vikhrev D., Denisova A., Panina E., Moiseeva I., Petrova E., Poluboyarinov P., Fedorov A., Brudyan G.


In the article is described the role of calcium in the human body. Possible consequences of uncontrolled intake of mineral supplements are considered. Possible reasons for their low efficiency in the therapy of bone pathologies are analyzed. The results of a large-scale study are given to answer the question: do calcium-containing drugs reduce the probability of osteoporosis and the risk of fracture? The innovative personalized approach in the therapy of musculoskeletal system diseases, which implies the use of osteoprotectors “Osteomed”, “Osteomed Forte” and “Osteo-Vit D3”, is described.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):49-54
pages 49-54 views

Nursing abroad

Differences in the duties of nurses in dental clinics in different countries

Brudyan G., Mikhailov V.


Nurses are an essential part of dental practice, but their role can vary greatly from country to country. This article describes the peculiarities of the work of nurses in dental clinics in different countries and provides examples illustrating the differences in their responsibilities.

These differences are related to the specifics of local health systems and the needs of patients. Understanding them should facilitate the exchange of experience and knowledge among health professionals internationally.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2023;25(3):44-48
pages 44-48 views