Meditsinskaya sestra

Peer-review scientific and practical journal



  • Konstantin I. Grigor'ev, MD


  • Publishing House «Russkiy Vrach»


  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

  • The First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University under Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

  • Limited Liability Company «Russkiy Vrach» Publishing House


The journal "Medical Nurse" has been published since 1942. In 1993 it was merged with the journal "Feldsher and Midwife" and was published under the title "Medical Care" (ISSN 0869-7760). Since 1999 the journal "Medical Nurse" is again an independent publication.

Journal "Medical Nurse" provides unique information about domestic and foreign experience in nursing, introduces the most modern technologies and innovations of nursing practice. In the journal you can read about the research in the field of nursing organization and practice, learn about modern methods and techniques of professional nursing training at all levels. The journal regularly publishes algorithms of practice procedures, the exclusive right to translate and publish them was received from the British journal NURSING TIMES.

In 2020, Nurse magazine supported the global campaign initiated by WHO "A Nurse Year". We are partners of the WHO campaign in Russia.


  • Profession: theory and practice
  • Workshop for nurses
  • Education: problems and solutions
  • Nursing research
  • Nursing abroad
  • Meet the graduates
  • Be healthy!
  • Page history


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卷 26, 编号 6 (2024)



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Topical theme

Child care as the basis of attitude to the problem of his health
Grigoryev K.

Child care is an academic discipline that underlies the implementation of numerous recommendations developed in neonatology, pediatrics, hygiene and epidemiology, infectious diseases, nursing, etc. The article returns readers of the magazine «Мeditzinskaya sestra/Nurse» to a broad perception of the problem of caring for a child as the basis of his upbringing and treatment. Innovations and implementation of modern innovative technologies are considered with an emphasis on early ages. Many new trends relate to the issues of automating the care process in hospitals and «saving» resources. Another charge of criticism regarding the ideology of natural parenthood. Responsible care is the basis of preventive pediatrics. It is important to consciously understand what and why relates to measures that ensure health for a modern child.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):3-11
pages 3-11 views

Prevention issues

Sports injuries of the knee joint. Prevention and rehabilitation
Sergeev N., Piskareva M.

Knee joint injuries are the most common in lower limb injuries and pose the greatest challenge in terms of rehabilitation because of their highly variable specificity, usually related to sporting activities or domestic conditions of injury. The absence of adequate gradual rehabilitation, taking into account potential deviations in the functioning of the damaged joint, will not give a positive result. Thus, there is a need to develop an individual methodology and scheme for further training for each athlete, since too early and insufficient loads can lead to negative consequences in the form of synovitis and increasing pain in the joint. At the same time, insufficient loads greatly increase the rehabilitation time. The inclusion of the latest research in combination with current clinical data ensures the development and implementation of strategies for patient management, improvement of the quality of diagnosis and treatment, and rehabilitation of patients with sports injuries.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):12-15
pages 12-15 views
Study of the effect of phytotherapeutic agents on the state and function of the thyroid gland
Poluboyarinov P., Moiseeva I., Strukov V., Sergeyeva-Kondrachenko M., Vinogradova O., Denisova A., Elistratov D., Panina E., Petrova E., Fedorov A., Burmistrova S.

The prospects for the use of phytotherapeutic agents to maintain the thyroid gland and improve its function in various disorders of the thyroid status are assessed. The pharmacological properties of white cinquefoil (Potentilla alba), sugary kelp (Saccharina latissima), purple echinacea (Echinácea purpúrea), the prospects for the use of these plants in the prevention and complex therapy of endocrine diseases are considered. The characteristic of the Russian phytopreparation intended for the normalization of biochemical processes in the tissues of the thyroid gland and the restoration of the function of the organ is given.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):16-21
pages 16-21 views


Prospects for the application of cell therapy in combustiology
Morozov A., Aslakhanova E., Ispieva K.

Currently, one of the urgent problems in the field of surgery and traumatology is burn injury. A significant part of the victims has deep and extensive burns, the treatment of which is the most difficult problem of modern combustiology. In this aspect, one of the main problems faced by surgeons in combustiology is the lack of donor material and an increased risk of complications of burn wounds. In this regard, the most promising direction in kombustiology is the application of cell engineering methods, including the use of fibroblasts and stem cells.

Fibroblasts have a number of advantages, such as efficiency, safety and accessibility. Stem cells are also a common method of cell therapy, they have great potential in regenerative processes. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which have a pronounced regenerative and immunosuppressive effect, are also used in kombustiology.

In the treatment of infected burn wounds, phage therapy, which provides lysis of infectious pathogens, showed a positive result. In addition to fighting pathogens, bacteriophages, like MSCs, have an immunosuppressive effect, thereby reducing the risk of transplant rejection.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Education: problems and solutions

The role of students’ extracurricular independent work in the formation of general and professional competences in graduates of medical college
Ponkina N., Savina L., Sizova T.

The article considers the forms and possibilities of extracurricular independent work, which is an important component of the modern pedagogical process and allows to mobilise students for creative activity.

In modern conditions of medical education, the role of independent work of students, including extracurricular, which contributes to improving the quality of education, the formation of students’ desire for continuous self-education, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and use them in their professional activities, is increasing.

The task of teachers of professional modules is not only to teach students a profession, but also to teach students to acquire knowledge, process it and apply it in various activities. Gradually the skill to choose information of professional nature in the general information flow is formed.

Independent work is one of the key factors that allows to transfer a student from a passive consumer of knowledge to an active participant.

The main reasons for the increasing role of independent work in mastering educational programmes of medical profile are reflected in the general and professional competencies of a specialist’s ability to organise his/her own activities, to make decisions in standard and non-standard situations, to search for and use information, as well as to independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development.

To develop students’ learning and cognitive activity we use various forms of extracurricular work.

The main figure in the organisation of independent work is the teacher, who directly manages the independent work of students in his discipline both individually and in a group.

The main tasks of the teacher in the management of independent work of students are:

  • to assist students in organising independent work;
  • to implement a differentiated approach to the organisation of independent work;
  • to stimulate students’ interest in the in-depth study of the discipline;
  • determine the scope of tasks for independent work in accordance with the programme;
  • create methodological support for the discipline: teaching and methodical complex (TMC), control tasks (tests, problem tasks), topics of essays, term papers, etc.;
  • to control independent work, evaluate and encourage students’ creative activity.

Thus, independent work is an autonomous activity of students, characterized by their independence and cognitive interest, which can be considered as a teacher-controlled independent cognitive activity of students.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):26-29
pages 26-29 views
The importance of scientific and practical conferences in continuing medical education
Khabibulina M., Shamilov M.

The work is devoted to assessing the perception of scientific and practical conferences by secondary medical professionals as one of the forms of continuing professional education based on the analysis of the results of a survey of 67 study participants, including 9 main, 31 senior, 27 procedural and ward nurses. The average age of the respondents who voluntarily filled out the questionnaires was 48.2±2.24 years, the total length of service was 28.1±5.7 years, and the length of service in the current position was 9.8±3.5 years. Everyone was satisfied with the quality, the form of presentation, the novelty of the information, noted the high methodological level, thorough planning and strict compliance with the regulations.Most of the study participants noted the need for electronic resources for continuing medical education, but noted the importance of face-to-face conferences, including for the exchange of experience.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Profession: theory and practice

Causes of errors in the work of the anesthetist nurse and possible ways to eliminate them
Myagkova M.

The article contains the results of a survey of 32 anesthetist nurses of GBUZ “GKB №1 named after N.I. Pirogov DZM,” which made it possible to identify the main causes of medical errors and propose ways to minimize them. The list of typical mistakes of nurses of the anesthesiology and resuscitation department developed by the author can be used to identify risk groups for making mistakes and preventive work with them.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):34-38
pages 34-38 views
Nurses’ knowledge of venous blood collection: problems and ways of their solution
Kharashun E., Ostrovskaya I.

The article presents the results of surveys of nurses about their knowledge of the basics of venous blood collection. The identified problems are primarily because nurses do not always perceive the pre-analytical stage as an essential part of laboratory diagnostics, the results of which determine the further fate of patients. Thus, additional training in phlebotomy procedure is necessary to acquire and improve professional competencies when performing blood collection from peripheral vein.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):39-41
pages 39-41 views
Modern approaches in the problem of epilepsy in the practice of a nurse
Gulian S., Tsetsera D., Skvortsov V., Rodionova I.

The main principle of epilepsy treatment is long-term regular intake of antiepileptic drugs (PEP) to reduce the frequency of seizures or their complete reduction in the absence of clinically significant side effects. Timely detection and correction of adverse reactions is an integral part of the treatment of epilepsy.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):42-45
pages 42-45 views

Nursing service in the healthcare system

Forensic medical expertise and law enforcement practice in case of errors in the work of nursing staff
Dzhulay G., Bibikova A., Efremov I.

The article is devoted to the activity of forensic medical expertise to ensure the validity, legality and fairness of decisions on the legal responsibility of medical workers taken by law enforcement authorities. The analysis of a specific clinical case, in which the commission forensic medical examination established a direct causal relationship between the onset of adverse consequences and the actions of a nursing medical worker, is carried out.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):46-49
pages 46-49 views

Current events

Nursing staff in armed conflicts of the past and present
Egorov D., Zavirsky A., Makarenko Y., Egorov E., Lustina O., Pusina V., Seliverstov P.

The article is devoted to the work of paramedical personnel in conditions of active hostilities, both in the historical aspect and in the military conflict of the present time. The working conditions of paramedical personnel in a combat situation and the objective difficulties in providing medical care, as well as the requirements for physical, special and military training, are reflected.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):50-53
pages 50-53 views

Клинический случай

Living foreign body in the external auditory canal of the left ear: Clinical Case and Management Tactics
Kakharov S.

The article describes a clinical case of a living foreign body found in the external auditory canal of the left ear in an 18-year-old patient. It also discusses preventive measures and action algorithms for healthcare professionals working in primary care and/or emergency departments, who are most frequently confronted with foreign bodies in the external auditory canal, where urgent removal is crucial to prevent complications. The importance of professional assistance, accurate diagnosis, and adherence to the algorithm for removing foreign bodies from the ear is emphasized to avoid complications. Special attention is given to the need for the procedure to be performed under visual control and the use of proper instruments. Possible complications and precautionary measures are outlined to minimize risks during such procedures.

Meditsinskaya sestra. 2024;26(6):54-56
pages 54-56 views