Opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of nocturnal hypoxia in outpatient clinic




Sleep disordered breathing is an important medical and socio-economic issue. A lot of evidence exists for the impact of sleep apnea on the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, occupational injuries, as well as all-cause mortality. Detection of this type of pathology is challenging due to the complexity and high cost of the procedures. The nocturnal polysomnography was considered as a «gold standard» in the management of any sleep disorders for a long time. However, the development of technology simplified diagnostic equipment and make it possible to diagnose sleep disordered breathing in outpatient department. In this article we reviewed 3-phase approach to the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea. Also we describe our own cost-effective experience of implementing of screening examination for sleep apnea in outpatient clinic, using the continuous pulse oximetry monitoring.




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版权所有 © Tikhova A.V., Popov A.P., Buzunov R.V., 2014

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