卷 338, 编号 3 (2017)


Organisational basics of medical rehabilitation improvement in the health resort organisations of the Armed Forces

Trishkin D., Dolgikh S., Merzlikin A., Kovalenko A., Voronin S.


The article provides description of modern status of the system of medical rehabilitation for servicemen of the Armed Forces on the level of health resort treatment. Authors give results of work analysis of military health resort institutions, concerning medical rehabilitation for military servicemen. Studied problem issues, defined main ways of medical rehabilitation organization improvement in health resort treatment institutions.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):4-14
pages 4-14 views

Role of hygiene training and education in ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the troops (forces)

Butakov S., Krutev A., Gabitov R.


Hygiene education and training of personnel, promotion of healthy lifestyle is obligatory section of the medical service activity of the Armed Forces, and a part of its measures, concerning ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the troops (forces). The aim of hygiene training and education, promotion of healthy lifestyle consists in maintaining and improving the health and performance of professional military personnel. Mandatory-governmental conditions for the success of these measures are scientific justification, purposeful, planned and permanent with full coverage of the military collective and differentiated supply and affordability of pre-information. This article provides recommendations for the medical service for the organization and methodology of health education, forming its theme.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):15-20
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):20-20
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Modern approaches to medical equipment for supplies teams of specialized medical care

Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Reutskii I., Kononov V., Rodionov E.


The article describes the methodological approaches to medical equipment for supplies teams of specialized medical care and medical and nursing teams, formed on the basis of the Military Medical Academy. Kirov. It is shown that the priority in the selection of samples medical equipment suitable for use in the medical unit formations, military units and military medical institutions and medical institutions (subdivisions) of other ministries and departments, belongs to medical bags, sets of medical equipment, sets and packing medical taken to supply the Armed Forces and included in the rations medical supplies formations, military units and organizations. A brief description of sample medical equipment used to equip teams.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):21-28
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):28-28
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Empiric selection of antimicrobial therapy in case of purulent diseases of hand

Krainyukov P., Travin N., Safonov O., Pogosov N., Kim D., Kokorin V., Kolodkin B.


The article presents the data dedicated to comparative analysis of the structure of purulent diseases of the hand, the appointment of empirical antimicrobial therapy to military personnel in terms from 2005 to 2015. There was revealed the dependence between late hospitalization (after 5-10 days) and the frequency of deep hand infection, the spread of infection to the surrounding tissues, increase in the number of complications, reoperations, and duration of treatment. A comparative evaluation of results of treatment, depending on the nature of ongoing antibiotic therapy is revealed. A scheme for the appointment of empirical antimicrobial therapy in patients with complicated forms of purulent diseases of the hand is offered.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Principles for diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism

Ovchinnikov Y., Zelenov M.


Pulmonary embolism takes the third place in cardiovascular mortality structure. Separate clinical symptoms don’t have adequate sensibility and specificity for pulmonary embolism verification. For pulmonary embolism diagnosis are usually used clinical probability scales. Clinical markers, pulmonic ventricle dysfunction markers, and myocardial injury markers determine risk stratification. Methods for diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism are based on risk levels. In case of suspected pulmonary embolism the treatment should be prescribed immediately without waiting for diagnosis approval. Pulmonary embolism accompanied with shock and hypotension is an absolute thrombolytic therapy indication. According to data, provided by authors, efficacy and safety of prourokinase appeared to be as effective and safe as alteplase according to clinical and instrumental criteria. Alteplase effectiveness is higher than prourokinase in case of short anamnesis (<3 days), while in case of long anamnesis (>3 days) proukinase has the advantage of alteplase. To prevent repeated venous thromboembolism should be prescribed indirect anticoagulant (Vitamin K antagonist) or factor Xa inhibitor oral inticoagulant rivaroxaban.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):37-50
pages 37-50 views

Psychophysiological resources and reserves for increasing flight safety

Dvornikov M., Medenkov A., Nesterovich T.


The directions and ways of using psychophysiological health resources of a pilot in order to ensure his professional safety are discussed. The author analyz the approaches to improve the health of the pilot based on foreign studies. The authors evaluate the possibility of improvement of sustainability pilot to overload and hypoxia on the basis of task-oriented training. Attention is paid to the expansion of the scope and content of foreign co-pilot features research activities in order to enhance its operational readiness and performance. Directions of improving the flight safety and fighting capacity of the pilot by taking into account his psychophysiological characteristics and psychosomatic condition.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):51-58
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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):58-58
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Use of nanotechnology in the creation of modern medicines-governmental funds and their targeting systems (literature review)

Chepur S., Tyunin M., Kuzmin A., Yudin M., Ivanov I., Vengerovich N.


Properties of nanoscale carriers recommended by the European Pharmacopeia for use in the creation of drugs and their complexes with physiologically active substances are given. The authors present general descriptions of the methods of creation and especially of carriers identified in the accumulation of experience in their use for creating drugs with desired properties of penetration of biological barriers and length of service of the therapeutic effect.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):59-67
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Combat readiness or injury prevention? (On the question of military protection criteria)

Vorona A., Moiseev Y., Ryzhenkov S.


An interpretation of the concepts «combat readiness», «working efficiency» and «injury prevention» is given. It sets out the options of military activity after exposure to adverse factors and their probabilistic characteristics. It is shown that in the framework of standardization objectives and assessing the effectiveness of the protection of the personnel it is advisable to talk not about combat readiness, and on the level of injury, since the fighting capacity of the soldier is determined further such socio-psychological factors, such as motivation and training, individual stress resistance and etc., which are difficult to quantify in a natural and seminatural testing.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):69-71
pages 69-71 views

Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of using non-drug treatment integrated technique from military contract servicemen with metabolic syndrome

Batovskii A., Sheenkov Y., Karakozov A., Olenicheva E., Sterkhova G., Levchenko O., Molodova A., Kazakov S., Orlov F., Khritinin D., Malakhovskii V., Katenko S.


At this article presented integrated technique correction metabolic syndrome from military contract servicemen (officers), based on using non-drug treatment methods: leech therapy, reflexology, manual therapeutic treatment and mandatory psychophysiological correction. Complex using this methods allows to reduce the severity of metabolic syndrome, lead to normalization clinic-laboratory indicators and following psychophysiological correction permit to change behavioural responses from military servicemen and to apply special skills of self-regulation and self-help in subsequent. All of this in regular using are the component of prevention of possible violations in state of health related with professional activities and can contribute increase effectiveness of implementation tasks set before military servicemen. The results obtained by the authors cause the possibility and necessity the application of the methods traditional medicine and psychotherapy in complex therapy military contract servicemen with metabolic syndrome.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):71-73
pages 71-73 views

Branch № 1 of the Main center of military-medical examination of the Ministry of Defense of Russia celebrates the 95th anniversary

Chaplyuk A., Andronenkov I.


The article describes the history of the formation and development of the Branch № 1 of the FGKU «The main center of the military-medical examination» of the Ministry of Defense since the establishment of the military-medical commission of the Moscow military district before its final transformation into the branch. Simultaneously, the article describes the main tasks entrusted to the bodies of military medical examination, as well as the performance of this work.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Use by the Russian Army of protective means against German chemical weapon applied during the First World War

Budko A., Ivanovskii Y.


The first can be considered the simplest mask gauze or cotton-gauze impregnated with sodium hyposulfite, which pressed to his face and breathed through it (i. e. «Wet» gas mask, based on the principle of chemical neutralization of toxic substances). The most successful type of domestic wet gas mask is considered to be a gas mask constructed by N.T.Prokofev with hermetically inserted glasses of plain glass. Using by Germany all new toxic substances required continuous improvement of gas masks and the use of not chemical, but physical principle of neutralization, based on the non-specific binding molecules toxic agent. Creation in Russia really acting dry gas mask associated with the name of the outstanding scientist Zelinsky, first proposed to use as activated carbon adsorbent. Engineer Petrograd factory «Triangle» E.L.Kummant developed rubber helmet with goggles, do not require special mounting head and reliably protects both respiratory tract and eyes from exposure to toxic substances. The principle of the device mask Zelinsky-Kummant - canister with activated charcoal (and various additives) and a rubber facemask - is the basis of all modern designs masks.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):77-83
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Military physician of the Russian Army Konstantin Finne: the down of the medical service of Long-range aviation of Russia

Vasilev K., Vasilev Y.


On 10/23 December 1914 four-engine airplanes «Ilya Muromets» (Sikorsky aircraft) have been grouped into the «Squadron air ships», which became the world’s first heavy bomber compound. This day is not only the date of the appearance of long-range aviation in Russia, but also of its medical service. The first physician in the state of the squadron was Konstantin Finne. He had been the chef of the medical service of the air unit until 1918, when as a result of political turmoil it has ceased to exist. He is the author of the first thorough book on the «Ilya Muromets» and the history of the squadron aircraft airships - «Russian air warriors Sikorsky» (1930). In 1903, he graduated from the Military Medical Academy and was left with her to improve. In 1907 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Then he served as a military physician in the military hospital in Riga. The member of the White movement. He immigrated to Yugoslavia, after the World War II to Austria. Since 1949 he lived in the United States (New York), where he died.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2017;338(3):84-89
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