卷 335, 编号 1 (2014)


The Russian Armed Forces Military Medical Service: condition and ways of improvement

Fisun A.


In 2013 the main efforts of the Medical Sendee were aimed at the following tasks: optimization of management system of military medical sendee, improvement of medical evacuation system, medical sendee security for military contingents, assigned according to territory principle to military-medical facilities of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, implementation of innovations at all stages of medical evacuation in peace- and wartime, security of combat and mobilization readiness of regulatory bodies of the Medical Sendee, medical military units and military medical facilities, medical sendee of troops battle training, improvement of material and technical resources, security of regular pharmacy and equipment supply, activation of research work in the Medical Sendee interests. Lines of military medicine development in 2014 are: transfer of treatment facilities that are not used by the Ministry of Defence into the Federal Biomedical Agency till the end of 2014, prevention of pneumonia and meningitis in military personnel, improvement of early diagnosis system, medical sendee for military contingents according to territory principle,improvement of diagnostic and treatment work in military-medical units and subunits and military- medical facilities by means of development of material and technical resources, monitor the implementation of innovative diagnostic and treatment technologies, completion of construction projects of central military hospitals and etc.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):4-16
pages 4-16 views

Current state and prospects of military personnel health monitoring

Bezyantsev M., Kuznetsov S., Ivanov V., Zakurdayev V.


The current article is dedicated to some features of the Russian Federation Armed Forces military personnel health monitoring such as legal and informational provision, methodological basis offunctioning, historical aspect offormation and development of the social and hygienic monitoring in the Russian Federation Armed Forces. The term «military personnel health monitoring is defined as an analytical system of constant and long-term observation, analysis, assessment, studying offactors determined the military personnel health, these factors correlations, health risk factors management in order to minimize them. The current state of the military personnel health monitoring allows coming to the conclusion that the military health system does have forces and resources for state policy of establishing the population health monitoring system implementation. The following directions of the militarily personnel health monitoring improvement are proposed: the Russian Federation Armed Forces medical service record and report system reorganization bringing it closer to the civilian one, implementation of the integrated approach to the medical service informatisation, namely, military personnel health status and medical service resources monitoring. The leading means in this direction are development and introduction of a military serviceman individual health status monitoring system on the basis of a serviceman electronic medical record card. Also it is proposed the current Russian Federation Armed Forces social and hygienic monitoring improvement at the expense of informational interaction between the two subsystems on the basis of unified military medical service space.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):17-24
pages 17-24 views

Mistakes and complications in internal osteosynthesis in patients with fractures of long bones

Shapovalov V., Khominets V., Mikhaylov S., Shakun D., Foos I.


Authors analyzed unsatisfied anatomical and functional treatment results of 118 patients after the internal osteosynthesis for fractures of long bones of extremities, which required ion performed revision surgery. Patients were examined clinically and instrumental before revision osteosynthesis, in short-term and long-term period after the operation. Authors systemized revealed mistakes into 4 groups and found out that the most frequent were tactical and technical (84.7%) mistakes, much less - diagnostic and organizational. Developed algorithm of preoperative evaluation, planning, technology, revision reconstructive operations allowed shortening recover time of anatomy and function to the average in 62,6% of patients.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Hip replacement in military personnel

Maksimov I., Panyushin K., Brizhan L., Buryachenko B., Varfolomeyev D., Pimanchev O.


Hip joint diseases and injuries are common for orthopedic pathology among military personnel. Hip replacement is one of the most frequent operations. Authors evaluated hip replacement in 136 servicemen treated at the center of traumatology and orthopedics of Burdenko General Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Russia in 2010-2013. On the basis of the conducted analysis the main disease groups were revealed, peculiarities of pathology among this category of patients. Authors proposed surgical doctrine for the treatment of this contingent. Effective surgical treatment, in particular, hip replacement surgery, conducted with the use of the proposed principles, as a rule, fully functionally cured patients and contributes to return them in the system that contributes to the strengthening of defensibility of the country.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):30-37
pages 30-37 views

Diphtheria in the Military Forces: lessons and current status of prophylaxis, prospects of epidemiological control process

Belov A., Ogarkov P.


We analyzed the epidemiological situation of diphtheria in the work! and in Russia and experience of mass vaccination of military personnel and civil population with diphtheria toxoid for the lust 50 years. Early diagnosis of diphtheria in military personnel has a prognostic value. Authors described the peculiarities of epidemiological process of diphtheria in military personnel in 80-90 years of 20th century and organizational aspects of mass vaccination with diphtheria toxoid. Authors analyzed current problems of epidemiology and prophylaxis of diphtheria in military personnel and civil population and possible developments. According to long-term prognosis authors mentioned the increase of morbidity and came to conclusion that it is necessary enhance the epidemiological surveillance. Authors presented prospect ways of improvement of vaccination and rational approaches to immunization of military personnel under positive long-term epidemiological situation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):38-44
pages 38-44 views

I mprovement of the health care delivery system in war-time: monitoring of servicemen’s health slat Lts

Tyurin M., Sokhranov M., Ivchenko E., Tsygan V., Golitsyn V., SUnitskii A., Sokolov V., Barsukov A.


Authors came to conclusion that the constant monitoring of servicemen s health status allows the commanding officer to receive detailed information about combat effectiveness. In case of battle injury or trauma the information used by the medical service will be the base for early health care delivery and organization of evacuation. The information about health status of injured may be used as a base for diagnosis at all stages of evacuation. Authors came to conclusion that individual monitoring of health status will help to further health care delivery system and first stages of medical evacuation.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):45-47
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Effektivnost' mediko-psikhofiziologicheskogo i laboratorno-toksikologicheskogo monitoringa lits, rabotayushchikh s opasnymi khimicheskimi veshchestvami

Shalimov P., Zaprudnaya O., Krechetova T., Mikhaylov V., Malinin A.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):48-49
pages 48-49 views

Pervyy opyt primeneniya PET/KT v diagnostike aktivnogo sarkoidoza

Maksimov I., Chernov S., Zaytsev A., Antipushina D., Sivokozov I., Kurbanov S., Bugakova M., Troyan V., Bobin A.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):50-52
pages 50-52 views

Prediktory ateroskleroza koronarnykh arteriy pri revmatoidnom artrite

Sineglazova A.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):52-53
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pages 54-55 views

The modem approaches to the principles of medical and surgical casualty estimation. The US and British experience

Zhuravlev V., Golota A., Krassii A., Mironov V., Parfenov V.


The current article is dedicated to the principles of medical and surgical casualty estimation elaborated by the medical services of the US and Great Britain Armed Forces on the basis of their experience obtained during Afghanistan and Iraq operations.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):56-57
pages 56-57 views

Experience in provision of medical services to earthquake victims in Armenia in 1988

Bryusov P.


The most devastating catastrophe in the USSR was the Armenian earthquake occurred on 7th December 1988. The city of Teninakan and towns of Kirovokan, Spitak (the epicenter), Stepanovan were destroyed by the earthquake with a magnitude 10. Up to 25 542 people have died, more than 500 000 were homeless and 39 795 were rescued. Medical service of the Ministiy of Defence of the USSR took purl in rescue work. Medical sendee units finished their rescue work on 31st December after results of work were summed up. Tethaiity rate was an index of successful rescue work of the unit. Only 6% of injured rescued by the medical unit have died, meanwhile 40%~50% of injured have died in Erevan hospitals. Mortality rate in patients with crush syndrome was 8,9% (according to other authors - 30-75%). 75 injured remained in hospital, 25 injured were evacuated to central military hospitals for reconstructive plastic surgery. Officers of the medical unit, embodied from the main and central hospitals, successfully completed the task and received experience in provision of medical services to earthquake victims.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):58-65
pages 58-65 views

Official communications

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):66-70
pages 66-70 views

News feed

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Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):71-76
pages 71-76 views

European Congress for trauma and emergency surgery

Samokhvalov I., Reva V.
Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2014;335(1):77-80
pages 77-80 views
