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卷 343, 编号 4 (2022)



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Organization of medical support for the military establishment

Medical rehabilitation of servicemen who have undergone a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in a military clinic

Kuvshinov K., Klipak V., Kostycheva T., Yakubova N.


The possibility of carrying out medical rehabilitation in outpatient settings for military personnel who underwent COVID-19 (792 patients, including 509 with viral lung damage) was studied and its effectiveness was assessed (60 military personnel who underwent COVID-19 with lung damage – CT-2). Apparatus physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, hyperbaric oxygenation, and infusion therapy were used. Upon completion of the rehabilitation course, all showed an improvement in oxygen saturation indicators by 1–2%, an increase in Shtange and Gench tests by 5–10 s. In 53 patients (in all age groups) with the absence of reliably pronounced symptoms, there was a decrease in the incidence of anxiety by 2–5 points. Also, patients noted an increase in efficiency, restoration of the processes of perception, memorization, reproduction. In the study group (n=60), 24 people underwent complete recovery, a significant improvement was noted in 33, a decrease in the severity of post-covid manifestations and partial compensation – in 3 patients.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Emergency medicine

On the effect of transferring the substance of an obstacle by a firearms projectile

Pinchuk P., Leonov S., Sukhareva M., Kuzmina V.


The article presents the results of an experimental study to establish the possibility and nature of the transfer of the obstacle material by a firearm projectile when fired by 5.45×39 cartridges from a Kalashnikov assault rifle with a shortened and hunting carbine «Saiga». The shots were fired through triplex windshields (triplex) from different models of BMW and Mercedes-Benz cars on parts of animal carcasses from a distance of 5 m. energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer «Bruker Quantax 80». The study of fragments of firearms carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with X-ray energy dispersive analysis (EDX) revealed in all cases the presence of obstacle particles on the shell and core of the destroyed bullet in the form of tiny overlaps, the presence of spherical iron particles in the target material. Has shown that SEM/EDX can reliably prove the fact of a gunshot wound to a person through an obstacle or when a firearm ricochets.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Treatment and prophylactic issues

Modern methods of treatment of peritonitis caused by diseases and injuries of the kidneys and ureters

Musailov V., Esipov A., Alekhnovich A., Markevich P., Galik N., Potapov V.


Traumatic and iatrogenic injuries of the ureters and bladder are not always diagnosed promptly. The error rate when using retrograde cystography, ultrasound (ultrasound), and other traditional methods (cystoscopy, Zeldovich test, descending cystography) is 13.7–44.8%. The treatment results of 292 patients with peritonitis caused by injuries of the ureters and bladder were studied. The use of lymphotropic therapy in combination with the treatment of the abdominal cavity with nitrogen monoxide improved the treatment results, which lead to the decrease in mortality, the length of the patient’s stay in bed, and the frequency of postoperative complications and reoperations. An improvement in the quality of life and a decrease in pain in the early postoperative period was noted.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):15-20
pages 15-20 views

Reconstruction of the clavicle in the pseudarthrosis after radiation therapy

Zelyanin A., Sokov A., Khanin M., Klyuchevskii I., Sakharov A., Kovalenko D., Gusev A.


The paper presents a clinical case of reconstruction of the clavicle with an atrophic pseudarthrosis in a 39-year-old patient who had a highly differentiated liposarcoma at the stage of fracture treatment. The treatment was combined with a course of gamma therapy in a total focal dose of 60 Gy. Remission has been achieved. Reconstruction was performed against the background of fibro-atrophic changes, grade 2 skin, and subcutaneous tissue lesions, grade 2–3 bone tissue according to the LENT/SOMA scale. To eliminate the clavicle defect, support osteogenesis, and cover the clavicle in the area of fibro-atrophic changes in soft tissues, the reconstruction was performed using a vascularized musculoskeletal complex of tissues rotated on a feeding pedicle. Fusion has been achieved, and the limb function was restored. The discussion provides a rationale for using a vascularized complex of tissues based on ideas about pathological changes in tissues in the area of local radiation exposure.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):27-32
pages 27-32 views

Comparative assessment of the results of surgical treatment in patients with inguinal hernias according to the author’s method and the method of Liechtenstein

Efremov K., Krainyukov P., Chernykh V., Bondareva N.


The work aims to assess the clinical effectiveness of allohernioplasty for inguinal hernias according to Liechtenstein (control group, n=44, mean age 70.8 years) and a new method of tension-free hernia repair developed by the authors (main group, n=45, mean age 69.6 years). which is a modification of the Liechtenstein method. In the main group, the duration of the operation is reduced – on average by 7 minutes, the severity and duration (by 0.6 days) of pain syndrome in the early postoperative period decreases. The patients of the main group were activated 6–8 hours after the operation (in the control group – the next day). The average duration of inpatient treatment in the main group was 6.1, in the control – 7.3 bed-days.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):20-27
pages 20-27 views

Differential diagnosis of tuberculoma with peripheral lung cancer

Polyanskii V., Savitskii G.


Differential diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer is difficult, especially in the early stages of development. The rounded shape of the formation with sizes from 1.5–2 cm in diameter, detected by X-ray examination, obliges, first of all, to exclude a tumor, which, unlike other rounded formations, can metastasize. The most objective evidence of the oncological nature of the detected formation is the methods of cytological and histological diagnosis of tumor cells in sputum and swabs from the tracheobronchial tree. And only after the exclusion of peripheral cancer should the main attention be paid to the diagnosis of the tuberculous process in the lungs, including tuberculoma.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):32-39
pages 32-39 views

Epidemiology and infectious diseases

The military-biological aspect of the human genotypes study on the example of COVID-19

Supotnitskiy M.


The purpose of the study was to evaluate human genotype data as a basis for biological warfare, so the authors used materials from open scientific publications. Epidemiology, clinic, and outcomes were analyzed using the example of COVID-19 in people of different genotypes. The possibilities of reverse genetics for the construction of coronaviruses with modified specificity and «new functions» are considered. The authors have established that the severity of the course of COVID-19 depends mainly on the genes that determine the factors of the host’s immune response to the virus; while the different susceptibility of people to SARS-CoV-2 is mainly associated with variants of genes encoding surface receptors and having relation to the initial stage of infection.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Hygiene and physiology of military labor

Issues and prospects for improving drinking water quality control in the field

Lopatin S., Yudin A., Volodin A., Bokarev M.


An analysis of official documents shows that the principle of the responsibility of the executor (engineering service of a military unit) for ensuring the proper quality of drinking water is not included in the number of requirements for the organization of field water supply to the troops. The existing procedure for assessing water quality in the field does not allow determining its safety in full by microbiological, toxicological, radiological, and organoleptic indicators. Modernization of the system of sampling, transportation of water samples and their laboratory research, improvement of medical control will fully determine and assess the quality and safety of drinking water in the field. Mobile technical means of the engineering service must be designed and created to obtain a product safe for consumption from natural water of any quality.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):45-52
pages 45-52 views

Военная фармация и медицинская техника

Mobile surgical dressing room: new technical solutions and characteristics to increase capabilities military medical subunits and medical units

Ivanov I., Medvedev V., Zavalina T., Pozdnyakov A., Soloshenko N.


Based on advanced technical solutions, a new mobile surgical dressing room MSDR-3 was developed and created. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of technical excellence of the MSDR-3 based on a comparison of its tactical and technical characteristics with the MSDR-2. It is shown that the design features of the van body and the performance characteristics of the MSDR-3 as a whole significantly improve the ergonomics of working conditions for medical personnel, transportability, capacity, power supply, autonomy, and equipment with medical equipment, allowing expanding the scope of first aid for the wounded from reduced to complete and ensure the accelerated evacuation of the wounded. Upon completion of the tests, the MSDR-3 was accepted for supply to the Armed Forces with the organization of serial production. As for directions for further work, the collection of information on the practical experience of using the MSDR-3 in the military unit and the systematization of information about possible design flaws was organized.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):53-59
pages 53-59 views

Brief articles

Features of the course of chronic tonsillitis in the group of dispensary-dynamic observation of career officers

Valdaevskaya O., Popov A., Astakhova T., Balakhovskaya K., Kersnovskaya E., Kurnoskina O.


The analysis of the results and dynamic observation of regular officers diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis for one year. The features of the course of this pathology were studied, taking into account the prescribed treatment and the presence of concomitant diseases. Active observation and management of patients can reduce the number of exacerbations of diseases, improve well-being, reduce the number of days of disability, increase immunity, body resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):60-63
pages 60-63 views

Organ-preserving treatment of peacetime explosive trauma in a garrison hospital

Ramazanov A., Tokarev A., Grigor’ev N., Radzhabov I., Zaitseva N., Bagmet A.


On a clinical example of the treatment of an explosive injury, the need for an individual approach to the choice of an organ-preserving operation or amputation, taking into account the capabilities of the garrison hospital, was demonstrated. Upon admission, an abdominal operation was performed on the damaged intestine, an organ-sparing tactic of treatment was adopted in the volume of primary surgical treatment of wounds of the left leg, skeletal traction of the left leg. The next day, amputation was performed due to a general serious condition, impaired renal function, thrombosis of the superficial, femoral, popliteal, and tibial arteries of the limb.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):64-66
pages 64-66 views

Experience with cold polypectomy during screening colonoscopy

Aleshina Y., Solodyannikova Y.


The experience of removal of small benign epithelial formations of the large intestine by the cold method during screening colonoscopy is described. This method of active secondary prevention of colorectal cancer without the use of electrosurgical excision has become generally accepted in the detection of polyps during the initial examination of patients. The criteria for deciding on cold polypectomy are outlined. It is concluded that its use in an outpatient setting is a safe intervention with minimal risk of complications.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):67-68
pages 67-68 views

Из истории военной медицины

Branch No. 1 of the Main Center for Military Medical Expertise of the Russian Ministry of Defense celebrates the 100th anniversary

Datsko A., Korobko S., Andronenkov I.


The article describes the history of the formation and development of branch No. 1 of the Main Center for Military Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation from the moment the military-medical commission of the Moscow Military District was created (1921) to the present day. The main tasks assigned to the bodies of military medical expertise in the past and today are reflected.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):69-75
pages 69-75 views

Formation and development of transfusiology in Russia: contribution of the Military Medical Academy

Kaleko S., Belskikh A., Vil’yaninov V., Ignatovich G.


The article materials contain historical data on the formation and development of domestic transfusiology. The first donor blood transfusion in Russia, taking into account group factors, was performed in 1919 by V.N.Shamov at the Military Medical Academy. Successful blood transfusion gave impetus to the emergence of a new scientific direction in medicine – transfusiology and the widespread introduction of blood transfusion into clinical practice. The article highlights the main stages in the development of military transfusiology, assesses the contribution of the Military Medical Academy to the improvement of its methods. The description of the scientific and organizational activities of Shamov V.N., his role in creating a system for providing the wounded and sick with canned blood with blood-substituting solutions on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War is presented. The importance for ensuring the safety of transfusion therapy of the training of medical personnel in transfusiology, the use of technologies for the preparation and conservation of transfusion agents, which most closely meet the requirements of military medical practice, is shown.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):76-85
pages 76-85 views

Ivan Diomidovich Kudrin – a prominent physiologist and organizer of the development of scientific problems of military preventive medicine

Golovko K., Yusupov V., Ovchinnikov D.


The article is devoted to the scientific and organizational activities of Professor I.D.Kudrin, a prominent physiologist, the first head of the Central Research Laboratory of Habitability and Professional Selection of the S.M.Kirov Military Medical Academy. He made a valuable contribution to the development of important scientific areas of preventive military medicine. Laboratory staff, with the participation of I.D.Kudrin, theoretically, experimentally, and practically substantiated the concepts of normalizing the habitability factors of weapons objects and military equipment and medical and psychological support for personnel at different stages of military service. Under his leadership, several normative and technical documents, which regulate the implementation of improvement measures of the military professional performance of the personnel of the Armed Forces were developed.

Voenno-medicinskij žurnal. 2022;343(4):86-89
pages 86-89 views
