
Демьяненко, А. В.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 345, 编号 1 (2024) Treatment and prophylactic issues Anticoagulant therapy after discharge from hospital in patients with COVID-19.
卷 342, 编号 10 (2021) Treatment and prophylactic issues Clinical course of new coronavirus infection in patients of the dispensary group
卷 343, 编号 5 (2022) Brief articles Tachycardiomyopathy caused by atrial fibrillation of the tachysystolic form
卷 343, 编号 11 (2022) Chronicle Experience in providing medical care to patients with a new coronavirus infection in the Republic of Kazakhstan
卷 344, 编号 2 (2023) Treatment and prophylactic issues The relevance of the method of ultrasound diagnostics in medical examination of military personnel
卷 343, 编号 12 (2022) Organization of medical support for the military establishment Experience in organizing the provision of primary health care to patients with a new coronavirus infection in the central military hospital of the Russian Ministry of Defense
卷 343, 编号 10 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues Retrospective analysis of rapid scales to determine the severity of the course of a new coronavirus infection (virus identified)
卷 343, 编号 6 (2022) Treatment and prophylactic issues Clinical experience of prescribing regdanvimab to inpatients with a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 and a high risk of its unfavorable course
卷 344, 编号 11 (2023) Treatment and prophylactic issues Ultrasound assisted examinations in the provision of medical care for military personnel: organization and problematic issues
