Vol 76, No 9 (2009)


Agricultural technology park - the base of machine-and-technological modernization of regional agroindustrial complexes

Lipkovich E.I., Taranov M.A., Sorokin N.T., Kolchik A.F., Gospodarev N.V.


Приведены краткое аналитическое описание экономической динамики и подготовленные учеными базовые научно-практические материалы к разработке агротехнопарков. Представлены структура конкретного регионального агротехнопарка и схема взаимодействия его блоков.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):3-12
pages 3-12 views

Automation of control of removing oils from three-product hydraulic cyclone

Mazhugin Y.I., Pashkevich A.V.


The necessity of research of possibility of a three-product hydrocyclone application for the clearing of cleaning solutions is grounded. Its work automation method and research laboratory plant are described. The possibility of use of the electric pickup for hydrocyclone work automation is proved experimentally. The interelectrode space resistance change dependances on temperature, cleaning liquid and oils density in solution, electrode area and clearance in it are given. The pickup electrodes' parameters are grounded.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):13-15
pages 13-15 views

Operating efficiency of the station for neutralization of galvanic wastes

Butovskiy M.E.


Описаны два варианта ресурсосберегающих технологических схем переработки гальваношламов для обеззараживания гальванических стоков. Приведены основные технические характеристики синтезированных материалов.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):15-16
pages 15-16 views

Parameters and regimes of operation of digging-and-separating member

Rybalko A.G., Laryushin N.P., Laryushin A.M.


The theoretical grounding of constructive and regime parameters of digging up and separating device is given. The scheme and technological process of work of digging up and separating device are represented. The rod of rotor's and beater's trajectory of movement, force ensuring the picking of bulb leafs, and geometrical parameters of digging up and separating device are grounded.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):17-19
pages 17-19 views

Versatile electromechanical drive of segment-and-finger mower

Levtsev A.P., Dushutin K.A., Mindrov K.A.


Рассмотрена возможность расширения применения сегментно-пальцевых косилок и повышения эффективности их работы за счет перехода на электромеханический привод и замены кривошипно-ползунного механизма плоским кулачковым. Для контроля и оценки энергетических параметров с.-х. агрегата для скашивания трав с электромеханической трансмиссией разработан новый алгоритм.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):19-23
pages 19-23 views

Effectiveness of the use of small-sized device for grain squashing

Mamedova G.A., Bagirov B.M.


Design data and operating modes of the small-sized experimental plant working on a principle of squeezing and squashing various crops' grain are analyzed and proved. By means of experimental investigation, quality of crushing and rational operating mode of the device are estimated. Economic expediency of application of the device in small farm enterprises is determined.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):23-24
pages 23-24 views

Procedure of studying dynamics of watching system for controlling power take-off shaft of wheeled machines

Zhdanovich C.I., Geraschenko V.V., Yaskevich M.Y.


Приведены описание и схема разработанной авторами следящей системы для управления валом отбора мощности колесного трактора, а также принцип ее работы. Предложена методика определения устойчивости разработанной системы.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Comparative assessment of economy of tractor with hydrodynamical transmission by different laws of high-pressure fuel pump control

Dyachkov Y.A., Fedyanov Y.A., Deynichenko Y.M.


Приведены результаты сравнения топливной экономичности с.-х. трактора с гидродинамической силовой передачей и дизелем, топливная аппаратура которого реализует двухрежимный, всережимный и гиперболический законы регулирования на частичных мощностных режимах. Результаты получены на основании математического моделирования и охватывают все варианты эксплуатации трактора: работа с тяговыми нагрузками, работа с отбором мощности через ВОМ и др. Сделаны выводы о преимуществе, с точки зрения экономичности при работе на частичных режимах, двухрежимного и гиперболического законов регулирования ТНВД дизеля.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):27-30
pages 27-30 views

Control of mechanical stepless transmission

Blagonravov A.A., Revnyakov Y.N.


The principle of additional regulation of the multithread mechanical stepless transmission of impulse type is considered due to change of size of radius of a crank depending on external loading at work together with the diesel engine equipped with centrifugal governor. The circuit of system of automatic control of the transmission is offered providing work of the engine under the characteristic of the minimal charge of fuel at incomplete use of capacity in a wide range of revolutions of crankshaft.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):30-32
pages 30-32 views

Some statistic indices of functioning of sowing unit with elastic-damping mechanism in tractor transmission

Kravchenko V.A., Senkevich A.A., Senkevich S.E.


The experimental research results obtained by operating the sowing machine-and-tractor unit equipped with elastic-damping mechanism which changes transmission properties, makes it compliant and, therefore, absorbing vibrations of the external disturbing influences, are dealt with in this article. Several performances of a unit with more rigid transmission are given as a comparison. The given correlation functions and spectral densities of the process show an evident improvement of operating characteristics.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):32-34
pages 32-34 views

Fractional grain cleaners' capacity and performance

Tarasenko A.P., Orobinskiy V.I., Sundeyev A.A., Giyevskiy A.M.


The influence of grain cleaning machines' performance on their qualitative operating indices is analyzed. According to the research results the use of factional grain cleaners in agricultural enterprises is recommended.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):35-37
pages 35-37 views

Calculation of the average total operating time for the group of technical equipment with spare components

Korolkova L.I., Ignatyev G.S.


The functioning of the group of technical equipment is examined, the duration of its no-failure operation is determined by one of its components, and long-term performance is ensured by replacing the failed component by the spare one. Relations are obtained for calculating the average total operating time of the group of technical equipment with spare components by their work during the random allotted time, with and without taking into account the time of replacing the failed component.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):37-39
pages 37-39 views

Improved device for increasing cross-country ability of wheeled tractors

Burdykin V.D.


On the basis of an improved device for increasing cross-country ability of wheeled tractors an automatic system is developed which allows to increase productivity and efficiency of a transport unit.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):40-41
pages 40-41 views

Power parameters of rolling wheel in the driving mode

Romanchenko M.I.


Приведены результаты численного моделирования нагрузки на колесо и сцепных (фрикционных) свойств опорной поверхности и шины. Полученные аналитические зависимости нашли подтверждение в результате проведенных в стендовых условиях экспериментальных исследований.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):41-44
pages 41-44 views

Increasing failure-free performance of engines for mobile energetic transport vehicles used in agriculture

Grigorov V.I.


The failure-free performance of engines for mobile energetic transport vehicles used in agriculture is analysed. Some recommendations for use are made.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):44-45
pages 44-45 views

Wear of friction pairs of internal combustion engine for machine-and-tractor unit on the base of K-744P tractor in the transport regime

Antipin V.P., Varava V.I., Karshev G.V.


Разработана математическая модель изнашивания пар трения ДВС, позволяющая вычислять амплитудно-частотные характеристики реакции подвеса МТА в транспортном режиме с плугом и частотные характеристики скорости изнашивания двигателя. Установлены пути снижения динамической нагруженности трактора не менее чем на 21,4% и скорости изнашивания пар трения по спектру частот и интегрально более чем на 35%.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):46-50
pages 46-50 views

An assessment of load distribution by means of metal coats

Tyutrin S.G.


It is proposed to estimate the machine-and-tractor unit's load distribution through the control of state of metal coat used as a sensor. The possibility of applying the existing method to solve this problem is examined. The computer modeling results are shown.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):50-52
pages 50-52 views

Motor vehicles' diagnosis operability and effectiveness of their use

Drincha V.M., Moshkin N.I., Bazarov D.A.


Обоснованы основные положения диагностирования ходовой части и подвески малотоннажного грузового автотранспорта. Разработано оборудование для диагностирования подвески автомобилей методом регистрации и анализа затухающих колебаний.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):52-54
pages 52-54 views

Improving eccentric drilling-and-milling chuck by indices of tool clamping force

Kuznetsov Y.N., Al-Dabas K., Manilo I.I.


The eccentric tool tightening chuck with two cinematic circuits «wedge-eccentric cam» and an intensifying link was offered. Two stages of work of the eccentric boring-and-milling chuck (EBMC), which provide the creation of necessary force for tool clamping, were shown. Adduced were the calculation and function-structural diagrams and conditions for definition of reinforcement coefficients of EBMC due two cinematic circuits in order to receive the necessary radial tool clamping force from one eccentric.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):54-56
pages 54-56 views

60th anniversary of V.A. Likhanov

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Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):24-
pages 24- views

On the threshold of Agritechnica-2009

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Аннонс международной выставки сельхозтехники «Agritechnica», организуемой Немецким сельскохозяйственным обществом (DLG), которая пройдет в Ганновере с 10 по 14 ноября 2009 г.
Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2009;76(9):56-
pages 56- views

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