Practical aspects of regulations on the design of prescription forms in healthcare practice

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Introduction. The entry into force of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1094n dated 11/24/2021, regulating the procedure for prescribing medicines (LP), the forms of prescription forms, the procedure for registration of these forms, their accounting and storage, makes the analysis of modern requirements for prescribing medicines (LP) and registration of prescription forms relevant from the point of view of the practice of their use.

Objective: to study changes in regulatory legal acts concerning the issues of registration of prescriptions by medical professionals, as well as the pharmaceutical examination of prescriptions by employees of pharmacy organizations in order to prevent violations when prescribing them and improve the quality of medical and medicinal care.

Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of regulatory legal documents regulating the circulation of medicines.

Results. The new rules concerning the procedure for prescribing drugs are considered, in particular, when providing palliative care, when discharged from hospital in case of continued outpatient treatment, when re-prescribing narcotic and psychotropic drugs, etc. Russian Russian version describes innovations related to the design of prescription forms: permission to specify the name of the drug in the recipe in both Latin and Russian languages, the possibility of issuing an electronic recipe only in Russian, the sequence of specifying information in the prescription line with an example of registration is considered.

Conclusion. Untimely informing of specialists about changes made to regulatory legal documents leads to errors in the preparation of prescriptions, which negatively affects the quality and availability of medical and medicinal care. In order to provide effective methodological assistance to medical and pharmaceutical organizations, it is necessary to develop information materials for employees of the practical.

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About the authors

Natalia Yu. Porseva

FSBEI HE «Perm State Pharmaсeutiсal Aсademy» Health Ministry of Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3396-1567

PhD in pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor, associate professor at the Department of Pharmacy Management and Economics

Russian Federation, Polevaya st., 2, Perm, 614990

Evgeny R. Kurbatov

FSBEI HE «Perm State Pharmaсeutiсal Aсademy» Health Ministry of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6426-7976

Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor, professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Russian Federation, Polevaya st., 2, Perm, 614990

Margarita N. Lazareva

FSBEI HE «Perm State Pharmaсeutiсal Aсademy» Health Ministry of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8856-6460

PhD, associate professor, head of the Department of Latin Language and Pharmaceutical Terminology

Russian Federation, Polevaya st., 2, Perm, 614990

Anna V. Soloninina

FSBEI HE «Perm State Pharmaсeutiсal Aсademy» Health Ministry of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2745-7698

Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy

Russian Federation, Polevaya st., 2, Perm, 614990

Fedor V. Sobin

FSBEI HE «Perm State Pharmaсeutiсal Aсademy» Health Ministry of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8416-6934

PhD in pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Russian Federation, Polevaya st., 2, Perm, 614990


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