Research of trends in ensuring the needs of medical organizations in enteral nutrition products

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Introduction. High importance of enteral nutrition food products (ENP) as a means of providing nutritional support to patients of various profiles, it makes it relevant to form an idea of the current state of consumption of this type of product in medical organizations of the North-Western Federal District (NWFD).

Objective: to study the state and trends of ensuring the needs of medical organizations in PET, including the sources of covering this need.

Material and methods. The sources of information were data on contracts concluded for 2016–2021, posted in the unified information system in the field of procurement, and data from the Unified Register of Certificates of State Registration of Products.

Results. In the structure of general purchases of ENP by medical organizations of the North-Western Federal District for 2016–2021, 43% were products for siping (oral) use, 20% – intended for administration through a tube, 36% – for mixed intake. Mixtures with a liquid form of release and with a standard functional purpose prevail. The share of specialized (metabolic-oriented) mixtures for the entire period under review was 30%. The growth rates of purchases of standard ENP outpaced the general dynamics of specialized mixtures, with the exception of ENP for diabetic patients and those suffering from respiratory insufficiency, which can be associated with the COVID-19 epidemic. In 2021, the volume of purchases of ENP amounted to 673.6 thousand units, twice exceeding the level of 2016. 85% of the need for ENP was met at the expense of products of foreign origin, 15% – Russian. More than a third of the supplied ENP are products of B.Braun (Germany).

Conclusion. Reducing risks while ensuring the need for nutritional support for patients within the framework of medical care necessitates overcoming import dependence in the supply of ENP.

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About the authors

Ksenia E/ Kirpikova

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU)

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3230-6413

graduate student at the Department of Medical and pharmaceutical commodity science

Russian Federation, Professor Popov str., 14, St. Petersburg, 197022

Daria S. Gritsanenko

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5359-9454

senior lecturer at the Department of Medical and pharmaceutical commodity science

Russian Federation, Professor Popov str., 14, St. Petersburg, 197022

Yulia G. Ilyinova

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU)

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9827-3653

PhD in pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor, associate professor at the Department of Medical and pharmaceutical commodity science

Russian Federation, Professor Popov str., 14, St. Petersburg, 197022

Elena O. Trofimova

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4940-9953

Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, professor at the Department of Management and economics

Russian Federation, Professor Popov str., 14, St. Petersburg, 197022


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Dynamics of the volume of purchases of ENP by medical organizations of the North-West Federal District for the period 2016–2021, thousand units

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3. Fig. 2. The volume of purchases of ENP by the regions of the North-West Federal District, thousand units

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4. Fig. 3. The structure of the volume of purchases of ENP, depending on the method of use, %

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5. Fig. 4. The volume of purchases of metabolic-oriented ENP, thousand units; а – The structure of purchases in the context of individual pathologies, б – The dynamics of purchases of ENP for patients suffering from metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus) and oncological diseases

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6. Fig. 5. Structure of the volume of purchases of ENP depending on the manufacturer, thousand units

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