Economic analysis of the dynamics of procurement of drugs based on monoclonal antibodies and biosimilars: trends and prospects

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Introduction. In recent years, in Russia there has been a tendency to increase the share of domestic biosimilars in the market of monoclonal antibodies (MA), which is associated with government support for domestic manufacturers.

Purpose of the study. The purpose of this analysis is to study the market for government procurement of drugs based on MA and its dynamics in 2018–2022. in connection with the emergence of domestic biosimilars.

Material and methods. Data from the State Register of Medicines was used to compile a list of all drugs based on MA registered from 2018 to 2022. The analysis of the Russian market was carried out on the basis of the Unified Information System (UIS) of procurement. Purchases of 68 mAb drugs were analyzed, and based on the calculation results, 10 drugs with the largest volume of purchases in monetary terms were identified.

Results. Over the five-year period, there was a significant increase in the share of purchases of domestic biosimilars, especially for the drugs Eculizumab, Bevacizumab, Trastuzumab and Rituximab. The share of purchases of domestic biosimilars reached 73% of the total purchase amount. The emergence of domestic biosimilars contributed to a decrease in purchases of imported original drugs.

Conclusion. The analysis showed that during the period under study there was a change in market shares in favor of Russian biosimilars. This trend is particularly noticeable for Eculizumab and Bevacizumab. Russian biosimilars occupied a significant market share, which contributed to a decrease in purchases of imported originals.

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About the authors

Artem Yurievich Efremov

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0971-5670

Assistant, Department of Pharmacy, Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubin

Russian Federation, Trubetskaya str., 8/2, Moscow, 119991

Alexander Mikhailovich Vlasov

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0742-1575

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry named after A.P. Arzamastsev Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubin. Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Russian Federation, Trubetskaya str., 8/2, Moscow, 119991

Dmitry Vladislavovich Chugaev

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3713-610X

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry named after A.P. Arzamastsev Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubin. Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Russian Federation, Trubetskaya str., 8/2, Moscow, 119991

Galina Vladislavovna Ramenskaya

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University)

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8779-3573

Director of the Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubin, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry named after A.P. Arzamastsev Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubin. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor.

Russian Federation, Trubetskaya str., 8/2, Moscow, 119991

Tatyana Mikhailovna Litvinova

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University)

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0820-0755

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Head of the Department of Pharmacy at the Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubin. Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Russian Federation, Trubetskaya str., 8/2, Moscow, 119991


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Leaders in terms of volume of drug purchases over a five-year period

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3. Fig. 2. Distribution of Eculizumab procurement shares

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4. Fig. 3. Distribution of Bevacizumab procurement shares

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5. Fig. 4. Distribution of Trastuzumab procurement shares

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6. Fig. 5. Distribution of Rituximab procurement shares

Download (80KB)

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