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Introduction. Scotdi pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a widespread woody plant in the Russian Federation. The pine woody greenery consisting of needles and branches are the main raw material to obtain essential oil. The elemental composition of the needles and branches can differ, which will affect the pharmacological activity of the resulting essential oil. Objective: to investigate the composition of essential oil in the Scotch pine needles and branches and to identify main components. Material and methods. The investigation objects were samples of Scotch pine greenery collected in the grass pine forest in the Ilyinsky District of the Perm Territory. Essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation of pine needles and branches using the Ginsberg apparatus. Chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis was carried out to determine the elemental composition of the essential oil. Results. The composition of essential oil in the Scotch pine needles and branches was established to differ in qualitative and quantitative terms. There were 29 and 18 components in the essential oil of Scotch pine needles and branches, respectively. The main components of essential oil were A3-karen and limonene in the pine needles and aromadendrene and A3-karen in the branches. Conclusion. A change in the ratio of needles to branches in the raw material to obtain essential oil can affect the properties of the final product, since the composition of the essential oil differs significantly in the Scotch pine needles and branches.




Anna Sumenkova

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

graduate student of the Department of Pharmacognosy with a botany course 2, Polevaya St., Perm 614990, Russian Federation

Dmitry Gulyaev

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacognosy with a course in Botany 2, Polevaya St., Perm 614990, Russian Federation

Valentina Belonogova

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy with a botany course, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor 2, Polevaya St., Perm 614990, Russian Federation

Petr Mashchenko

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

Associate Professor of the Department of Toxicological Chemistry, PhD 2, Polevaya St., Perm 614990, Russian Federation


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