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Vol 70, No 3 (2021)



Novoderezhkina E.A., Zyryanov S.K.


The paper defines the place of real world evidence (RWE) in evidence-based medicine and its role in modern healthcare by the example of psoriasis on the basis of the works published in the MedLine, PubMed, and Cochrane Library databases in 2010-2020. It considers the advantages and disadvantages of RWE studies and randomized clinical trials (RCTs). It is noted that the data of both types of studies can complement each other. In the foreseeable future, RCTs will remain necessary for the initial approval of drugs and treatments that must be initially demonstrated to be effective in the primary target group and for the primary indication in the RCTs before they can be introduced into the RWE. RWE studies will be able to more effectively identify the unresolved medical needs and molecular targets for further elaboration of therapeutic approaches, to register drugs, and to expand their range of indications. As the drawbacks in the structure of RWE studies are corrected, the importance of this method will grow in the clinical, regulatory, and economic areas of healthcare.
Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2021;70(3):5-10
pages 5-10 views


Matvienko U.A., Fomina Y.A., Shestopalova N.B., Berezutsky M.A., Durnova N.A.


Introduction. Astragalus L. is the largest genus in the legume family Fabaceae. The raw material contains saponins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, and other biologically active substances and has a wide range of biological activities. The amount of flavonoids in the herb of different Astragalus species was spectrophotometrically determined using various standard samples (SSs) of hyperoside, luteolin-7-O-glucoside. The lack of a single method for determining the total content of flavonoids complicates the comparative analysis of the examined Astragalus species. Objective: to spectrophotometrically determine the amount of flavonoids calculated with reference to rutin in four representatives of the genus Astragalus. Material and methods. The investigation objects were the herb samples of Astragalus varius, Astragalus dasyanthus, Astragalus testiculatus, and Astragalus henningii, collected in the Saratov Region in July 2020. A Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer (Japan) was used for the spectrophotometric determination and obtaining UV spectra of plant extracts. Results. The amount of flavonoids in the aboveground part of Astragalus species was comparatively determined. All the UV spectra of aqueous alcoholic extracts from the herb of the examined Astragalus species showed a bathochromic shift in the longwave band in the presence of a 2% alcohol solution of AlCl3, which suggests that flavonoids are present. Differential spectrophotometry revealed the absorption maximum in the 402-407 nm region, which confirms the feasibility of using the standard sample of rutin that has the absorption maximum at a wavelength of 412±1 nm in the spectrophotometric determination of the amount of flavonoids in the herb of Astragalus species. The total content of flavonoids calculated with reference to rutin was determined at a wavelength of 405 nm in all the examined samples. Conclusion. Astragalus testiculatus was found to contain the lowest levels of flavonoids (0.96%), Astragalus henningii had their highest content (3.30%).
Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2021;70(3):11-16
pages 11-16 views


Musaeva N.A., Farmanova N.T., Azizov I.K., Samylina I.A., Nesterova N.V.


Introduction. Amino acids, including essential ones, enter the human body in a ready-made form, i.e. with food. Therefore, the amino acid characteristics of plant products are an important indicator of their nutritional value. Indian sesame (Sesamumindicum) seeds contain a valuable complex of biologically active substances and are a source of fatty oil that can serve as an olive oil substitute. In addition to the fatty oil, the sesame seeds contain lignin, sesamin, phenolic compounds, etc. Objective: to study of the qualitative composition and quantitative content of amino acids in the Indian sesame seeds. Material and methods. The investigation object was Indian sesame seeds harvested in the Kashkadarya Region of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2018. Paper chromatography and HPLC techniques were used. Results. The Indian sesame seeds were found to contain 20 free amino acids, including eight essential ones. The amino acid complex of sesame seeds had high levels of glutamic acid, leucine, aspartic acid, and serine. The total content of amino acids in the aqueous extract from sesame seeds was 11.0099 mg/g. The quantitative content of essential amino acids was 31.76% of the amount of amino acids. Conclusion. The qualitative composition of the amino acid complex of Indian sesame seeds and the content of individual amino acids were determined
Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2021;70(3):17-20
pages 17-20 views


Saveleva E.E., Lapkina E.Z., Bulgakova N.A., Barankina T.A., Kucherenko A.M.


Introduction. Silverweed (Potentilla anserina) is found in the temperate zone around the globe, is widely distributed in Russia, contains a diverse complex of biologically active substances, such as flavonoids, tannins, triterpene saponins, and polysaccharides, and is of interest as a promising source of medicines. One of the most important stages of the design of new medicines is the development of parameters for the standardization of medicinal plant raw materials, including the investigation of anatomical and diagnostic features. It is proposed to use silverweed herb as medicinal plant raw material. Objective: to investigate the anatomical and diagnostic signs of silverweed herb. Material and methods. Silverweed herb was used for microscopic examination. Microscopic slides were prepared according to the requirements of the 14th edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. Investigations were conducted using a Micromed-2 var. 3-20 microscope. Photo fixing was performed using a Levenhuk M500 Base digital camera and Levenhuk Lite software. Results. The investigators identified the anatomical and diagnostic signs of the silverweed leaf: its epidermal cell shape; rounded stomata of the anomocytic type; simple and capitate hairs; and large druses in the leaf mesophyll. The conducting system of the petiole was found to be represented by 3-5 bicollateral conducting bundles of different sizes, of which there was the largest central conducting bundle. The structure of the silverweed flower was characterized by papillate epidermal cells and mesophyll chromatoplasts of the petal, simple hairs of the floral thalamus; oval, rounded and rounded-triangular rough pollen. The epidermal cells of the calyx lobe have a stomatal apparatus of the anomocytic type, two hair types (capitate and simple), and large druses in the mesophyll. Conclusion. The investigators have studied the anatomical structure of silverweed (leaf, petiole, and flower) and revealed the anatomical and diagnostic features that can be used to identify raw silverweed material.
Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2021;70(3):21-25
pages 21-25 views


Serebryakova A.D., Kurkin V.A.


Introduction. The representatives of the Syringa genus are valuable medicinal plants that have immunomodulatory, adaptogenic, antidepressant, and anxiolytic activities. The bark of common lilac (Syringa vulgaris) is registered as a medicinal plant raw material. The promising type of raw material is common lilac flowers that contain phenylpropanoids. Objective: to develop a procedure for quantitative determination of the amount of phenylpropanoids in the common lilac flowers. Material and methods. Common lilac flowers were investigated by direct spectrophotometry using the standard sample of chlorogenic acid. Results. The investigators defined optimal conditions for the extraction of phenylpropanoids from common lilac flowers: the extraction solvent was 60% ethyl alcohol; the raw material-to-extraction solvent ratio was 1:100; the extraction time was 45 min; the grinding degree was 1 mm. The total content of phenylpropanoids calculated with reference to chlorogenic acid in the common lilac flowers was found to range from 5.54 to 6.19%. Conclusion. A procedure has been developed to quantify the amount of phenylpropanoids in the common lilac flowers by direct spectrophotometry using the standard sample of chlorogenic acid at an analytical wavelength of 330 nm. The error of a single measurement at a 95% confidence interval is ±1.89%.
Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2021;70(3):26-30
pages 26-30 views


Sumenkova A.M., Gulyaev D.K., Belonogova V.D., Mashchenko P.S.


Introduction. Scotdi pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a widespread woody plant in the Russian Federation. The pine woody greenery consisting of needles and branches are the main raw material to obtain essential oil. The elemental composition of the needles and branches can differ, which will affect the pharmacological activity of the resulting essential oil. Objective: to investigate the composition of essential oil in the Scotch pine needles and branches and to identify main components. Material and methods. The investigation objects were samples of Scotch pine greenery collected in the grass pine forest in the Ilyinsky District of the Perm Territory. Essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation of pine needles and branches using the Ginsberg apparatus. Chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis was carried out to determine the elemental composition of the essential oil. Results. The composition of essential oil in the Scotch pine needles and branches was established to differ in qualitative and quantitative terms. There were 29 and 18 components in the essential oil of Scotch pine needles and branches, respectively. The main components of essential oil were A3-karen and limonene in the pine needles and aromadendrene and A3-karen in the branches. Conclusion. A change in the ratio of needles to branches in the raw material to obtain essential oil can affect the properties of the final product, since the composition of the essential oil differs significantly in the Scotch pine needles and branches.
Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2021;70(3):31-35
pages 31-35 views


Zabavkina A.A., Yanushevskaya Y.D., Kotova N.V.


Introduction. Drugs of natural origin, which are obtained from animal organs and tissues, are growing in popularity. In Russia, only an Arctic caribou (Rangifertarandus) meets ideal requirements to be a donor of the organs used to produce drugs that compensate for the human body with vital biologically active substances. The enzyme а-amylase is widely used in medicine. It is known that the high activity of а-amylase is observed in the pancreas of cattle. Objective: to determine the qualitative composition of amino acids in the parotid gland of an Arctic caribou and to select optimal conditions for the isolation and purification of а-amylase. Material and methods. The parotid gland of the Arctic caribou was investigated. The elemental composition was determined by gel chromatography and gel electrophoresis. The amino acid composition was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Extraction and adsorption chromatographic methods were used to isolate and purify а-amylase. Results. An isotonic solution was chosen as an optimal extraction medium for а-amylase; KU-23 was an optimal sorbent for its purification. Conclusion. The amino acid composition was determined in the parotid gland of an Arctic caribou. Optimal conditions were selected for the isolation and purification of а-amylase from the Arctic caribou parotid gland.
Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2021;70(3):36-41
pages 36-41 views


Sibireva A.D., Zheltkevich O.V.


Introduction. The strategies of drug supply to the population of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 are aimed at increasing the availability of high-quality, effective, and safe medicines. The current professional standards and good pharmacy practice guidelines require a more active and personalized interaction with consumers and a need to develop and maintain the ability of pharmaceutical workers to communicate effectively. Objective: to develop and introduce a new direction of pharmaceutical services, which is characterized by the effective professional interaction of pharmaceutical workers with consumers in order to improve the quality of drug care. Material and methods. The investigation was based on normative legal acts in health care, education; drug circulations; pharmacy organizations; questionnaires for pharmaceutical workers and consumers; and experts' questionnaire. It used methods for systematic, statistical, comparative, and logical analyses; the conceptual modeling theory; sociological methods (questionnaires and interviews), and an expert evaluation method. Results. A study of consumer satisfaction with pharmaceutical services showed its insufficient level. Weak points were identified in the interaction of pharmaceutical workers with consumers. The investigators identified the main factors that influence its effectiveness, such as the volume and quality of information used by pharmaceutical workers; the psychological personality characteristics of pharmaceutical workers; the number and characteristics of the premises in which there was an interaction with consumers of pharmaceutical services in pharmacies. The findings showed that it was necessary to expand the list of pharmaceutical services provided to the population. Guidelines were developed for the implementation and provision of information and communication services in the pharmacy organizations. Conclusion. A new direction of pharmaceutical services, such as information and communication services, has been developed. Its implementation in the work of pharmacies has resulted in a considerable increase in their customer satisfaction.
Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2021;70(3):42-49
pages 42-49 views


Taube A.A.


Introduction. Preclinical trials (PCTs) as one of the stages of the drug life cycle are conducted in accordance with good laboratory practice (GLP). GLP is a quality system that deals with the organization of the process and the conditions under which it is planned to conduct, as well as to monitor, record, and archive the results of PCTs. GLP is designed to standardize and unify all PCTs, by using standard and validated methods and procedures. The carefully controlled conditions and processes allow one to obtain results that meet the criteria for reproducibility and tracking of data acquisition. The task of regulatory authorities is to monitor (inspect) research centers (RCs) for compliance with the requirements of the GLP regulations in order to ensure the proper performance of PCTs of drug candidates. Objective: to study of the principles of monitoring the assessment of the compliance of RCs with the GLP requirements, as well as the results of these assessments by regulatory authorities. Material and methods. The materials were foreign and Russian regulatory documents, accounting documents of the Federal Health Service of Russia and the US Food and Drug Administration. The study used information and analytical methods, retrospective and content analysis. Results. The methodological approaches to regulating the RCs conducting drug PCTs in the Russian Federation were studied. The report documents on making inspections in Russia and the United States were analyzed. The number and nature of violations were investigated according to the defined criteria. Conclusion. The analysis of the regulation of RCs in the Russian Federation has shown the compliance with the formal WHO indicators for assessing the activities of national regulators in drug circulation. It has been found that in Russia there are no accreditation requirements for conducting drug PCTs. There are general accreditation requirements for laboratory activities in any field, which are confirmed for each type of activity and include methods and test objects. A laboratory can conduct PCTs within the obtained accreditation framework. The results have indicated that much more inspections are made in the Russian Federation than in the United States.
Farmaciya (Pharmacy). 2021;70(3):50-56
pages 50-56 views

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