Quantitative determination of the mangiferine in Hedysarum caucasicum M.Bieb.by HPLC method




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Introduction. The species of the genus Hedysarum L., Fabaceae family are of considerable interest from a pharmacognostic point of view. In these species, one of the main biologically active substances is xanthones, xanthone glycoside mangiferin, having pronounced antibacterial and antiviral activity, with respect to DNA-containing viruses. Due to these pharmacological properties, the search for additional raw sources of mangiferin is promising. Objective: development of a methodology for quantitative determination of mangiferin in the aerial part of Hedysarum caucasicum M. Bieb. by HPLC. Material and methods. The objects of the study were samples of the aerial part of Hedysarum caucasicum M. Bieb. collected on the territory of Kabardino-Balkary and Karachai-Cherkessya republics. Electronic spectra were recorded on Shimadzu Prominence LC-20AD liquid chromatograph, with a DGU-20A3R degasser. Mangiferin Sigma-Aldrich was used as a standard sample. The mobile phase was a mixture of buffer solution, acetonitrile and methanol in a ratio of 81:16:3. Results. The technique takes into account the basic physical and chemical properties of xanthones, is characterized by reproducibility, high accuracy, simplicity of execution, allows to carry out both screening evaluation of various raw objects containing mangiferin, as well as standardization of prepared medicinal plant raw materials. As a result, 0.13-0.15% of mangiferin was found in the aerial organs of Hedysarum caucasicum. Conclusion. The results show that there is sufficient mangiferin in the aerian part of the Hedysarum caucasicum, which makes it possible to recommend mangiferin as an additional raw material source as an antiviral agent of domestic origin.




Dzhavgarat Imachuyeva

Dagestan State Medical University

Email: djakag01@gmail.com
Assistant of the Department of Pharmacy

Fatima Serebryanaya

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of VolgGMU

Email: f.k.serebryanaya@pmedpharm.ru
Associate Professor of the Department of pharmacognozy, botany and technology of the phytopreparations

Ifrat Zilfikarov

All-Russian research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic plants; Maikop State Technological University

Email: dagfarm@mail.ru
Doctor of Science (Pharmacy), Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, main researcher of the Department of Chemical Natural Compounds; senior researcher of the department of pharmacy


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2. Fig. 1. Chromatogram of mangiferin solution

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3. Fig. 2. Chromatogram of test solution of sample 1

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4. Fig. 3. Chromatogram of test solution of sample 2

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