Technology of anti-anemic liquid extract of green lettuce leaves obtained by biostandardizations method




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Introduction. Anemia is a major public health problem worldwide, particularly affecting children under the age of eight and pregnant women. Worldwide, WHO estimates that 42% of children under the age of five and 40% of pregnant women suffer from anemia. Since almost all antianemic drugs are of synthetic origin, there is a need for antianemic herbal drugs, which makes the need for the development of antianemic drugs of natural origin relevant.

Objective: was to develop a technology for an anti-anemic liquid extract based on Lettuce leaves (lat. Lactúca sativa) by the method of biostandardization.

Material and methods. In the study on the development of liquid extract technology, the principle of biostandardization was applied, the essence of which was that in order to select the optimal technological parameters (extractant; the ratio of raw materials and extractant; the time for the onset of dynamic equilibrium), physicochemical and pharmacological methods were used, namely, the assessment of yield of extractives and pharmacological effect.

Results. Based on the results of the study, a technology was developed for an anti-anemic liquid extract based on Lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa) prepared in 20% ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1:5-10. The essence of the developed technology was to insist on soaking raw materials in a 20% aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol for 5–24 hours.

The obtained data on the study of technological parameters, based on a comparative assessment of the yield of extractives and the pharmacological effect, showed that the dynamics of the yield of extractives and the pharmacological effect are not comparable, since the antianemic effect was the highest in the extract of medium saturation and not the highest saturation with extractives.

Conclusion. The developed new liquid extract based on Lettuce leaves has a significant anti-anemic activity.




Ulugbek Ganiev

Scientific Center “Med Standart LLC”

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4086-0457


俄罗斯联邦, Yunusabad district, kv-l 19, 48, Tashkent, 100049

Bakhtiyor Imamaliev

Scientific Center “Med Standart LLC”

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7526-5105

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Senior Sientific Researcher, Head of Scientific Center

乌兹别克斯坦, Yunusabad district, kv-l 19, 48, Tashkent, 100049


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