Pathophysiologic Aspects of Soft Tissue Microcirculation in the Zone of Long Bones Pseudarthrosis

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Thirty four patients with delayed consolidating fractures and long bones pseudarthrosis and 30 healthy individuals (control group) were examined using laser Doppler flowmetry and computed thermography. It was shown that during the osteogenesis process no isolated changes in bone circulation took place but the potentialities of blood flow in the extremity segment as a whole were mobilized. Important role of bone surrounding soft tissue circulation for provision of adequate osteogenesis was confirmed. In case of pseudarthrosis formation microcirculation system, especially its nutrient part, responded «keenly» to the changes in regional metabolism and bone regeneration. That stipulated diagnostic and prognostic importance of soft tissue microhemocirculation study in the zone of pseudarthrosis. Preoperative functional examination of soft tissue circulation enabled to determine risk group for nonconsolidation ordelayed consolidation of fractures. For better result special treatment tactics can be used (osteogenesis stimulators, free vascularized autografts, etc.).

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Патофизиологические аспекты микрогемоциркуляции мягких тканей в проекции ложных суставов длинных костей


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