Surgical Treatment of Hallux Valgus with Application of External Fixation Device

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The experience in treatment of hallux valgus is presented. There were 90 patients, aged 19-77, 199 feet. Seven patients had first degree of deformity, 24 patients - second degree and 59 patients - third degree. Surgical treatment was performed in the period from 2004 to 2009. Depending on the deformity degree various types of osteotomy were applied followed by biomechanically stipulated fixation of bone fragments with small-sized rod and pin-rod external fixation devices. In all patients stable elimination of valgus deformity was achieved. Excellent long-term results were obtained in 67,5% of cases (112 feet), good results in 29,5% (45 feet) and satisfactory results in 3% (5 feet). Neither long-term failed results nor complications were observed. Advantages of surgical treatment of forefoot deformity with external fixation device are the restoration of foot anatomical shape and function in stable fixation of osteotomic fragments without limitations of active functional load on the operated foot.


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