Peculiarities of Cervical Spinal Cord Blood Supply

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The peculiarities of cervical spinal cord blood supply were studied on 34 autopsied specimens. It was detected that both a. anterior spinalis, gone away from intracerebral zone of a. vertebralis and a. anterior radiculo-medullaris approaching the a. anterior spinalis system with C2-8 radicis played an equally important role in blood supply of the cervical spinal cord. The most significant importance had C5 left and C7 right a. radiculo-medullaris, that were noted in 65% of specimens. For cervical spinal cord the branching type of blood supply was more characteristic (67,7% of cases). In that type the number of a. radiculo-medullaris ranged from 2 to 8 (mean 4,4). That peculiarity significantly increases the probability of restoration of blood circulation in injury or other pathology of a. anterior spinalis.


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