Stabilizing Potential of Modern Internal Metal Constructions for Osteosynthesis of Metadiaphysial and Diaphysial Femur Fractures (experimental study)

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Study of fixation potential of various fastening elements of modern intramedullar and external metal constructions, strength characteristics of internal fixatives at different levels of the femur as well as their stabilizing potential in metadiaphysial and diaphysial femoral fractures was performed on 39 unfixed human cadaveric femur specimens under experimental modeling conditions using universal testing machine w+b (walter + bai ag) LFV-10-T50 (Switzerland). It was shown that in metadiaphysial and diaphysial femoral fractures fixation with modern intramedullar and external metal constructions not always met the requirements of biomechanical conception of fragments' fixation. Constructions that ensure the highest fixation stability in femoral fractures at different levels were defined.


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