Outcomes of Innovative Programmed Treatment of Children with Malignant Loco-Motor System Tumors in Moscow




During the period from 2005 to 2010 forty nine patients from Moscow city aged 1 — 16 years (mean age 9.4 years) were treated for malignant tumors (MT) of loco-motor system. Localized process was diagnosed in 25 (51%) patients, IV stage of disease in 24 (49%) children. Use of adopted treatment program including intensive polychemotherapy, organ-saving surgical treatment and radiotherapy enabled to achieve optimistic results. Overall 2-years survival rate for children with loco-motor system MT made up 64.3±7.2%, i.e. 86.5±7.2% in localized and 42.6±10.5% in disseminated process.


Результаты инновационного программного лечения детей со злокачественными опухолями опорно-двигательного аппарата в городе Москве


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